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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by AJS007

  1. AJS007


    I here that from some people. But the link does work. The problem is on your end. I recommend installing additional browsers like. Firefox IE8 Opera Safari try them all Try using another computer Both of these solutions have seemed to work for people in your situation. Hi Jason, Works well in Firefox , but not IE8 . All files OK except for the file '05_Ogre.zip' which is reporting a failure 'unexpected end of file' so assume that it is corrupt. Could you upload this file again ... thanks.
  2. It's not a big deal but I thought I would ask. I've just started to pick A:M up again after a while and have the OZ CD (version 13 I believe). I can update to v14a and v14b without any problems, but 14c throws me out saying the CD is incorrect. Can anyone confirm that this is normal.
  3. Firstly a huge thanks to Mark for the 2008 rig, it's got to be the easiest installation by far. Things I stumbled on but quickly resolved .. totally agree with jakerupert about the cfa. it was better to delete half the model and re-copy/flip/attach than messing with each cp that didn't get captured. Also the mirrorbones plugin ... I kept losing finger tips, toes and other stuff until I found a thread about it somewhere about the 'Left' versus 'left' (and 'Right'/'right') in the dialogue box that caught me out .. too busy comparing check boxes :-/ , but once corrected the whole lot was a breeze. Many thanks again for an awesome rig.
  4. Double posted for some reason - this post deleted ;-) Alan
  5. Hi Chris, Came across this thread by accident, thanks for the info, I was going to drop in a decal but the skydome sound better. PS. Just noticed your location .. my Daughter's studying Business at the College near you - Somewhere near Haverford West I think ? Cheers, Alan
  6. Thanks Moonshire There is a dust volumetric effect. To be within the allotted file size, the mov file I had to reduce the render. In the original that's about 260 meg, you clearly see the subtle dust plume. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hey. My brother-in-law and his friend who originally were going to use this clip as part of an entry to a Discovery Channel contest, have told me they're going to finally finish the short even though the contest is done. He and the other creator/actor in the short who has finally purchased Animation Master, is Funky Monkey. Read his post. You can see his unbiased opinion LOL. George Hi George, Thanks for the response .. I'll have a go as soon as I get some time to play ;-)
  7. My pet hates on posts are "there" used instead of "they're" and "there" mixed with "their".. as in "Pixar have there new movie out today and there showing it for free" Ggggrgrrrrrrrr ..... I had an ex girlfriend who couldn't tell the difference and I think she's still in a high paying job !!
  8. AJS007


    Don't forget the lovely 'Extra's DVD' ;-)
  9. I'm using Ulead VideoStudio to do my titles and post editing ... and it's much cheaper that the competition.
  10. Please spill the beans !!!! I want to utilise my second core ... it's feeling neglected :-(
  11. Save a little longer and upgrade your A:M to v13 for $99
  12. Hi Jeetman, I'm trying to play with something similar and was going to do it outside A:M using VideoStudio and Chromakey :-o but I'd rather learn how to do it in A:M. I understand the export to image part and I've got Animation Shop 3 (bundled with PSP9, but I think it's stopped shipping since Correl took over). How do you take the images back into A:M choreography etc. Thanks in advance. PS. I've not tried it yet .. thought I'd ask first, try second.
  13. In the end I edited the audio in Ulead VideoStudio 10 Added the movie, seperated out the audio, added my original audio and some titles .. and saved it - Not really a fix !! :-( The movie can be viewed here - http://www.cwazywabbit.co.uk/animation/movies/saythat.mpg Please feel free to tell me what the problem was ...
  14. Hi Glenn, Thanks for the link .. I was looking for the same thing ;-) I'm off to do some colouring ....
  15. Hi Folks ... I added some audio to Keekat and everything appears OK in preview (choreography). When rendered, the audio appears to have shifted over time, and finishes befor the character. After the first render I noticed the problem. My initial thoughts were based on frame count (FPS) as I've seen similar converting NTSC to PAL videos. Also, I remembered that I'd originally created the project at 24 FPS (in v11.1) and then loaded it into 2007 defaulted at 30 FPS. So I checked everything and I reset 2007 to 24 FPS in Options and in the render setup of the .mov But ... the file sizes were the same and I still have the audio finishing early. I was going to delete the sync and reset it all up but thought I'd post first. Any ideas ?? I've enclosed the rendered movie and a screen capture of the preview for comparison. Thanks in advance PS. I know there's a crease on the right wrist but I was going to fix it when I resolved the render issue. joe1.mov joescreen.mov
  16. Hi Ken, How does embedding work? - I assumed that you select >project>embedd all> choose yes and then 'save project as' ... I tried this on 'the doors stuck' so that it would sit on my hard drive, but the only the single project file appears, and no .mdl files as I would have expected ... am I doing something wrong ?
  17. Is there a guide for this plugin ? I tried to create mountains and it created a 5 x 5 grid, i had a little play of draging the CP's until I got bored and then decided to create some craters ... and guess what .. yes, a 5 x 5 grid :-o Have I missed something ? (I'm sure that this doesn't matter but the grid is different from the 'create grid' plugin.)
  18. AJS007


    Hi Mr C, The video tutorial is an excellent source, watch out for scaling in more than one axis as you will narrow the fuselage in top view (keypad 5) and see it squashed in side view (keypad 4). There is a forum for this exercise @ http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13215 The wheels get everyone confused but I've made a short tutorial that can be used to do this. Follow my web link at http://www.cwazywabbit.co.uk/animation/fw190.htm and download the wheel images and use the video link. Good luck - I enjoyed this exercise the most.
  19. I think this bit was confusing ... all the spheres can be attached to a single bone for aiming and the dilate can be managed by scaling the aperture of the middle sphere.
  20. Outstanding :-o I loved Lost in Space .. although, when I looked back at the DVD release I could never understand how Smith went from Mr. Evil in the first episodes to Mr. Wimp in season 2. Keep up the excellent work ... I might have a go at Land of the Giants ... I'd only need to use the 'scale' function ;-)
  21. Hi Rodney, I think this is where I'm supposed to say 'add me too'
  22. I've read an article somewhere where the describe making an eye by ... 1. Create a sphere 2. Copy and paste an identical sphere 3. And now paste a third sphere. 4. Scale sphere 2 so that it just fits inside sphere 1 5. Scale sphere 3 so that it fits inside sphere 2 (a bit like Russian Dolls) 6. One sphere 1, colour it white except for the front facing section that will be transparent with high reflectivity - this gives the light reflection. 7. Sphere 3 is completely black for the Iris. 8. Sphere 2 (the middle sphere) is coloured to match the eye colour i.e. Blue (although this could be a decal) and has the very centre removed to expose the inner Iris. From what I can remember, you can constraint all the spheres for movement and fit a bone / slider to dilate the Iris to provide emotion. I've read so much that I cannot remember where the explanaition came from but I think it was 'Animation:Master 2002: A Complete Guide' (http://www.amazon.com/Animation-Master-Complete-Guide-Graphics/dp/1584502363/ref=pd_bbs_sr_5/104-2582226-2461509?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1176292358&sr=8-5) You could 'borrow' an eye from another model, but by creating your own you will be able to add it to all your models knowing how to modify it for each application. Hope this helped. A.
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