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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hello Animation Master..,


recently I formatted my computer again,

I'm on WinXP,

remembered my last win_host_id.zip I received from you,

started the procedure and ended up in a corrupted zip file.


No, it's the last winzip,so that's not the problem.


So I sended an email to the same person I did two years ago,

yes, my archive is OK,

and was backdated to the question who I am?

Which program do I use, what's the serienumber, do I have a license?


I'm sorry for the trouble I cause, but my simpel question is,

Could you please be so kind to send me a new win_host_id.zip file so I can return it to you for a lick.file.
I know my email adress is changed, due to another provider,
but is it worth that much saftycare to get access to my own program?








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HI Madfox,


you can use the host-id-tool downloadable on the trial request page to get your host-id again.

And the easiest way to proove you are an owner of the software is too redirect the email you received with your subscription information in it or go to the hash webshop, login, have a look at the order history and give your name, order-nr and the date when you bought it.

I'd say that should be enough to varify you. Otherwise, the host id (if it has not changed) should be enough too, but you never know if it still is the same as before.


See you



point is I have a new email adress so I can't log in on the website.

I'll try the email again although it bounced back just because of this.




So you lost your recipe, do not have access to your original email account (not even using a web interface or something?) and you lost your password for the Hash webshop?


did you change your computer configuration since you bought the software (this would have changed the host id too and that would make it all very hard since Hash could not verify that you are really the person who bought that before...)? if you need a new one it is likly that you have right?


what would you suggest to use for verification for Hash to be sure that there is not just someone with an equal name or even just someone who knows your name who wants to use your software licence you paid for without permission?


See you


  • 2 months later...
Guest Bill Benham

the Answers you are providing are not working for me, my situation is that some of my hardware crashed and the system is gone completely, I have moved over to a laptop ried installing and i get the activated to another system after I type in the activation code.

I can correctly log-in on the website and view things but there seems to be an issue trying to reset the activation.

its a weekend and I can't email you your email form is not working and there is no phone number to contact you at.


I love the program but if this is the best for customer service that I can get then I probably will not renew and since I have only had the soft ware since January I will want my money back, if I can not get the service along with it.


I do not jump through hoops or chase my tail to get SHIT done.

you provide a product so please provide a better proctection where I can deal with the issue without waiting for days to fix things.


btw the antispam thing is a useless pain in the ass, you are making it hard to get customer support.


tempers rising and you do not want that.


the Answers you are providing are not working for me, my situation is that some of my hardware crashed and the system is gone completely, I have moved over to a laptop ried installing and i get the activated to another system after I type in the activation code.

I can correctly log-in on the website and view things but there seems to be an issue trying to reset the activation.

its a weekend and I can't email you your email form is not working and there is no phone number to contact you at.


I love the program but if this is the best for customer service that I can get then I probably will not renew and since I have only had the soft ware since January I will want my money back, if I can not get the service along with it.


I do not jump through hoops or chase my tail to get SHIT done.

you provide a product so please provide a better proctection where I can deal with the issue without waiting for days to fix things.


What you seem to be failing miserably to understand is that the vast majority of the forum users here have nothing to do with Hash itself and are trying to help you out of the kindness of their own hearts. It even says "community" forum in the bottom corner of the screen. Swearing at us and making passive aggressive threats isn't going to get your problem resolved any faster.


As he said... I am not connected legally to Hash Inc. I am not employed by Hash. I am just trying to help and the help I can offer is very limited.


Hash provides an email-address and a contact form (which did not work at the moment... must be some problem with the last server update... when I last checked, it did work. I corrected that problem and it should work again. Sorry for the trouble there. That was really unhelpful and I understand, that that is not helping to get things fixed or lowering the frustation level... thanks for letting us know about that problem anyway :) and as I said, it should work now).


You still could have tried to send an email to this address, which is available on the support-page of the website too:




I do not jump through hoops or chase my tail to get SHIT done.

you provide a product so please provide a better proctection where I can deal with the issue without waiting for days to fix things.


