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Deer Hashers,


I dont get to post or surf very often due to the fact I connect only at work where Im monitored, and limited in time allowed online. I now would like to ask for help, I was working on a Deer model splining and such when I got an error #503? when trying to save my model, it now will not load, any of the three I had saved. attached is a zip containing the 3 versions, if anyone can get this to load up in AM, Im using v14c on a PC, it would be greatly appreciated. Ill try to check back on Friday, maybe thursday night to see if anyone had the time and or luck with it, looks like my mascot wont make the deadline.


Thanks for reading,

Your fellow Hasher,


Mike "Kamikaze" Cossey


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Thus far I haven't been able to get the original models to open but got one to import into another (empty) model.

The error I get is a 'realtime rendering' error that may have something to do with your rotoscopes.


As none of your images are included in the zip that may be contributing to my inability to get the files open.


I'll keep trying and post whatever I can get.

Nothing looked amiss initially upon looking at the files in a text editor but I haven't looked too deeply.

I'm proceding with a hunch that the error is tied in with you images.



There is a considerable size difference between the first two files (77kb) and the third (292kb). Its the third file I was able to recover the deer from. I suspect the first two don't have enough data.


I've attached the (partially recovered?) models here.


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The first two models appear to only contain: antlers, teeth and hooves.

All appear to be present in the third model.


I'll update the zip file to include what I recovered from all three models.


I just get a 001 error and a close when I try to open the models. The actual models don't have a name in the objects folder. Strange. I can't see anything in the text that might cause it.....maybe it's the hair? What were you doing when this happened? And why haven't you been saving backups?

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The problem in all three files is a missed token, in this segment


Matrix=1 0 0 -6.19888e-006 0 1 0 31.3083 0 0 1 1.43247


When You replace the "SaveError" line with "" the files are loading correct .

I don't know , why this has happened and I'm not able to reproduce this after same short tests.

The corrected files are in the attachment .



Well, Thank you ALL so very very very much!!!, Rodney, KenH, Robcat, Yoda,


I owe you all, can't say how or if I can ever pay the dept, so once more Thanks so very much.....!!!!


I got permission to check back tonight (thank you work place) I came to post that I was going to modify an older model to make it to the mascot contest, I may still enter it if I can finish the Deer.


I'm going to "try" to remember the solutions so next time I can take a deeper look, and thanks for the info...


Well Im going to check over the forum sense I have a little authorized time to do so.


I tip my hat to you all, "Group Hug"


Mike "Kamikaze" Cossey

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Its always a bummer when anyone experiences problems BUT...


There is so much to be learned in the process.


If you hadn't posted who knows when I would have learned to check for the tag Steffen mentioned. I don't know if that has been added in recent years but I know I've never encountered it before. Now I know better what to look for.


Good luck with your model and good luck with your Mascot entry!

Waitasecond... didn't you win the contest last month???


Perhaps I should rephrase that 'good luck' thing. ;)


That's some deep and intuitive digging on Steffen's part. I used to delve into the .prj text files when I was having some rendering probs a few versions back, and it's good to know you *can*, but not always a good idea if you don't know exactly what you're looking for.


A long time ago I tried to create an application that would load AM files with indenting and collapsible structure to make the files more readable and fixable for the average human. It's very much like HTML in that everything has an open and close "tag". I would like to create at a minimum some kind of context highlighting "plugin" for jEdit. It has some ability to collapse line groupings. Darn AM file format doesn't use any indenting... that would have been a help. ;) If I do this with jEdit it's open source so easy for everyone to use. I was using TextMate which is great for this type of thing but it's a commercial product and... mac only.



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