What I find interesting / scary: What will all those people do in future?
Close to everything is sooner or later possible to be generated by AIs. That means highly qualified, life long learners will no longer be needed to produce art or entertainment (or sooner or later anything else).
So we do no longer need hundreds of people to produce a movie in SoundDesign, FX work, Art Design, etc. but maybe 10. Where do the others go?
And what happens if 99/100 persons are no longer needed? We know what happens to many teenagers if they do not get an aim to strive for anymore.
The way it was before was, that people who were producing a chair by hand moved the a factory to produce the chair in larger quantities. (a worse, less paid job)
People can become inventors or engineers but how many do you really need of the "higher level" / "higher education level" people? Less than the once below the higher you go.
Let's assume this:
A company has 1 CEO, 5 directors, 20 managers, 500 workers.
What should become of them in the end?
526 CEOs?
"We are just getting more movies..." > yeah... but how many can you watch? I think we already have pretty much enough of them (YT, TikTok, series, cinema) and it will be MANY more in future. And if everybody is watching a different one... how should any movie maker make enough money to live from it? Or in the end: Anybody?
Best regards