Is there a reason why you are writing a little unpolitly here? Any deadline or stuff like that?

What I read from the post is, that you had a problem with your hardware...


Hash will help you in that case, but A:M was not the reason your computer died (right?) and like that it is not Hash who should be blamed here at all.

As it is written all over the place (in the shop, on the website, in several forum posts) the subscription is bound to one computer. Like that the subscription does not work with another computer.

No one has told you, that you can easily exchange the licence with another computer anywhere, or am I wrong?


Nevertheless Hash will help you to transfer the licence to another computer if your request is valid, but I did not read that Hash claims to have 24/7 support anywhere. Not even for money.

I am sure that after the weekend Hash will help you as soon as they can. It is unfortunately the case, that the people at Hash only work on working days. There is nothing I can do to change that and it is their right to do it that way, since they do not claim anything else anywhere.


See you



No old mail acount access. Old computer broke down. Formated HD with all on it. Lic zip file corrupted. Everything happend at once, eh?

But at least you had to pay your subscription, and by that you should have at least some sort of proof that you purchased AM.


Besides, working for another 3D software manufacturer, which is considerably larger than Hash, I can assure you that the support

hash provides is good.




  • 2 months later...

After formatting my computer I get back into the same identification trouble I had before.

I had one time to fill in the authorization code and expecting it is a websubscription I left the part open,

the program now keeps bouncing over the same window and ends in a failure.


I can keep starting up and deleting the program, but nothing changes.

How come this authorization has become so wicked?


The first pix shows the authorizathion window I can't touch anymore.

The second is the porgram aborting after install.




I'd say that is just an installation error somehow. Sometimes something goes wrong with installation of software and this maybe such a time.

To solve that:

First have a look at the installation folder of A:M to see if there is a master0.lic-file in the installation-folder. If there is, copy that to somewhere else to have it as a backup.


Now uninstall A:M again and reinstall it. While you are installing the serial should just be left as it is. Web Subscription is fine there. This is not the place, where you will be asked about an activation code or serial anymore.

(but I'll ask if we can get rid of that field. It is a little misunderstandable... by the way are you sure you want to use v16 instead of v18? If your subscription is valid and you are not using the neverending version of A:M, you can run v18 with it too).


You will be asked for the activation-code when you start A:M for the first time and it may work to put in your activation code then, but I doubt it. (depends on hardware and OS, as far as I know... but I am not sure)


Hope that helps. If not let us know about it... we'll try to help.


See you



Thanks for your answer, Fuchur.


I did just as you said, installed am16.0, got the same error.

Deleted the file again, put the maste.lic file in the empty Hash/v16.0 directory.

Installed again, got the same error.


I'm glad you make me believe I can upgrade to version 18,

but in fact I can only upgrade once from v16.c to v17.

If you can manage to do so I would be very pleased.


For now, I can't even install.

AMv11.0 is no problem.


Hm, I hope it is not a problem with XP... I do no longer have that system (too unsave today) but it would be possible.


Anyway: Was there something like a "Run As Admin"-Command on XP? Maybe that helps.

Which version of XP are you using there? Is it Windows XP SP3? (otherwise it is even less save and it could be a problem too).


See you



PS: I could over you to have a look at the system using teamviewer, if you like. Maybe we can figure it out that way. Since you are from Netherlands we are in the same time zone and that would not be a bigger problem. Let me know tomorrow if you want to do that and we can have a look at it. My email address is werbung(-at)patchwork3d.de.


I recently formatted my disk, installed the program again.

Came to the subscribe page, didn't fill in the serial code, but left it websubscription.


Everytime I unstall or install the programm it passes that page, so I can't fill in.

Then I get the error the configuration file is wrong.


Yes, I have the lick file.

Should I jump into searching my registerfile to get rid of the last registerkeys that corrupt my attempts to use the serial number?


