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Hi Hashers ....


I take part for the first time, in the 11 SECOND CLUB´s animation contest. Is anyone else participating ?

I used the FAT FARMHAND in my entry ...

Check it and comment please .... I have 6 days to upload it ...



Man's Voice: "I thought.... that if I could help him in some way, get him this, uh, this girl that he loves... that maybe, you know..... *sniff* ....things would ch... change for me."


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Hey there, long time no hear from you. I like the animation, but there is something missing when the character studders on the words "ch..change for me." Maybe a little head jerk and eye squint as he tries to spit out the words. Otherwise, I think you did a really nice job.

Hey there, long time no hear from you. I like the animation, but there is something missing when the character studders on the words "ch..change for me." Maybe a little head jerk and eye squint as he tries to spit out the words. Otherwise, I think you did a really nice job.


Hi Eric.. thanks for your comment... I fixed this part .. anything else ??



it might be this monitor - is at work on works bad laptop monitors - but i think you should make it a bit brighter :3

I changed gamma to 2.2.. check it again please



WIP #2 :

- Fixed the position of the hand on the waist.

- Fixed the moviments of the head and eyes on the words "ch..change for me."

- Added a little *snif* after "...this girl that he loves".

- Fixed gamma to 2.2






I´m having a little problem here... as you can see in the picture below when I render a scene inside A:M the color is normal :) but when I render it to file and open in quicktime player the animation seems to be smoked ( I don´t know if this is the correct term ).. if I import the animation in A:M the color is normal .... Is there some option to change inside Quicktime ? the same problem occour if I render file to AVI and open it in Windows Media Player.




Hey Xtaz,


Here are some things you might want to consider....

There is almost constant motion throughout your animation, with a lot of unnecessary movement that doesn't help tell the story. This clip begs for some holds or pauses in the action. Also, the mechanics of the animation itself is "floaty" or spliney looking. Maybe if you turn off the sound and watch the clip over and over, you will see what I mean.


Step back from the small details and mechanics of the animation for a moment and look at the big picture. I think it would be helpful to break the clip down into "beats", or ideas. At most, there are about three beats to this clip:


1. "I thought.... that if I could help him in some way,

2. get him this, uh, this girl that he loves...

3. that maybe, you know..... *sniff* ....things would ch... change for me."


If I were animating this, I'd concentrate on getting one great pose or gesture per beat and really focus on making sure those poses sold the story, even without sound. After getting those main poses working you can add whatever movements you absolutely need to get from one pose to the next, as long as they relate to what the character would actually be doing while saying this line. This character's feet are planted to the floor, too. It would be appropriate for him to move toward the camera during the first two beats as he's trying to sell his point, then to settle back in beat three as he admits things didn't go as he'd planned.


What workflow are you using? Are you going from blocked to linear to splined so you are controlling the curves? I know there are many ways to clean up your animation, but this seems to be a good workflow to help avoid the floaty look.


Anyway, I just wanted to point out some things that I think you might be called-out on later. Take if for what it's worth. ;)


Good luck with this piece!




Check to see if "Fog" is on.


For the animaion; to add to Strohbehn's observations, with so much upper body movement, it makes his feet look like they're set in concrete. A small step would loosen things up tremendously.


What version of A:M are you using xtaz? I remember a while back, when you would make a .mov render the image would have bad color, most noticably the brightest areas were never white, they were more of a 75% grey. This could be the problem. If you render out just a simple jpg, and it has correct color, than you may not want to go with a .mov, rather a .avi. :)

Hey Xtaz,


Anyway, I just wanted to point out some things that I think you might be called-out on later. Take if for what it's worth. ;)


Good luck with this piece!



Hey Mark ... Amazing comment .. than you for show me a right way to animate this scene.. if you have more tips they will be appreciated..


Check to see if "Fog" is on.


For the animaion; to add to Strohbehn's observations, with so much upper body movement, it makes his feet look like they're set in concrete. A small step would loosen things up tremendously.


thanks Dhar .. fog is OFF.. more about the problem below ...

I will add some steps ...



What version of A:M are you using xtaz? I remember a while back, when you would make a .mov render the image would have bad color, most noticably the brightest areas were never white, they were more of a 75% grey. This could be the problem. If you render out just a simple jpg, and it has correct color, than you may not want to go with a .mov, rather a .avi. :)


Hi Dan .. I´m using V14c .. I tried MOV and AVI ..

- If I open the animation in any MOV or AVI player it seems smoked...

- If I import the same animation in A:M or other movie editor the colors are fine....


thank you friends ....

I changed gamma to 2.2.. check it again please

- Fixed gamma to 2.2


Try with desired gamma = 1 in tools/options/rendering (but it says my current gamma is 2.2 - that I set using adobe gamma)


and make sure gamma =none, 1 in render to file settings


That's what I have and I don't seem to see any difference in how it looks in A:M and what I render.


Thanks Nancy ... but ....

I think that the problem is in my players in Win XP because when I use the Quicktime to watch the animation in Windows Vista ( I have a dual boot here ) it is fine with the correct colors ....


Nice job!! the only C&C I have is throw in some pauses. He never stops moving. The pauses will give the words more impact; like he's trying to convince the listener


That looks pretty good Marcos. I'm still at the blocking stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh8LF2N5Wx4


Dhar its driving me crazy; I've seen that model (your speaking one) before. Where else have you used it.

Nice job!! the only C&C I have is throw in some pauses. He never stops moving. The pauses will give the words more impact; like he's trying to convince the listener


That looks pretty good Marcos. I'm still at the blocking stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh8LF2N5Wx4


Dhar its driving me crazy; I've seen that model (your speaking one) before. Where else have you used it.


I used that character in A:M's last Mini Movie Contest, and 11 SC's last month contest. http://www.youtube.com/user/DharrJJ


Great job XTaz. Agree about more pauses.


I used that character in A:M's last Mini Movie Contest, and 11 SC's last month contest. http://www.youtube.com/user/DharrJJ


Dhar, did you create that character or was it on the extras CD or DVD?


Same question for you XTaz. Did you create your character?




No man. This is Barry (Bizzle) Zundel's from his training DVD's. The one Xtaz is using is the fat farmhand from the TWO project.


So on the first and second passes...Forgive me if I missed any other updates.......Three very noticeable things stand out:


1.Holding strong to just a few poses, rather than the number you have in there would strenthen this clip dramatically. As is, it would communicate more clearly and stronger if you cut it down to half the Arm swings, etc.


2.There is too much Jerkiness as you move in and out of the arm/ head poses. A polish smoothing pass will help abundantly on that.


3.There is an "anchored" feeling from the hips down. The feet don't move enough if at all. I would suggest a single step or small slide. EVEN a hip sway would help. Since movement starts from the hips, it's easy to kill a shot by neglecting it. We've all done it.



You have some great, subtle acting in there that communicates, but the broader actions need to be fine tuned for clarity.




Animation Mentor Graduate

Professional Animator ;)


Really nice piece, and everyone's comments, especially Mark and William, are great food for thought. Always helpful to read this kind of crit.

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