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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by tbenefi33

  1. I took a short break here this weekend and finaly finished the first floor of the B block and C block of the prison.
  2. Now I know how yall fell sitting at the dest the desk a long hr's working in the choreograph is there a way to copy and past in the choreograph instead importing the same model a buch on times. I got a little ways to go but getting there .
  3. tbenefi33


    All I can say is wow and just awsome your a inspiration to us all just aswome.
  4. I'm still working on the prison sort of look like Alcatraz.
  5. That was awsome wished it snow here
  6. Was just wondering what type back ground would yall recamend for the prison set up there gonna be cell all the way down the walkway and on the other side as well. It set up simular to Alcatraz. but at 1/2 scale.
  7. I redone the jail cell I got les cp that help out a buch the copy and past was lot shorter. I made cell block, cell doors, and cell items differn't I added a gray metal to the cell door and when I brought them into the cell block it to became gray metal how do I keep it from doing that ?
  8. Hello everybody I'm working on a prison cell I got the jail cell done and I've made 4 copy of the cell when I copy all 4 at the same time it takes a long time to past them was wondering why does it take so long copy and past or do I have to copy and past a single jail cell ?
  9. My system spec dell inpiron 5150, intel p4, 1 gig of memory, 40 gig harddrive, gforce nvida card I'm using a laptop. when it rendered it took like 8 min. to go through 30 frames I should of just done the quick render insted of the movie clip render.
  10. Here is one of my finals what I learn I learned that les splines makes a model smoother model , totaly for got all about the manipulator button to adjusting the splines. Thank for the help Kenh,higginsdj,and the other who helped yall are awsome. Time to take a break from this one work on eat my dust. Sorry for the white aera in the pic for got to crop it. Just curious how come does it take so long to render a pic.
  11. Oh ok thanks I tryed painting it, I'll probley redo it and use decal patch from the skull.
  12. what hot key do you hit when you turn the manipulator on. When the manipulator on dose a box come up the has x y and z showing the location and tells the number of the cp. Oh Yah I deleted the left side and copy and pasted the right side.
  13. I selected the cp around both side of the cheek and hit the hot key o and it made it a lot smoother. Now her come the fun part painting it. I'm thinking eith decaling it or using photoshop. I'll do some search on the forum for painting see up other done.
  14. Now I'm catching on when I rendered the model its smooth on top got les control points and around the cheek area is a little ruff. Think if I take away a few cp around the cheek area and add 5 patch will help out or redo that part with less cp.
  15. I continue the splines around the check and went down to the teeth and they lined up a lot better on all views. Next I'm working on the teeth. I had a few 5 point patch in the back. Is working on the skull the same way you work on a head ?
  16. Oh ok I redone it and used the 5 patch and used continous splines that safed a lot time and a lot cleaner then the last one thanks for the info. I'm making the teeth and gums seprate.
  17. What are the hooks ?
  18. I'm working on this skull head I got at a store a while back. I made a turn table and took 4 view pic and started rotoscoping it. I was thinking of adding the little dots and lines on the model but didn't.
  19. That looks awsome.
  20. In day 201 look like keekat drew the short straw..Keep up the good work.
  21. I'll have to try that fuzzy from keekat thanks. I got the alien riged and ready to animate. I like that auto bone select that save some time.
  22. Very good video keep up the good work.
  23. awsome keep up the good work welcome to the forums.
  24. I've desided to animate the mouth decale all right but the blue part keepet getting into white part of the eye balls. I need to get 3d paint.. :-) all I have to do now is rig up the model.
  25. My mom gave me this stuffed alien along time ago I decided to draw it. I got two pics having problems with the mouth I thought about decaling it but not sure what to do shall I animate the mouth or decal the mouth, here a pic of the stuffed alien, also is there away that I can get that fuzzy look to it.
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