My god, these security rules realy break me up.

I think I just keep using my AMv11.0 disk and leave internet.

  • Admin
Came to the subscribe page, didn't fill in the serial code, but left it websubscription.


I'm sorry but this sentence makes no sense to me.


What subscription page are you looking at?


Installation should be as easy as:

1) Download and install program

2) Start program and enter activation code when prompted


When a significant change occurs (usually hardware related... not software such as reformatting a harddrive) an updated activation code will usually be needed.

You can contact Hash Inc for this activation code (launch an email at 'jason at hash .com' (properly formatted) and he'll send a new code.

Note that in order to generate a code he'll need something from you so you can send that information in your email.

The info is needed cab be obtained by downloading the program here:




While the website is for trial users the program is the same and will generate the machine ID needed to generate your activation code.

Once Jason has this machine ID he can generate a new activation code and sent it to you. (Fuchur/gerald can assist here too).


Should I jump into searching my registerfile to get rid of the last registerkeys that corrupt my attempts to use the serial number?


No. Do not make an easy task hard.


As Nancy suggests, on really old systems you likely will not be able to install and run the 64bit versions so make sure you download and install the 32bit release.


BUT BEFORE trying anything else you should try the basic steps first:

1) Download and install A:M (try the 32 bit release first. Once it is working your can try the 64 bit release too to see if that also works... both can run at the same time)

2) (You previously had an activation code) Enter the activation code when prompted


Some additional info:

You do not need to have the license file in the A:M folder as a new one will be generated upon installation. Copy/pasting a bad/expired license into the folder will not work.

Try the simple method first. Moving/copying a *curent/unexpired license file to this folder is simply an easy way to forego the process of entering/reentering an activation code on a computer you've already activated A:M on... assuming the software has been previously activated with that code. If it hasn't been activated or is expired then the subscription will not work.


Yes, I have the lick file.


You have a license file but that means very little if its a bad license file or if it is expired.

I say... throw this in the trash can and locate your activation code. That is what is important.

Once A:M is installed, a proper activation code is all you need to make A:M work.

Activating A:M will generate a new license file in the installation directory so you don't need to carry that around with you. It can be handy to have.... copy and paste it into a new installation folder and you won't have to reactivate the software... because it's already activated. For example: You can install v15, v16, v17 and v18 and copy that license file into each of the installation folders and all will be recognized as activated software. Then you can use them all... at the same time even.



While I don't format my drive often I suspect that if I did I would only have to do the following (on the same computer hardware) to get A:M to work:

1) Install A:M

2) Enter activation code


Trouble shooting an activation

1) Download Machine ID generator

2) Copy Machine ID and send to Jason at Hash Inc

3) Upon receipt of new activation code enter that to activate the software


think I just keep using my AMv11.0 disk and leave internet.


That would be most unfortunate.


There is information we don't have here which I can only assume.

For instance, I assume you have a current subscription to A:M.

If not, it goes without saying that software activation will not work.

I assume that in the process of formatting your harddrive you didn't install a new harddrive too.

If any hardware/mechanics of your computer system have changed this will likely require a new machine ID to be generated.

If all you've done is install/update software then a regular activation should work.

I assume you have downloaded and installed the 32 bit release of A:M. On older versions of Windows it is less likely you'll be able to run the 64bit version. The rule of thumb here: If the operating system is 64bit you can run both 32/64bit versions.

I assume you are reinstalling WinXP affer formatting your harddrive. WinXP is a really old operating system and it would be very good to update to a modern release of Windows if your system can handle it.


All this to reiterate the basic steps of software activation:

1) Download and install

2) Activate

2a) (optional) For troubleshooting send an email to Jason that includes your current machine ID#. This will allow him to generate an activation code for that computer.


Came to the subscribe page, didn't fill in the serial code, but left it websubscription.


I'm sorry but this sentence makes no sense to me.


I ment the licenseagreement as you can view on the thumbnail attachment AnimationMasterSetup.

