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  • Hash Fellow

I'd prefer to stay with Windows 7 but the end of security updates in a  few weeks means it's time to move on.

Although MS doesn't promote it anymore, you can still upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 free.

Here's how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade

I'm sure it's not an accident that they still allow it, not after all the attention this ZDnet article has gotten.


Of course it is possible that some programs you have used on Windows 7 will not work on Windows 10.  For now, i am keeping one of my computers on Windows 7 because of that since this upgrade seems not to be reversible.

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i' upgraded earlier and the only problem I've had was all the updates  that came after the initial  major  update. The last one  installed then said it could not update some  program (not named) and then uninstalled itself. Last night   I checked and it said I was up to date 


I updated a new (well new to me) laptop on Christmas day from 7 to 10 using the upgrade path and it didn't ask for any new activation code. It might do if you try doing a clean install though.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Quick note about upgrading older hardware. Some of it might not be compatible with windows 10. 

That laptop I mentioned has an older AMD graphics card that Win10 simply won't detect so have to use the intel onboard graphics and the same goes for the bluetooth card. Even after installing drivers in compatibility mode windows 10 doesn't want to know.


Been trying to update  windows 10  all weekend   without success     cannot configure some windows components error


5 hours ago, Wildsided said:

Quick note about upgrading older hardware. Some of it might not be compatible with windows 10. 

That laptop I mentioned has an older AMD graphics card that Win10 simply won't detect so have to use the intel onboard graphics and the same goes for the bluetooth card. Even after installing drivers in compatibility mode windows 10 doesn't want to know.

Interesting... which GPU are you running there? Is it still supported by AMD?

Best regards

57 minutes ago, Fuchur said:

Interesting... which GPU are you running there? Is it still supported by AMD?

Best regards

It's Mobility Radeon HD 5450 in an HP Touchsmart TM2. It doesn't show up in device manager and the last driver available for it on HP's Support Page is dated 2010. I checked AMD's site and found what is listed as a Win10 driver and tried to install it but it fails during install.

  • Hash Fellow

and tried to install it but it fails during install.

When you run the installer does it start but then stop with no message even?


It detects system and graphics hardware, then detects basic sytem configuration and components. Then it attempts to install Catalyst install manager and throws and error saying Application install:Install Package failure. Then tells me failures occurred during installation and I have to click Finish. 

  • *A:M User*

Amd dropped support for Win 10 and the 5450.  I believe the lowest gpu is the 6450 for support in win 10.  I have a 6950 and the catalyst driver crashes.  so I pulled the card and got a nvidia low end card.  I know its a laptop so there is no pulling the gpu.  Some folks found drivers by individual support groups.  You might have to check there.



  • Hash Fellow
11 hours ago, johnl3d said:

Been trying to update  windows 10  all weekend   without success     cannot configure some windows components error


John, can you tell us more about what your hardware is that you are updating?


been trying to update my windows 10  computer and get the cannot configure message and  judging from what I see online I am not alone...been working on that trying  suggesed fixes with no luck.     Have a few more things to try and thinking I may just need to upgrade  with a new computer

2 hours ago, Shelton said:

Amd dropped support for Win 10 and the 5450.  I believe the lowest gpu is the 6450 for support in win 10.  I have a 6950 and the catalyst driver crashes.  so I pulled the card and got a nvidia low end card.  I know its a laptop so there is no pulling the gpu.  Some folks found drivers by individual support groups.  You might have to check there.



Cheers for the clarification Steve. I didn't buy the laptop to do any heavy lifting on. If anything I got it for the wacom touchscreen for drawing with photoshop.

I just wanted to share the experience with the forum in case anyone is upgrading older hardware. If I desperately wanted to use the GPU I suppose I could make a separate partition on the hdd, install Windows 7 on it and just keep off the Internet.

  • Hash Fellow

But they do indeed have a windows 10 driver for it on their site. That is very odd.

Does the laptop work at all in Windows 10 without the driver?


Yeah it upgraded to Windows 10 without any issues (I'm replying on it right now) it just can't detect the dedicated gpu and has to use the Intel HD graphics adapter. 


You really do not need it... if you want to use the Tiles (which are nice if they are Life tiles with additional fast to access data)  just right-click on them and get rid of them one after another... after that it is close to W7 again.

