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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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hi all,


I'm quite new to A:M and still learning the ropes but it just wondered what you thought of my new logo for my company 'EmeraldStorm'


Here is the link:


Click Here


It may take a while to load and you need quick time player.


Please can you add comment's to it on my website.





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If you want response to a logo, you might post a frame of it. But making people wait to watch it download without having a clue what they're waiting for will limit responses.






Might I suggest using a Emerald color and some specularity to look more like... well... Emerald.


Seems to be just a bit too close on the opening scroll too... back off just a bit... otherwise the camera move looks pretty good.


One idea for a more 'animated' logo, would be to have a bunch of Emerald gems jump into place to make the words or letters made of emerald jump into their respective positions. Just an idea...


Looks like a good start! Cheers!


I agree that it it needs to be emerald colour - the sparkle across the letters was good, but needs to be a bit more obvious.


What about having emeralds circling a bit of the text? The letters are fine, but a bit close, as Timelord says, but you could have a bit of picture (such as an emerald) to add interest.


Maybe an emerald(s) with lightning flashing through it?


Was that done with the font wizard? The text looks good.


you could use my site as an example. i would also recommend an account on Brave net to provide most of the things that a free account on freewebs won't. And yeah i would say a image logo, or even a .gif would be betterBaner maker might be what you need though i haven't tried it. the logo on my site i made with pixa. also you should have an account at photobucket and box.net for files. Try looking for html programs for your site, use those to improve different things on your site, but don't go over board with it.also is you want a domain name heres free one i have .co.nr


and heres the link to my site...

Wolf Works


It looks very good, but I've got one suggestion.

The new video standards are all gradually changing to the 16:9 aspect ratio, and eventually the 4:3 ratio will no longer be used. If you want that logo to last a few years, I'd render it in 16:9. The 1080 and 720 options are both 16:9, if you want to use those.


-The Bird Man

It looks very good, but I've got one suggestion.

The new video standards are all gradually changing to the 16:9 aspect ratio, and eventually the 4:3 ratio will no longer be used. If you want that logo to last a few years, I'd render it in 16:9. The 1080 and 720 options are both 16:9, if you want to use those.


-The Bird Man


yeah true but that logo doesn't cut it as presentable at all....

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I've made a few changes to my logo:


:D Made It Green

:D Glow Effect

:D More Fluid Movement

:D Slightly Transparent

:D More Reflectivity

:D Moved slightly further back from the camera


Hope you like it


logo_2.mov (Takes a long time to load)


You can also view it off my website which has been compressed even more to make it even quicker to view.


Please leave comments


i think it need more effect to match the name, find a video of a storm and turn it emerald or some thing then incorporate it some how, companies always make their video logos match the name of their company. maybe you could have some particle effects rushing through the screen at one point....i like the logo but keep that and add to it.


also if you want your own image at the top of the page the image resolution is 750 x 150, heres an example...


my recent neww logo, i actually plan on improving it



btw theres more i have problems with the site it seems like you advertising for A:M more than your work. i understand you want people to know what your using but that shouldn't be your site focus really. on my site i used to have a direct link in the top but i can;t figure out how to do that now, what i need to do is e-mail hash and ask for a html link to have....anyway your site is more advertising A:m than your work(though theres not much yet). change that site title from animation master to your company name and have a:m in your subtitle, not the other way around...let your work speak for you not words...

  • 2 months later...

Hi again


Sorry it took a long time but I now have edited my logo and my website:




:lol: New domain name - www.elliotclements.co.nr

:lol: Uploaded all exercises

:lol: Added a contact me page

:lol: Added a Gallery

:lol: Edited Site Name and Slogan




:lol: Added a motion blur

:lol: Made the logo smaller in file size

:lol: Made 'EmeraldStorm...' All one word (This is how it's meant to be spelt!)




Hope you like it


How can I improve?



  • Admin
Hope you like it


How can I improve?




You've taken a bold new step toward defining a 'studio' personality.


What I would suggest is that you work to develop a theme.

It doesn't have to be anything too crazy. I doesn't necessarily need to be permanent (although consider that aspect).


When someone sees your logo what do you want them to immediately think.

In this aspect the theme is more important than the animation.


While it might seem obvious to you by its name alone... what is the theme of 'Emerald Storm'?

