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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Animation Contest - Heavy Push


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Thanks to Sebastian with the next contest idea.


THEME: Heavy Push

In a nut shell, animate a character pushing something heavy. Sounds simple but we shall see. (No Robcat! You cannot enter your video off of youtube. That thing is too awesome)



•All modeling and animation must be done in A:M(after all this contest is sponsored by them )

•Compositing can be done in another program but why, when you can do it in A:M as well.

•Final Movie can be rendered in any codex no bigger than 640x480.

•No explicit material, as these entries will be viewed by many people of all ages.

•If participating, please post in this thread

•WIPs and crits are allowed and welcomed. If doing this, then post in the WIP section and put AM Contest entry title. This is not mandatory.

•Use of premade characters and actions are allowed. It's more about the animation and story in my opinion.

•Not less than 5 seconds, no longer than 1 minute

•Live action is allowed although there must also be animation composited with it.



Email final movies with subject title "Animation Contest - Heavy Push Entrant" to hash_animationcontest@outlook.com


If you have questions, feel free to post or pm me.

Now go forth and animate everyone.

Good luck to all.


The winner will receive the honor of choosing the next contest.

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Wow time flies and other stuff is always getting in the way


--- i think maybe we should have these like 10 days long perhaps -----Seems like a struggle to get working on these in the time frame needed. And I think ending on a sunday is always better as it gives folks the weekend. Actually for my 2 cents I think they should start on a friday and go ten days ---ending on a sunday. That gives 2 weekends and you can have 2 of these a month.

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If you didn't get a lot of entries this time around, don't despair.

I suspect running any contest simultaneously with the Mascot contest would make it more difficult.

I wanted to animate an entry for "Heavy Push" but felt I should put effort into entering the annual mascot contest first as that one only comes around once a year and I had never entered before so wanted to get an entry in.


These animation contests are great and I'm really glad you are running them!

Running an animation contest every week would be just fine by me as there is nothing quite like pressing into animation every day to produce better animation.

The schedule just needs to be bumped up against other events (contests, holidays, etc.) to be fully de-conflicted.


If you didn't get enough entries I say brush this one off and run it again now that the Mascot contest has ended.

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Yes ----I agree ----a reset seems in order considering the mascot contest was way more the focus for many here ---and I would also suggest that unless you get at least 5 (or some other agreed number above that ) videos the contest gets automatically extended one week till you do. And yes please keep doing these --- I will try to get something done if you extend it. I think these contest will get a lot of good work and learning done through doing them for many people.


Also ----remember although only a few folks may eventually submit ---tens of folks probably are trying and just ran out of time or did not think their stuff was good enough to post. So do not judge participation by folks who actually submit something I am certain there are a multiple of others out there.



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Alrighty! This contest is being post-poned until the mascot contest is done. I'll hold on to the entries I have so there will be no reason for anyone who dropped one to re-enter. Once things calm down I'll run this one again and try to schedule around other forum events to help accommodate more people's schedules.

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