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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Okay, I need to get a few things out of the way before I begin...


LEGO in 2001 released a series of Toys called Bionicle. Basically it was about 6 bio-mechanical heroes (Called Toa) with elemental powers defending an ancient island (where other bio-mechanical robots lived) against an evil force.


Well, since then the fanbase grew and grew and the story expanded... and I was one of the kids who was with it since it began. I'm now 15, and into 3d animation, so for the past year I've been doing things in Animation:Master... and one day I thought... "HEY! I should do animations based on Bionicle!" So here I am. Think.. Star Wars Fan Films.. and you'll get where I'm coming from...




This image features three characters, 3 of the heroes which I earlier mentioned. The red one, Toa Tahu. The white, Toa Kopaka. And the green, Toa Lewa. They're not 100% accurate, but thats intentional... I wanted to put some of my own style into them.




The below spoof animation has alot of "in-jokes" so don't expect to get all the humour, but I would love to hear any constructive critisim about anything, the animation, the models... anything! Oh!


Description: Lewa Q&A is a spoof animation based on characters from Bionicle. One of them named Lewa (which is the star of the show). The true Bionicle story is set in an ancient location, so the fact that "Lewa" is using modern technology and in a modern apartment is already funny within itself. All the e-mails on the show are authentic e-mails sent it by Bionicle fans.


2 locations: (6 mb)






OH! And one more thing, if you're curious... here are pics of the real thing:


http://mindstorms.webpark.pl/set_8535.jpg http://mindstorms.webpark.pl/set_8534.jpg http://img.epinions.com/images/opti/9e/6e/...-resized200.jpg

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This is some really solid work, considering your age. You'll go far in CG.


Get the character out from behind the desk for the next piece. Let's see some full-body animation.


Great animation..!


I really liked it!


You're only 15?


Great, I oughta quit now! I got 35 years on you, kid... I can't begin to do dat!


Lessee, if I catch up to where you are now, really fast, say in a year; you'll be a big shot producer/director/animator by the time I'm able to model/animate Lewa the desk and the rest. And, you won't even be out of high scrool!


Yep, I oughta jes quit!




I mean this as a complement so please bear with me.....


This is too good for someone with little to no experience in animation! The animation is on par (if not better then) high level television animation. The skill shows maturity and experience far greater then that of a 15 year old can really do! Mind you there really wasn't any facial animation or lip-syncing to worry about but the posing and timing are very impressive. GREAT animation and darned funny material!


Now that being said......


Did you REALLY animate this and are you REALLY only 15? If so then.....KID, you're on your way to bigger and better things. I'll be definitely keeping on eye out for you! I think you've found your calling!


Dimos Vrysellas


Great job man! That was very enjoyable, you know what you're doing! I think you should send this into LEGO (inc, co.?) The voice acting was great too.




y o u spells ouy.






Keep up the good work.


I wonder where all us 40-something guys would be today if AM and computers like we use now had been around when we were 15...


I remember typing code into a DecWriter terminal to get it to print out ASCII text to look like Snoopy or the Playboy bunny logo.


Sad. Isn't it?




Lewa11 was here and probably read Dimos' comments.


Dimos is "the man" who knows what he's talking about...


It's good stuff, let's see what the great Lewa has to say!


And Greg, I may not have dealt with a DecWriter... but I sure remember programming the DOS ASCII code to make bill the cat going AKKK THPPT! for my C> prompt! We are old, ain't we?


BRAVO! A short worthy of much attention and applause! Very funny and wow, what great models and animation!


Only 15, eyh? Damn... I hate it when people who're younger than me are better than me :P At least you're a whole lot better than me, so I won't have to worry about competittion.


I'm looking forward to see more!


Wow! I never expected such a reaction from my 3D work. Little ol' me's 3D work.


Did you REALLY animate this and are you REALLY only 15? If so then.....KID, you're on your way to bigger and better things. I'll be definitely keeping on eye out for you! I think you've found your calling!


Actually, at the time it was made I was 14. Didn't turn 15 until 2 monthes after I put it online (at a large LEGO based forum). When it comes to animation/models it was all me. Although I think the desk itself might have been one from the CD... not sure. Interestingly enough my only past animation experience was doing stop-motion animation with my toy collection, and that started around age 10-11. All I had was a (horrible quality) webcam, and free stop-motion specific software, called SMA (Stop-Motion Animator). Been years since I've downloaded, so for all I know its 100$ and features everything but the kitchen sink. When I got it, it had 2 buttons, "Capture" and "Onion Skin..."


*cough* Where was I?


So eventually I moved up a step by using trueSpace 3.2. Even to this day I think the company is still giving it out for free... and I can understand why. :P Basically I was limited by the software, not the other way around, so I could never get my visions to life. Animation was impossible, and that was my favorite part of the concept. So I finally took a huge leap... and actually BOUGHT SOFTWARE!... with MONEY! Who would've thought? So now I work with A:M, never been happier with a peice of software!


And now you have heard my entire life story. j/k ;)


At any rate, glad you liked what I had to display. I hope to be around more often... commenting, posting more creations... the usual.


Actually, at the time it was made I was 14. Didn't turn 15 until 2 monthes after I put it online (at a large LEGO based forum). When it comes to animation/models it was all me. Although I think the desk itself might have been one from the CD... not sure. Interestingly enough my only past animation experience was doing stop-motion animation with my toy collection, and that started around age 10-11. All I had was a (horrible quality) webcam, and free stop-motion specific software, called SMA (Stop-Motion Animator). Been years since I've downloaded, so for all I know its 100$ and features everything but the kitchen sink. When I got it, it had 2 buttons, "Capture" and "Onion Skin..."





Now your just rubbing your age in to us ol'foggies ;).


Listen Lewa. I wasn't kidding about a future in animation. You have a real good understanding of the basics of character animation. I mean it when I say keep it up! Look into animation schools and steer your future education towards it. Talk to your parents and and let them know that your interested in a future in animation. If you develop and hone those skills some more you'll be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Give it some thought. What area are you located in? I don't want your address I just want to know the city, state, country so that I can help you research some schools or training facilities to get you started on a more rewarding path.


My professional career started in Stop-Motion but I was always more interested in the more traditional Warner Brother/Hana-Barbara/Disney styles. I began drawing decently before I could read and write. I loved it. Later in my career I picked up some computer skills and now animate using both traditional and CG methods. I have had a really rewarding and happy career. I know that you can too. Just work hard and don't develop a BAD ego (a healthy ego is good but don't get carried away). I wish you all the best. Keep us all posted on your future. Good Luck!


Sincerely impressed,




P.S. Do you draw? If not pick it up, it will help you sharpen and improve your artistic and animation skills (and a lot of other skills too). You don't have to be the best drawer at all. Just have fun and sketch away.

Sheeeesh, I should practise what I preach and resume my drawings again. I've been busy with work and all!

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work so far. I played with these toys when they first came out until the plastic was turned into dust!


Keep it up! I'm also 15 adn I'm not that far into this program(very busy using Effects Lab DV www.fxhome.com [heh, don't get angry if I'm advertising because I'm advertising for you guys on their forum! :P ])


PM me sometime I played those things to death and I know every peice up and down! :lol:

  • 4 weeks later...

This is brilliant.


Everything said about your age and talent is true. If you pursue this you will not have a problem getting a job in this field.


I would recommend trying something that isn't fan based. Just to broaden the possible appeal...


... no rush of course... you need to get your drivers license, and pass all those test thingies they force on you at that big building where they send the children... I remember those places... involves a pencil or something.


Vernon "!" Zehr

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