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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • *A:M User*

I started on a new model my fourth one. I am having some problems.


Scaling: When I try to scale by highlighting a section of the model and press the shift key or select the advance minpulator for scaling the model will not scale. I am running AM 12q (windows).


Also I am having a problem with the corner of the eyes. I wnated the eyes deep set but no matter what I do there is a shadow around the inside corners.


Once again I see that I am spline heavy.


Any thoughts.






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In the flatter or more gentle curved areas of the face you could remove every other spline.


I only try to add detail where it's needed and hook it off as soon as I can.


As to the eyes, it will be hard to tell until you get the sides of the face finished or at least some more to wrap around past the edge of the eye. That will give your spines a chance to curve naturally with your mesh and then you can start pulling some out to shadow the eyes or push the eyes back to get them inset more.


The overall shape of the face is wonderful. I really like the very subtle dimples in the cheeks you have created with the hooks. I don't know if it was on purpose, but it gives a more realistic feel to it in my opinion.


Can't wait to see more... keep going!

  • *A:M User*

Thank you, the dimples were planned. I guess my biggest problem with hooks is that I have been using them in the wrong places. More often than not my hooks cause a crease.


I will try to get rid of some unnecessary splines and upload. Thanks for the comments




I am sure some peeps are gonna reply and tell you to reduce the spline count almost everywhere. I am not going to do that. Mainly cause I have never modelled a human head.


I think it looks fantastic and cannot wait to see the rest.





  • *A:M User*

Thanks for the comments


The eyelids and rounding out the eye in general has been difficult for me. The three previous models were the same. I have looked at why the eyes never looked finished and I think you got it.


I caught the highpoints on the face as they were joined.


The ear is the hardest thing so far!!


I will update as I go



  • *A:M User*

I have reworked the eyes and even have eyelashes available. Yo will see them asteh dark around the eyes this will change as textures go on..


I have to touch up the ears and complete the mouth portion.


Then on to textures. Let me know what you think of the progress.







Wow, cool, model .... but ... you should rework the general proportions: The distance between nose and mouth for example is way to big.




Hey, this is looking real good so far. I don't think you are using too many splines. Especially if you are doing a realistic character who will be realistically animated.

  • *A:M User*

Hey thanks for the comments.


The picture / rotoscope the eyes are pretty wide. I will check this as well. Also, the top of the eyes have exta skin. I will look at this as well but fell this better matches the subject.


I will keep you updated.



  • *A:M User*

I have moved the eyes in closer together almost 1/2" combined. Also increased the size of the eyes 5% and this gets it within an 1/16" all around from the rotoscope. Thank you good suggestion and good eye to notice.


The folds over the eye I flatten slightly but the original drawing I did showed the eye folds larger.


The ears stick out too far and I will adjust this as well.


I have a question. In version 13 alpha 4 when I group several items together and rename this group and then slect that group from the property screen and try to rescale it will not. tried this in version 12p as well and got the same results. But if I group several items and then rescale without renaming the group I can scale. Anybody else have this problem?





Great job! You are really getting this guy right on. The eyes and ears look better every time you post. Well, I guess that's the way it's supposed to be, but not everyone can do that, lol.


You've got this stuff down pretty good. From here on in, it's just you and your artistic interpretation.



Can't wait to see how you do on the texturing :D


P.S. I know, now I'm nitpicking, but....for some reason, the corners of his mouth are buggin me. Might just be me though.

  • *A:M User*

Thanks Eric. I have not finished the mouth yet. Just grouped upper and lower lips and just about to put the mouth in. Should have that done tonight and will post. Thanks for all Who have commented.



  • *A:M User*

Just started with the torso and I could not remember the distance from the sternum to the outside of the shoulder. Is it one head length?




  • *A:M User*

I pulled out the sketch pad and worked on scaling the model here is an update. the body is rough right now but will go back and tweak






The bird's eye view made me notice something - the skull doesn't have the right proportions. Look at the jaw area compared to the temple area. The jaw looks like it's wider or at least equal to the upper skull when it should be narrower.


Nice job on the body. What is your experience with art and modeling? Your work is really coming along.

  • *A:M User*

Hi Eric,


I had worked with the jaw since the last update. I wanted to accentuate the jaw with the neck more. I think you are right I have made it too wide. I did not catch that. This forum is nice for some one making the model because I am so close to the model I may not notice or catch an area that needs work. Thanks again I will make that change.


