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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I've got the animation complete, it runs about 11 minutes long, and is 37 MB in size. I was able to save it using Sorensen codec. You can download it here to see it http://dogst.com/SWimmortal.mov. It's 320x240.


It's my voice doing all the audio, I have a couple people who'll do the different voices, I just haven't been able to get them over to record them, but this will at least give you the story and soundtrack. My skill as an animator is limited, so with a couple minor changes, this is how it will look.


Let me know what you think so far.




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i always love watching a good fan film


Nice job kashyyk i feel you've got a very good story line going on there although a bit hard to follow


some things that crossed my mind here.. at the begening.. the opening crawl moved to fast, as did some of your animations. also, im confuzed about the use of swords.. shouldnt they be lightsabers? few things i think still need work


I should have given some background.


This is a What if story. What if immortals from the Highlander movies are in the Star Wars universe. That's why there are swords. I didn't want to confuse them with jedis and use lightsabers.


As for the speed, I am actually almost at 15 minutes long and wanted to get it down below 10 minutes, but 11 was the best I could do. The yellow taxi going down into the building at the beging was actually quite long, to show the depth they go down, but it was not really needed and the scrolling text can be legthened, but I'll wait for more feedback on that.




nice can i have some of those modals (mainly the ithorian and one of the R2 units i see roling around in the background i have one sugestion though the ithorian is sopose to have a sterio voice because they have two mouths but ither then that it was good and BTW there are swords in star wars (if you have played any of the games) and alot of caricters fight with them


personaly myself i wouldnt go for swords...


also kashyyyk. i feel some parts of the film to be quite random.. mainly the flash back that shows the empress which sligtly confuzed me :P u could have put a fad into and out to a flash back

so this is a mix of highlander and star wars?


also who are the good guys and who are bad?


The bad guy is the Imperial Officer and the good guys are the boy, Duros and the Ithor.


nice can i have some of those modals (mainly the ithorian and one of the R2 units i see roling around in the background i have one sugestion though the ithorian is sopose to have a sterio voice because they have two mouth


When I have time I planned on zipping and offering all my models on my website. The R2 isn't mine, and I couldn't find who or where I got it to give them credit, so that won't be one I offer.


I have the stereo voice setting ready, which will also make it deeper, but since it is just my voice for now I didn't set it up.


i feel some parts of the film to be quite random.. mainly the flash back that shows the empress which sligtly confuzed me


The flashback transition is there, but it is one of those things I sped up to reduce the length of the short. Just before the flashback the camera aims at the ground and then zooms in ands the flashback zooms out. Highlander used transitions to show flashbacks not fads, which is what I used, but it is quick. I will slow it down.


Like I said, I skipped using lightsabers because I didn't want to confuse the Immortals with Jedis.





Hey, good start for the fan film and I would suggest using lightsabers.


I could add lightsabers and I could make the crawl a little better and put real star wars music in the film for no cost whatsoever. I just want more experience with post production :D


If you want me to help out just IM me on aim yahoo or msn or email me at r3van@comcast.net


Glad to help




I don't have any Jedi fighting in the movie, so I have no use of lightsabers, but thanks for the offer.


I didn't want to use SW music, that's too easy.




  • Hash Fellow

Well, that looks like a huge undertaking! I think you should be pleased. There were some very effective shots.


I'll admit I had trouble following the story, but I dont' know much about the Star Wars or Highlander mythologies so maybe that's why.

I'll admit I had trouble following the story, but I dont' know much about the Star Wars or Highlander mythologies so maybe that's why


Yea, you need to know the mythos to them to understand the story. Highlanders is about Immortals who fight to the death until there is only one left. They can sense each other when they are near, and the only way to kill them permenantly is to cut off their head. Unless friends, they will try to kill eath other, and usually one is around to train a new immortal. They can sense an immortal in a person who hasn't died, and if that person dies violently he becomes an immortal.


My ending in the warehouse I kept similiar to that in the first Highlander movie.




yah its all just a little bit too confusing. The movie doesnt quite explain it enough, especially for the non highlander fans. I think its just simple enough to understand that when their heads fall off... they die. And thats all the audience needs to understand then it will be fine


As A Highlander fan I understood what you were going for, but I can see why others would be confused.

  • Admin

While I didn't follow the Highlander TV series much the first Highlander movie was intense stuff.

Great storytelling. The later movies I wasn't so impressed with. Most of the series stuff I watched was enjoyable.


That you took on such a project in and of itself is quite a feat.

As has been said you should be very proud.


Do you have other plans for it? (I assume Star Wars Fanfilms will be targeted)

What comes to mind is going back in and perhaps making a web comic or something similar.

Such a thing would convey the intracacies of your storyline better I think.


Star Wars without lightsabers is a difficult approach. For a lot of people Star Wars without lightsabers isn't Star Wars. I understand the reasoning though.


Thanks for the kind words.


A web comic would be cool, I'll have to think about that. After working on this for so long (A couple years) and still having to do the voices, I have something I want to do next that will be quite different, non Star Wars related.





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