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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Hash Fellow

I need to apologize to Paul Harris and everyone who has contributed to this forum project as I have not fulfilled my commitments to it.


I'm afraid my ability to focus on and follow-thru on complicated endeavors like this has declined greatly over the past year. If Paul would like to recruit someone else who could put this together sooner than I would I think that would be a fine idea.


The project can be completed as intended. The task is fairly straight forward:


-Collect all the contributor segments. Aside from the uploaded ones, Dhar Jabouri has a nearly finished segment. I've inquired with him again and he may be able to retrieve it from his computer which is in storage now. That would need to be rendered. Also I recall Matt Campbell had a segment or two to contribute that were not uploaded.


-Assess the segments to determine a good order for them and for possibilities to link them.


-Assess the segments to determine if any audio is needed.


-Create an intro and a conclusion segment to establish the premise of Rear Window.


-Create linking animation between segments as needed.


-Edit them all together


I can probably answer other questions that might arise including about the stereoscopic editing.



Again, I apologize for having fallen down on this. I wish I had unbounded enthusiasm and energy for extended projects these days, but i don't and i don't see it returning any time soon.

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If this is off base just say so and I'll move on...


I know this could fall into that old 'too many cooks spoil the brew' type of thing but perhaps we could use this as a learning opportunity by having two or more people tag team or jointly edit the video. It's not every day an aspiring editor gets prime animated shots like this to edit together and having at least two people involved would increase the learning experience (if not improve the final production).


A few things the project could use:

- Someone familiar with the original "Rear Window" movie.

Such knowledge would help in that it could lead to creating some additional layered readings/references back to the original movie not intended in the disparate parts.


- Sound Designer (familiarity with the original movie a huge plus)

It would be nice to know if the music/score to the original movie or a similar score is available for use.


Imagine if you will an online school (such as Animation Mentor) offering a class/course on video editing for animation.

While animation is generally edited in the script/preproduction stage, collaborative projects like these (with a common theme but distributed approach) have a few challenges of their own. In the end several heads brainstorming together may make a more entertaining short film of the sum of the parts


A separate (private) forum could be created if the Editor(s) so desire although it would be nice to see something released regularly in the main forum (i.e. dailies?) We could even use your "Victory through A:M Power" forum if so desireable.


I know folks tend to shy away from putting too many heads on a director/producer/editor but we have a chance to turn this film into a very good (and educational) opportunity.


Again, if this is off base just say the word and I'll move on.

It's not every day folks get to inherit a cool project like this one.


I'd enjoy being involved in the effort even if for no other reason than to test out some editing software (such as Camtasia and LightWorks).

Other also may want to test their animaiton compiling/editing chops.

  • Hash Fellow

Paul Harris (fae alba) is the real Producer of this project. Any proposed plan will need to be coordinated with him.

  • Admin
Paul Harris (fae alba) is the real Producer of this project. Any proposed plan will need to be coordinated with him.


Okay, got it.

I seem to recall Paul being a champion of a Virtual Studio for A:M.

This might be a good opportunity to push that concept forward.

  • Hash Fellow

I should add that it is not Paul's fault this project is behind.


I'm the one he assigned to do this thing that is supposed to get done and i haven't gotten it done.

  • Admin
I should add that it is not Paul's fault this project is behind.


I'm the one he assigned to do this thing that is supposed to get done and i haven't gotten it done.


Don't beat yourself up. Such things happen.

The important thing is that you recognized the need to pass it on so that it can get done.


Now, if you would like someone to suggest that we know you still have what it takes to get 'er done... heck, I can do that! :)

Where it comes to interpreting 'Rear Window' I think you are uniquely qualified.

You have very valuable talent combined with a critical eye/insight into the original film that others do not.


There is no blame to be doled out here. "you can't fire a volunteer" ! I'm up for doing the production work. I think I'd like to approach this as a reboot for the project. A lot of time has gone by since the original submitters sent their work up to me, and as Robert said, there were a few others that didn't get their work in. I only have three right now, from Steve Shelton, MCossey,and MarkW. If there are any more then let me know ASAP. I will start reviewing the current three and begin the work on ordering the sequence, with the hope that more are ready but not submitted. I don't want this to drag out for more months, so no new projects should be started at this point, but if you have one done and you just need to render, then let me know.