I had an art background in college but never did anything with it. In fact for a number of years my sketch pad and paints were in a drawer. I was asked recently am I drawing and I said yes but in new format. Ever since I was 15 or 16 I wanted to do something with computer animations. And now with AM I am drawing and sculpting at the same time. I am looking forward to actually animating a model. I have visited with David Simmons about rigging a model. This being only my fourth model I have not successfully rigged one yet. I have found that has been an area of problems for me. I am the type that wants to know why and how something works. For example, I bought Poser 6 that provides a model and you edit it to your hearts desire. But what I found is that it was not my model to start with and it made it difficult to work out all the kinks. So I am taking it slow and learning a section at a time. Rigging is next.





  • *A:M User*

I have narrowed the jaw below the ear and below the cheek areas. I have smoothed neck slightly. Here is the shot of the back. Still needs some smoothing but I have been able to include the shoulder blade deltoids and the lats.





  • *A:M User*

Here is an update. The belly button will go as I used it as a reference point. Let me know what you think




  • *A:M User*

Here is a small update. I have decided to pull back on teh muscle and work towrd clothing attached.




  • *A:M User*

Sorry about that. I was playing with the new features in v 13 and uploaded the wrong file







I think your facial proportions are off. If you take a measurement from the base of the chin to the bridge of the nose - then take this measurement and place the bottom of the nose the top part will usually be where the forehead muscles end and the hairline begins. Also, the head is usually 5 eyes wide. The base of the nose is usually one eye. The transitional muscle (can't remember what it's called) from the deltoid to the neck begins where the deltoid ends and is usually from collarbone to the line where the base of the chin is. Right now that muscle goes too high (for the average human) which could be why the neck seems short. Right now his neck looks like that of a body builder, however, his deltoids don't seem large enough to justify the size of the trapazoid (I believe that's what it's called).


Hope that helps.



  • *A:M User*



Thanks, with regards to the neck. I made some changes to the neck and made it longer. I had scaled the entire head slightly and made the size of the neck out of sync.




I think the scaling is better than it appears on the face. I used photoshop to do the measurements and I am close to your thoughts. Also, the uploaded picture is skewed slightly. I used an adjustment in photoshop and it appears that some of the model was lost. So I agree with your thoughts and measurements but will look again once the neck is finished. I started to make this character with a great deal of muscle and stopped. I am going back through and cleaning up now and the neck and deltoids will be revised. I will post once I complete that and then its on to hair and texture and then to the clothing.



  • *A:M User*

After looking at the model's face and then the rotoscope as J suggested, I found several things. Dimensions were very close but after doing a bird's eye view I found the cheek bones under the eye were set too far back. I have moved them out and will need some smoothing of the face. This gave a natural dimple when I did this. Also I found the jaw stuck out like Jay Leno and I have rounded the jaw and with the combination of moving the cheek bones out the model looks better to me. Let me know what you think. I also narrowed the nose and the removed some of the ball on the end of the nose.


I also moved the head up as Eric suggested and gave more of a neck.


I have smoothed some of the muscles.


Touched up the hands and fingers.



I really appreciate all the help








See pic. Very nice work, nice progression.


I know yo said you are going for a less muscular look, but now he seems somewhat thick? And for God's sake, put some feet on the poor guy. Can't stand to see him hobbeling along on those stumps.



Is this an orthoscopic view?


The hands seem stubby (typically - using Generic Man) the hand is one head in length (base of chin to end of forehead - try it - it's fun). From base of knee to bottom of hip is two heads. Chin to crotch = three (which you have). Width = two.


I think the reason he looks thick is because there is no ribcage. The beginning taper is nice for a lean muscular person (Bruce Lee), however, the taper does not continue through to the hips. This taper is typically there due to the fact that the upper-torso is given its volume by the ribcage, while the midsection is given its volume by muscle tension and internal organs (which combined take up less space than the lungs).





  • *A:M User*

Well, as a computer geek and one that never fails to drive home the point to back up data, I failed to back up the project file. I had a system crash and lost all the files except for a test version of the character in v13. But v 12 will not recognize the file. Soooo, its time to start over.






  • 3 weeks later...
  • *A:M User*

HASH was able to save the prj after I had a system and software crash. So here is an update.


I have decided to use this model to learn the other basics, such as rigging and movement and so on. So I apologize if I upload this character alot to help me learn AM.


thanks for all the help





Nide work Steve!


my only two cents would be to smooth out some of the square edges. Unless of course thats part of the style for him. Looking at him.. it very well could be. If you did decide to modify him with smoother edges.. I'd keep a version as he is now, becuase he's got allot of character.


Great work.



  • *A:M User*

Thanks. I have saved him in several locations believe me, on the server on removable drives and everywhere else. Anyway, I will upload a smoothed version as well. This was the first try at a character with defined muscle. I am still working on the comic book style character.


HAIR. I can not get this aspect yet. It is driving me nuts!



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