Find that and your logo will be successful in both still and animated form.


gallery should not be last, it should be second, always put your work before others. like expert creations for instance, that should be second to last in your current line up...


and yeah i agree with Rodney, emerald storm...the theme should match the name you know, like my wolf works logo thing go'in on and my slogan "See, Visualize, Analyze, like a wolf on its prey..."

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I'd say to think in terms of black and white.


- First create a Model. Your lightning bolt (It could be in 3D but test out the possibilities in 2D. Keep it simple.)

- Then create an Action of your lighting bolt changing (things that could change... color (black to white through gray remember!) size... location).

- Add the text of your Logo as necessary


Once you get something successful add the colors.

Think about how you can de-emphasize first.. then emphasize the color green.

I'd say that perhaps the logo should change to green once struct by lightning but its generally better not to use the first idea that comes to mind. If you can think of it that easily... everyone else can too. Go for something original.


Think in terms of no words at all.

If you had to convey the theme without the words 'EmeraldStorm' how would you do it?

Once you get that down adding simple text to further sell the theme will be easy.


Again... keep it simple.

This will let you test out a lot more possibilities.

Sketch it out on paper.

Narrow those down to ones you can make work.

Ask someone you know for their opinion.

Finally, select the one that works best for you.


As far as modeling it... just draw it out in splines.

Or if you are unsure just start with a simple grid.

Or maybe import a drawing or picture of a lightning storm.

Simplify from there.


Avoid animation until you get the basic forms right.


For the animation you might experiment with path animation and a traveling bolt of light.

You remember path animation from TaoA:M right?


Post your progress here in the forum and get some feedback.

Post your project file if you can and that'll generate even more support.

There are sure to be lots of Logo experts around here to offer advice.

  • Admin

Have you seen the Lightning tutorial here by Stephen Bruce?




I'm still convinced that animation should be a secondary consideration.

But... not my logo. Here is me playing with no particular theme in mind except maybe lighting, lightning and green. ;)

I have a lousy animation of it too but not sure its worth posting.


  • Admin

I can post the project but wouldn't it be better if the logo was yours. :)


Everything used you have available to you in Animation:Master.


Here is an animation of what I think an emerald storm might look like.

Note that in my take I've decided to stay away from lightning and emphasize the storm.

To my way of thinking YOU are the lighting. Those that do business with you just may not know it yet!

Besides its not 'EmeraldLightning' its 'EmeraldStorm'! ;)


If I have the time I'd love to work with you on your logo.

Making it your own is so much more rewarding though.


The attached animation uses a couple cloud images from the Libary, a black image, a white image and the logo I posted.

No models in this last project... just images.


For the first project (the one with models) I created the text in the logo using the Font Wizard.

I used Arial Bold font if I recall correctly. Thats a nice readable font.


The Shape outlining the lighting bolt is just a torus.

It was lathed with 5 crossections.

You can't see it in this animation but it actually changes shape from a circle to that pentagon looking thing.

Not to confuse you here but I animated it just by changing the Magnitude of the splines over time.


The lightning bolt itself is just an outline drawn with splines... extruded forward and then extruded backward to create the sense of depth. I did animate the depth to change the lighting a bit and there are some flaws left from that attempt.


The clouds appear to move because one of the cloud images is scaled up over time.

The second cloud image you really can't see because I made things so dark. Another error!


Lighting flash (not lightning!) is where the white image is made un-transparent and then made transparent again.

Darkness throughout the whole thing is controlled by an on image on top that is entirely black adjusted with transparency up... and down over time.


The editing of all of these elements together does require v14 as the absolute control of frames in images (in this case camera rotoscopes) didn't exist until a recent v14Beta release.


I will send you the project but... do you REALLY want it?

It'd be so much more fun to create your own.

You could even add that lightning bolt to it. ;)



Ok thank you so much for your help.


I will start making it now.


I like the clouds and the flash.


I am going to record the clouds over my house for about half an hour then using editing software speed it up so the clouds move fast.




You know... that's great work! Very creative. Another idea might be having the words "EmeraldStorm" drop out of a cloud that moves into the frame and as the words settle into place, the lightening bolt could zip/flash/boom between the words like it split them.... then the clouds fade away and the lightening settles down. Rodney, you opened up a lot of possibilities there!

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