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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. Perhaps we can figure this out and put it to rest once and for all. The following are more workarounds that can be used in the interim: I note that there are several places where we can turn on/off notifications in the Forum Controls (My Controls link up at the top right of the forum). Under Subscriptions: There are two options (View Topics and View Forums) Open both of these and check to see you are subscribed to be notified of anything. Remove everything if you do not wish to receive any. Under Email Settings: Send me any updates sent by the board administrator Enabling this option will add your email address to the administrators mail list and you will receive any updates sent. (Make sure this option is unchecked if you do not wish to receive forum email) Under Board Settings: Do you wish to get a board notification when you get a new personal message? (You can turn that to off and just look for the PM notification up at the top of the Forum page) Unfortunately, all these areas are clear for me but I still occasionally receive year old notifications. Please note that there are two issues here. One relates to PM messages and the other to topic subscriptions. The only thing they appear to have in common is the 'year-old' delay.
  2. Distortion cages in Poses is a great way to go. I thank you for keeping the interest going with distortion as it's helping to see not only the many options we have at our disposal but also that the occasional problem crops up... namely that sometimes if I don't immediately assign a Bone to the Distortion Cage when I go back to assign it the option to assign a bone isn't there... and cannot be found anywhere. In these cases the workaround appears to be to Save the Project, Close and Reopen. The Bone Assignment option will then show up again. If I can consistently repeat this I'll put together a report on it.
  3. Keep on hammering! Problems are so very frustrating but when they are fixed... ah.... life is so good.
  4. If its okay with you I'm going to use you as a resource for spotting things that don't work. You seem to hit them all so given time we should be able to resolve all the world's problems. I checked your profile and you should be able to attach files NOW... whereas before you could not. Sorry about that!
  5. I'm definitely looking forward to that video. And that makes this all the more impressive!
  6. I'm running out of superlatives... so I'll stick with 'outstanding work'! As always I'm curious about your process (i.e. I assume you are using reference). Very impressive.
  7. Yeah, there's a glitch somewhere. Interestingly the notifications seem to be coming from a few select people.
  8. It's hard to say without having more information. The first thing I would do would be to Import the model into a current Model versus import/open into A:M. A:M often knows what to fix but only if it is cued to interpret. I've 'fixed' a few really old models in this way. The second thing I would do is look inside the textfile to see if anything obvious stands out. If you can fix it there then you can save yourself a lot of work. (This should be step one but... that first method works pretty well) If you think its worth the time you can resave the model in steps and that incremental upgrading of the file can fix a lot of little things that otherwise wouldn't work. Rationale: Sometimes cumulative changes can break things that would otherwise work. Methodology: - Install an earlier release of A:M circa v11 and test the saved model (if it doesn't work there then you've got other issues with the model) - Install v12 or later release to ensure the updated format is utilized (save and test) - (alternatively... because this is available to anyone subscribed to v18) Install and activate v13 (or whatever websubscription version thereafter closest to the version you need) - (if this works... test in v18, if it still fails in v18...) Install and activate a release from a few versions later (i.e. v15) - Assuming the model works in any of these releases try it in the latest version (if it still doesn't work go back and try a few releases earlier) As an animator you might appreciate this. Basically you are triangulating the solution by choosing one extreme then another and then inbetweening to narrow down from all possibilities where the breakdown should be. Some other alternatives: - Contact William Eggington - Share the model with a highly skilled person who is likely to be able to fix - Rerig the character
  9. Sorry to hear you are having problems David. Terrain Wiz is working here.
  10. Nope. The new server should (theoretically) fix the glitch however. In the meantime you could purge your forum profile of all topic subscriptions. That seems to be the only thing that 'fixes' it. This includes even the topics you'd swear you didn't sign up to receive notifications in the first place. When we finally make the move to the new server it is hoped that these old settings that no one can find will disappear. Added: In most of the notifications there is this note:
  11. It takes time to build perfection. Think positive. Very likely. This is all assuming we aren't just overlooking the avatar button.
  12. That's only because it IS. No customizations have been added to the skin of the new forum and what we are seeing there is the default that comes with the IPB board. This is what Jason refers to when he says: Assuming that is desired, yes. Don't be too quick to fix things that aren't yet broken. There are custom links folks have setup that reference the old forum that don't work on the new because the new servers url is 'http://optimus.hash.com/forums/'. When this goes 'live' with the correct url the old links should work. (The old forum and new forum can't both be active via the same url) Edit: In the interim BUT NOT IN THE LONG TERM, if you change the url to state 'optimum' rather than 'www' I believe the link to your tutorials works: Test Test Note that you'd have to be logged into the new forum for this link to work and I don't think we can be logged into both forums simultaneously.