But you will start to like it... W7 is nice, but there are a couple of nice features in W10 too... it depends. I would not go back again after I have set W10 the way I wanted it. You will get acustomed after a while... ;).

The only thing that really is bad is the search... it really is worse then before.

Best regards

  • Hash Fellow

So what are the nice features in Windows 10 that I can't live without?

I haven't found one yet.


There are a couple... some might not be useful for you, others are pretty much to everybody if you ask me:

- "Virtual desktops" for different working styles with different programs and of cause you can reaccess stuff very easily with the timeline feature (if activated).
=> press and hold windows + tab to see the timeline and the menu to create other desktops.

- for me personally one of the best things is of cause the Mixed Reality Center which enables VR for Windows natively if you own such a headset.
=> if you connect a Mixed Reality Headset you can use VR in the easiest way possible... it just gets started and you are in the VR-Windows home without even one click. Of cause you need to have a MXR headset for that and not everybody like VR, but for me it is very nice.

- the action center is pretty nice too... it is just more advanced then anything of that kind we had before.
=> button next to the clock on the lower right of the screen which is intelligent too... for instance any alerts/toast message are suspended if you are for instance in a game, etc.

- Snap assist is great to move windows around and snap them next to each other in predefined sizes...
=> press Windows-Button and the Arrow keys to reposition a window in a specific place... especially useful for twin-program use on a single screen system or multiple window position on multiple screen systems. You can do that with the mouse too (move the window with the mouse to different borders of your screen... but I am more of the keyboard guy there...)

- Microsoft Store and UWP apps....
=> this one isn't extremly used by most people, but the sandbox all the UWP apps/store apps are in (very secure) and the clean uninstalling and reinstalling (no UWP app will alter the registery or leave anything behind on your computer after uninstalling) is very nice and pretty secure.

- Clipboard / Copy&Paste-feature with a timeline... so you can copy and access not only one thing but several and reaccess copied stuff again later.
=> press Windows + V.

- If you are gaming: Many games are no longer supporting Windows 7 partly for DirectX 12 and partly for DVR reasons.

- a new snipping tool built in with more features is on the way.. pretty nice one too.

And there are a lot of other smaller changes... some are pretty great (explorer allows to set up very often used settings like visual extensions and hidden files very quickly and not in a very long menu, even so that one is still there), some are not (settings menu... for now I still often prefer the old system menu and some things have to be switch there anyway... but if you are not that experienced you can not do harm to you computer with the settings menu, so it is maybe a plus there for inexperienced users...)

Best regars

  • Hash Fellow

Thanks, Gerald. I'll keep an eye out for those.


How do i stop Windows 10 from launching a program because I have SHIFT or CTRL clicked on one of its files?

For example, if I CTRL-select an A:M PRJ and a folder of decals that go with it to send them all to one ZIP file, A:M gets launched.

It must be some "Accessibility" setting but I can't find a relevant one.

  • Hash Fellow

I notice that in Windows 10 I can run 4 NetRender nodes on this 4 core machine and not need to use the Task Manager to set one to "Below normal" priority to keep the windows interface from slowing down.

And it turns out that option is gone from the Windows 10 Task Manager anyway. :rolleyes:


It is still there if you want to... go to "Details" and not the "Process" tab.
But if you do not need it anymore: Even better :).

Best regards

  • Hash Fellow

I finally got the installers for Photoshop 6 and Freehand 9 to run. I had to do them in "Windows ME" Compatibility.



Does anyone know how to get back the classic 3D edge of the windows where the upper left is highlighted and the  lower right is unlighted?

  • Hash Fellow

 How do I stop Windows 10 from resizing windows when i drag them to another monitor?

Online advice says to turn off "Snap" but that didn't solve it.

On 1/28/2020 at 7:02 PM, robcat2075 said:

So what are the nice features in Windows 10 that I can't live without?

I haven't found one yet.

My favorite is Airplane Mode. What would we do without that option on a desktop?

Also love the fact you can no longer search custom date ranges and to access basic date range you have to type in *.* in the search field to bring up the search options. Lastly my other favorite new feature is you can no longer selectively chose what gets updates so if you have an older video card that runs like @$$ with latest drivers it's tough luck. Yes that is on Win 10 Pro.