I'm not sure if it makes sense, but I have the CD with the programm, not the download period evaluation.


I'll use the Download Machine ID Generator, copy the Machine ID and send it to Jason,

but what makes no sense to me is how I'll pass the message as shown in this thumbnail I can't touch or fill in anymore when I install the programm again.

They must have been altered somewhere in my computer,

even if I uninstall and install the programm.


It may sound strange, but I get the feeling it will only disappear

when I format my c:\ again.


sorry for the disconvienence.






  • Admin

If you have the web-subscription you don't need the CD (and vice versa).

Obviously I'm missing something.


Perhaps we can start from the beginning and work forward until we solve the problem.


Do you have a *current* subscription to A:M?

In your last post you state that you don't.


I have the CD with the programm, not the download period evaluation.


If you only have the CD then all we need to do is identify the version of that CD and get that re-installed for you.

You posted a screenshot that says v16 but did you purchase v16... to my knowledge there was no CD for that.

So the question remains... after your last CD (which appears to be v11) what version did you purchase?


You posted a screenshot that says v16 but did you purchase v16... to my knowledge there was no CD for that.




How in heavens name can my computer say I have version v16

when there was no CD for that?


I waited for the day AM17 was relaeased and I received v16.

I could upgrade once to v17.


I downloaded the MachineIDGenerator.

I get a get_host_win_id_zip file.

I unpack this file into a get_hostid_win file.

there it stands smiling at me, let's dubbel click.

  • Admin
I have the AM v16.0


This doesn't tell us enough.

Everyone has v16... it's available online.


If you have a current websubscription (annual or never-expiring) then you can install v18 as well.

If you purchased v16 for $299 (perpetual license) then you can install and use v16.

If you purchased v16 for $79 (the annual web subscription) then it expired several years ago.


Did you purchase a perpetual (never expiring) license *of v16*?


I downloaded the MachineIDGenerator.


At this point it's not clear to me if you need this.
It all depends on what you purchased.
  • Admin

A suggestion to get to the root of the issue:


One of the easiest ways to solve the problem (in the short term) would be to request a trial version.

If you can activate that trial you'll know better how to install and activate your most current purchase.



Did you replace your network card before you ran into licensing troubles? If I'm not mistaken, the licence is bound to the combination of your OS version and primary network interface MAC address.

  • Admin
If I'm not mistaken, the licence is bound to the combination of your OS version and primary network interface MAC address.


Partially mistaken. ;)

The operating system shouldn't have anything to do with activation.

Although, it's a good idea to be running a fairly current version of Windows for performance reasons..


If it would be okay for you, I could have a look at that using Teamviewer.


If you do not know what Teamviewer is:

It is a free for personal use software, with which another person can see and control your computer if the other person has a password and an id and you allow it.

You can always see what I am doing on your screen (since I will move your mousepointer) and it is only working if Teamviewer is running (you have to start that manually by yourself) and of course you can kick me from your computer whenever you wish, change your password or just get rid of teamviewer on your computer. (more informations can be found here: www.teamviewer.com)


Since you are from the Netherlands and I am from Germany, we are in the same timezone.


If you want to go that route, please let me know and send me an email to werbung(-at-)patchwork3d(-dot-)de any time.

I'll see if I can help you somehow or see what is going wrong there and why the software is not installing as it should.


See you


You do not need that... I will connect to you...

but lets switch this conservation to the private messaging section.


See you


Okay guys, we figured the problem out:

He was running Windows XP SP3 and tried to install v16 non-expiring version. It is likely that this would be a problem with Subscription too.

v16 had no Visual Studio 2008 / 2005 combined with the installer and like that you need to install that by yourself.


You can find that here:



If you are on Windows XP SP3 you need to install VS 2005 SP1 and VS 2008 SP1 and you should be good to go :).

(users of Win 7 and newer version of A:M or the OS should not need that!)


He is up and running now :).


See you


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