  13. Looking very good Dan. My first instinct was to think... Tech is looking a bit girly (in the torso) and Lacy is looking a bit masculine (in the face). A lot of this may be due to the angle (more of a straight on shot toward the camera/viewer). How can I best demonstrate this beyond a draw over of your render? Hmmm... not sure. Don't throw things at me... that was just my first impression! That aside here's something else that came to mind: It seems to me that Tech's head is a bit small. That or Lacey's is too large? I'm leaning toward the former. All of this is not to say that the image (as is) isn't working. In fact that look may be preferred. Keep up the great work Dan!
  14. I can't speak for Jason but the newer software definitely allows for that... and... this moves ensures even better things are to come. As an minor example; the new software sets us up for success with mobile users as the older software didn't have skins optimized for that experience. As for the banner (and mobile users) there is no reason why we can't generate a few alternative skins and forum members could choose which one they want to use. Unlike the moves (server decommissions?) of the past things are looking good on this end. While not universally true many of the dead links of old were to external sites whereas current links/attachments tend to be to content stored on the Hash server. As such the likelyhood of content persisting is very good (from my perspective and given the data is already linked and demonstrably working on the new server I'd say at above the 95th percentile). Of course care should be taken to spot resources effected in that last 5% too! Perhaps like a bug hunt we can try to search out and fix those older missing links too (the data may just be unlinked and still be there on the server) Transfer of data is always a concern and there is a legacy to preserve but... I'm a bit more concerned with looking beyond that and working with Jason to leverage our communities accumulated data/information so that it doesn't just sit idly in an archive but is primed to be repurposed and put to good use. I'm not sure what form that might take but the information can be used to improve the Wiki/FAQ, create a new Extra DVD or something our community has not dreamed up yet. I'm excited about this update.
  15. Awesomely awesome news!
  16. Thanks Jason, that will give me ample time to put a Sci Fi project together as well.
  17. My kind of short film... [vimeo]93537717[/vimeo] Direct Link to Vimeo video This is Toniko Pantoja’s fourth year project at Cal Arts. See more via Toniko's blog. His first year film is impressive as well: Link
  18. I'm not seeing any of this strangeness BUT I'm operating on Win 8.1 with non-nVidea graphics card. I think you'll have to open a new report because those designated solved probably don't allow you to add/edit. Reference the old report where appropriate.
  19. Happy Birthday Jeffrey! Hope you are soon in top shape again soon. We miss you!
  20. Perhaps the two entries could receive something for taking the time to enter. Those of us that didn't enter wouldn't need to know what that something was. Folks' schedules appeared to be full this time around with school (finals!) and other project deadlines.
  21. Happy Birthday! (and many thanks for helping to make A:M what it is today!)
  22. Here's a video that is making the rounds. There is nothing particularly new represented here but it's a very nice and concise (even entertaining) look at the 12 principles of animation as outlined in Johnston and Thomas's book 'Disney's Illusion of Life. [vimeo]93206523[/vimeo] Direct link to video on Vimeo Note that at the end of the video there is a link to a tumblr site that doesn't appear to work. The correct address (that links to a webpage where each of the principles/examples is separated) is: http://the12principles.tumblr.com/
  23. I had some success with this but it wasn't a straightforward approach. In the end I decided to forego the Flatten/Pose method and either: 1. Simply Snapshot and reapply it in the Modeling window allowing for any difference in the application of the SnapShot onto the unflattened model. 2. Flatten the model in the Z axis of the Model itself and then expand it back after applying the snapshot. Note: Scaling to 1 on the Z axis works well but returning the model to its original scale isn't as simple as typing 100% back into the z scale. Also, I believe this scaling has to happen in a New Group as it might not work in the model itself. I'll have to refresh my memory here but to answer your question... no, the Apply Snapshot option does not appear in the Right Click menu in the Pose window to allow us to reapply the Snapshot.
  24. One occassionally wonders what might have been... or ebon... Happy Birthday Mike! (Best of luckbat on your current endeavors)
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