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What a great Whoofer!


As for crits, some variation in the fur color would be nice.

The hair on his feet seems a little long to me.


Thats about it.

He is a really cool looking dog.




Yes his fur seems too bright and not enough variety. Also, his brows could be groomed. Apart from that, it's shaping up to be one of the better AM hair examples so far!




Ignore those two previous posts about uniformity and hair color! That's exactly what a white haired dog bathed in orange jello looks like! Just ask my kids!


(No animals were harmed in the creation of this post)


Ha ha, yes he is a bit orange. I rendered the image on my laptop - I really should calibrate the monitor properly. As soon as I loaded the image to my desktop for posting I realised the colours were way off.


I`m going to adjust the colour variation on the hair and give him a bit of a trim around the toes.


Thanks for the comments.




Try playing around with the lighting. Maybe a few low intensity lights as of now the fur looks pretty washed out. I think giving the fur it's own lighting will improve render quality dramatically. I noticed this when I was working with one of Jim talbolts models. When I tried lighting fur along with rest of model it looked all washed out and bright.

I think giving the fur it's own lighting will improve render quality dramatically. I noticed this when I was working with one of Jim talbolts models. When I tried lighting fur along with rest of model it looked all washed out and bright.

How do you light the fur separately? (Sorry if this is a simple question; I don't have v11 yet.)


Nice looking pooch. Seems like he should have some fur on his ears and probably tail too. Great personality coming through.




Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I`ve acted on most of them and adjusted lighting / fur on feet / added fur to tail and ears / more colour variation to fur.



Hi Dalemation!


Your little guy is getting really good. I prefer the

colors you are using now, because we are now more attracted

by his eyes and face which shows lots of personality, actually

the look of innocence we expect from a puppy. Have you tried

to animate a 4legged character before?


Very nice fur overall! The only little thing i would see, just

my opinion, the hair seems too curly on the edges of the ears.


Very good work!


Hi Animus,


I think the fur is a bit strange on his ears too. I only had chance to have a quick go on the character last night. I will probably post another image tomorrow night.


He is looking something like I imagined now and the pre fur version (which I originally was quite happy with ) now looks very naked! :D


I`ve animated four legged characters in 2D and stop-motion, and always found it quite difficult, but I`ve not done this on computer before.

The rigging should be interesting too.




Looks great! :) I think he's too shiny though making him look more CG. There seems to be a shadow along the side of his ear making it less hair-like. Also, his hair should be slightly longer for a shaggy dog. There's no pleasing everyone! :lol:

Oh and how long did that take to render?

Also, his hair should be slightly longer for a shaggy dog. There's no pleasing everyone!



Hi Ken,


I decided to make his fur a bit shorter but I may change my mind again! These are taking around 4 mins to render on my 1.8Gig HP Laptop.


I did a render using a skylight rig but got some really weird results. Streaks appeared from the fur in places. I`ve used this before so I think I`m setting everything up correctly.


I`ve now gone back to experimenting with normal lighting but, in my attempts to rid the model of the heavy evebrow shadow, have overlit the face a little on this render. I`m going to concentrate on rigging now.


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Very nice and a great addition to the collection of examples of what can be done with A:M hair!


Can hardly wait to see him animated! :)


I was going to suggest claws too :)

The fur looks good now. I don't know if it's just AMs hair, but there doesn't seem to be shadows mixed within the fur. It seems to lack definition. I'll have to experiment with hair myself soon!

Keep us updated! :)


Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I hadn`t added claws, even though I thought he looked to be missing them, as not many cartoon dogs seem to have them. However, that`s probably more to do with the tedium of having to constantly re draw them in 2d. So, I think you`re probably right and I will try claws :)


I`m doing about 10 A:M related things at the same time at the moment but I do intend to attempt some animation with the dog in the next couple of weeks and will keep you updated.


Thanks again.



  • 3 months later...
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I've gotta bump this up as I don't remember seeing any other updates or reports on your further experience with v11 hair and your pooch.


I know you are busy but curious minds what to know! :)





Hi Rodney, I must admit to being very surprised to see this return. I haven`t done much more to the dog apart from a few tweaks. I`m working (at this very moment) on modeling the other characters for this film.


I decided to wait, after Setup Machine 2 was announced, and use it for rigging before I decide if I`m going to rig them with that or some other means.


Thanks for your interest, I`m very touched actually, and I will keep you posted :)



  • 2 weeks later...

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