Rodney, your suggestion of a private forum is a good one, if it is all possible that would be great, if not perhaps I'll set one up on my blog site. One thing I'm not going to do is subject the project to endless debate over what should be done. If I'm going to produce it, then so be it, my decision will stand and come what may.


So that's it. I'll product it. I'll look to a few others for a sounding board and perhaps assistance (I'm looking at you Mr Bigboote!, if you are amendable). I might be able to get a music loop put together that follows the original opening or closing credits of the original Hitchcock movie, but more on that later. So sit tight folks, between the latest mascot contest, and this project getting some legs under it, and we just might be off to the races!

  • Hash Fellow

If you need the idea for the opening and closing segments, I have a fairly easy-to-do premise thought out.


But if you already have an idea you love, that's OK too.

If you need the idea for the opening and closing segments, I have a fairly easy-to-do premise thought out.


But if you already have an idea you love, that's OK too.


Robert, I think I have something that I can use that I can also intersperse between each submission that should tie it all together... I'm going to start mapping it out tonight to get a feel for how it will come together.

  • Hash Fellow

I just heard from Dhar. He got his PC out of storage and is aiming to have his segment finished by next Wednesday.

I just heard from Dhar. He got his PC out of storage and is aiming to have his segment finished by next Wednesday.


That's good news...that'll make 5 submissions, so our overall length will be good. John I got yours as well, have to now review and sort the order to see how all of them will be ordered, then start stitching them together.



thanks so far folks!



We may need to make sure you have the final of Chris and mine




The renders I have are dated 11/14/2012....


thanks to robcat's excellent tut on using A:M for making stereo movies, I've been able to start putting the submissions I do have in hand together. I'm also working on pieces of new animation to tie all of these together. I need a wheel chair model, but don't see one in the contributors section. Does anyone have one?

  • Hash Fellow
thanks to robcat's excellent tut on using A:M for making stereo movies, I've been able to start putting the submissions I do have in hand together. I'm also working on pieces of new animation to tie all of these together. I need a wheel chair model, but don't see one in the contributors section. Does anyone have one?


There appears to be a link to one in post #3 here...




...but the link is dead. I think that is Rodney's thread. Maybe he knows why it doesn't work.

  • Admin

Nancy located it. Thanks Nancy!


As the lists that are compiled and placed in a post are not automatically updated and links will break if their sources are removed, it's generally best to click that Lo-fi link at the bottom of the forum to get the latest and greatest text listing.


Example: Listing of Vehicles contributed to A:M Exchange


To run a quick search for a specific word on any given webpage/listing hit Control F (for Control "Find") and then enter the word you are looking for.

I believe Control F should work in every browser (at least it should on a PC).


Love this place..ask and you shall receive. Now for my next request..a million bucks!


how about a set of binocs. I'd do Rodney's search, but I'm at work.

  • Admin
Love this place..ask and you shall receive. Now for my next request..a million bucks!


YupYup. It truly is a case of 'ask and ye shall receive'.


I am told that if you download this you can easily turn it into one million dollars.

And I believe it is in small (but not unmarked) $1 bills.


That's a pretty good return on investment if'n you ask me.



Free Money!




Love this place..ask and you shall receive. Now for my next request..a million bucks!


YupYup. It truly is a case of 'ask and ye shall receive'.


I am told that if you download this you can easily turn it into one million dollars.

And I believe it is in small (but not unmarked) $1 bills.


That's a pretty good return on investment if'n you ask me.



Free Money!





Not that's service with a smile!

  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I'd throw a note out here to give you all a quick update on the Rear Window project. I've spent the last week+ rendering the short put together by Matt Campbell. 30 seconds of animation at roughly 15 minutes per frame took some time! I've come to realize that I need to invest in a render farm if I'm going to continue the dream.


At any rate today should see Matt's submission done. I am working an some quick 5 second or so pieces that I will use to tie each segment together, then it is time to put it all together. So rest assured, Rear Window is still alive and moving forward.

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I see I had volunteered to edit. It didn't get passed to me and I forgot it, did it??? I do that kinda stuff! CRS syndrome...


John, this one's on me. I was putting this together when life in general took me by the scruff of the neck and yanked me sideways (job change, grand kids, etc). I had/have in mind what I want to do, but am lacking bandwidth to get it down. You had volunteered, if you are still willing, I have the files and will be glad to hand part or all of it to you. Or, we can work together and get this one finally put in the can.

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