Actually you can search for custom date ranges...
1.) Search for what you want (for instance *.* if it needs to be everything)

2.) Go to the search options. Then select one of the default ranges like "last week".

3.) After that click on the blue info in the search bar (like "change date: this week").

4.) Select the range you want in the date selector. Drag your mouse or hold shift and select start and end afterwards.

Airplane Mode > This can be useful if you are not sure about a software and if it will transfer unwanted data to the internet for instance. But yes, it is less interesting for a desktop than for a laptop or tablet.

Best regards


Does not work on my laptop at all, can only access the options in the calendar date drop down. Used to be able to do that prior to the last updates.

I think that Windows programmers are dumbing down the systems so much they become cumbersome to get anything done. Sad day when the OS get's in the way of production. I would go back to Mac if their OS updates didn't nerf every program I purchase on such a consistent basis. Too bad Unix and Linux are so limted when it comes to programs written for them and driver support on harware is pretty poor.

  • Hash Fellow

Airplane mode doesn't even show up. I presume that is because my desktop has no wireless device in it.

On 2/9/2020 at 3:14 PM, robcat2075 said:

 How do I stop Windows 10 from resizing windows when i drag them to another monitor?

Online advice says to turn off "Snap" but that didn't solve it.

It turns out this was because I had set windows "scale" to 150% hoping that would make desktop labels larger but it appeared to have no effect. However it was doing that on my other monitor and when i dragged something to that other monitor... it got bigger.

A:M scaled looked kind of blurry.

  • Hash Fellow
On 2/8/2020 at 11:05 PM, robcat2075 said:

I finally got the installers for Photoshop 6 and Freehand 9 to run. I had to do them in "Windows ME" Compatibility.

I should also note that to make those work, I copied the contents of the installer CD to my hard drive. That probably made the difference since I suspect you can't set a compatibility mode property for a file that is on a non-writeable CD.

  • Hash Fellow


I'm trying to disable the CapsLock Key by editing the registry but I can't edit this value. The cursor is unmoveable when i open this editing box.

Can anyone else edit in Regedit? (I did run it as Administrator)



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

I found what I was doing wrong. I was trying to change the 00000000 to be just 4 digits like in screencaps I had seen on the web.

You can't change that. Just start typing the hex numbers like this to disable the Capslock Key...


  • Hash Fellow

I want to take the SATA SSD from my old Windows 7 computer and use it in my new Windows 10 computer.

I want to put an IDE HDD back in the old Windows 7 computer.

I can clone the SSD to the HDD and they appear to be identical in contents and partitions, but the computer won't boot off the HDD, even when it is the only drive attached and even though it is the very same HDD that ran the computer before I swapped in the SSD.

What is wrong?

The BIOS settings have no distinction between booting off an SSD or HDD or SATA or IDE


The boot table may be different or your partions are not active, etc.
You need to use a tool that is specifically made for cloning whole drives.

For instance clonezilla should be able to do what you want.

Best regards

  • Hash Fellow

It was definitely cloned as cloned can be with cloning software that does cloning stuff.

But I got it to work now with a SATA drive instead.

I still don't know why the IDE wouldn't work. :dontknow:


Is there a legacy option in your bios boot order?
Many UEFIs might not work with an IDE drive.

Best regards

  • 1 month later...
  • Hash Fellow

Does Windows 10 no longer allow you to record from the Windows audio output?

Neither my tuning apps nor screencams nor audio recorders can hears the regular Windows sound that goes to speakers.


In general you should be able to do that still.

1.) Go to your System control panel (the old one is the easiest)
2.) Go to "Sound".
3.) Go to "Record".
4.) Have a look if you can see something like "Stereomix" which typically is deactivated by default.
5.) RMB on it and click on Activate.
6.) Restart your recording software and you should be able to select it again, if you can do that in that software. (Audacity for instance is able to be used that way if you need something to test it with.

Does that help already?

Best regards


  • Hash Fellow
5 hours ago, Fuchur said:

In general you should be able to do that still.


4.) Have a look if you can see something like "Stereomix" which typically is deactivated by default.


It seems there is no Stereomix like there was on Windows 7



And it is set to show disabled devices...





After looking on the web it seems this functionality has been removed from current audio drivers for Windows 10.

However, I was able to find an old audio driver for this computer on Dell's website and installed that. Now "Stereo Mix" appears as an option for recording. :yay:

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