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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

female cartoon

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Let me start of by saying cheers to all. The skills of the users are matching nicely with the development of the program. Good job to everyone, I'm thoroughly impressed. I've been out of the loop for 3 years and in that time some awesome stuffs been put out. It's good to be back.


It's tough trying to get back clean splinemanship. :blink: Wasn't exactly like riding a bike. I was pursuing gainful means of employment. Now finally have time to work on gainful means of enjoyment. He's my first wip since the keecat CD.




the floating head is another character still being put together within the same .prj


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:wacko: so here is some fpo hair. First style i think I'll try some others. . . but I'm not realy getting the kind results i want. . . I'm using a color map, a bump map and a transparancy map, and sometimes the end render has wierd artifacts in it and the bump map for the hair never has the dramatic enough look I want to get some deffinition in the strands. . . here's the product of that procedure.


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.....but I'm not realy getting the kind results i want. . . I'm using a color map, a bump map and a transparancy map, and sometimes the end render has wierd artifacts in it and the bump map for the hair never has the dramatic enough look I want to get some deffinition in the strands. . .

Use a larger color map with the same as the cookie map as alpha.


Up the res of the bump and transparency (you can still only use cookie map -it works for me and it doesn't make noticeable difference even up close) just use it in conjuction with bump. Play with the resolution and choose which size makes for the best of rendering time vs detail.


Play with the bump map a bit more. And use specular maps....


And finally and most importantly if you want to paint the strands make sure it's fine and antialised in the property of the brush you are using in the bitmap application without too much transparent edge.


Or you can use v12 hair, if you have v12. I myself haven't tried it, but it looks promising....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

Welcome back! Nice looking stuff.


but i can't choriograph any new actions myself. . . the poses don't key. . . .
make sure you have the right key filter enabled and the "Animate" button ON.
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Also can anyone recomend a simple to use, affordale (



Maybe not less than $50.00 (in fact, about $80+ shipping)Serif movie plus 4


And, they have photoediting software cheap, too... or even... free @

free software


otherwise, go for older versions of the industry standards on ebay... as others here have done.


disclaimer... I'm not associated with Serif in any way... the product is pretty good. And reasonably priced.

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Also whats the best video compression to use that gives me the balance of quality and size.

I use the Sorenson 3 compression on medium setting. That usually makes nice small files without sacrificing much quality.



Also can anyone recomend a simple to use, affordale ( <$50) video editing software?

A nice and free one is Windows Movie Maker. Ships with Windows XP and 2000 (sometimes). But it is free to download if you don't got it.

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i've been following your character for a while, and let me say she looks great!


how black/african is your model supposed to be?


if it's more than a bit, i'd expect her to have a shallower/wider bridge, as well as a smoother, less defined transition between nostrils and bridge.


keep up the great work!



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  • 2 weeks later...

The file i was working on got corupted so i had to revert to an earlier version and lost the lipsync. so since i had to back track to where i didn't even have poses set up, I decided to rework the character of Victoria a little bit. I haven't posed the phonems yet but i'm optomistit this modle will work better at lipsyncing. all in all my tragedy was a blessing in disguize. I've gotten a little more daring with the character design.


I'm also posting the black girl Ivory up as well (evetually she'll have cropped white hair)





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I think I'm getting the hang of the 2001 rig. I was putting alot of time into smart skinning, then looked through the new catalogue of stuff and saw that alot of peeps use fan systems and abandoned the smart skinning as the fan system works with alot less agrivation for me.


well, here's my first walk with Victoria


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Could use some secondary motion in the chest area.


Which is Dhar's way of saying that boobs "wobble" :lol:


I feel a bit cheeky, criticising when I can't model or animate for s**t, but her pubis seems too high, and her right hand seems to pass into her thigh while walking.

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<-Christian Bale as a Gramaton Cleric



I understand and apreciate the fact that boobs wobble, but I'm having dificulty understanding how to make them wobble on their own with the dynamic bones constraint, this is the settings I have, and for some reason they work realy poorly (makes the boob invert on itself)



can some one break down what these settings meen and what are good settings for d cups?



(please excuse my crassness I'm not realy good at being PC)


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hi Davie,


this is the setting i use for my breast (not properly mine, i don't have a breast :lol: ) as Steve Martin said in a movie: i could never be a woman... i would touch my breast all the time. i agree completely Steve!


and this is the result: http://www.tanassi.it/dynamic-breast-test-2.mov


may be you are using too mass with gravity. i think gravity can be turned off if your model stands up.


bye... Vince


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Hmm. now here's a poser. Whats with artifacts in my rendering with displacement maps applied to 5point patches. Is it something wrong with my settings or is it an issue with A:M.


Here are some pictures to illustrate. The picture without the artifacts in the 5point patch is where i switched the displacement map to a bump map at 150%.




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Looks lik a problem with normals not being aligned on the patches in question. some times they can be a real bear to get propery aligned, and when they are not aligned they play hell with displacement maps. (I would love an align normals like feature)

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Some comparative shots of Ivory Valentina (Black Girl) and Victoria Decazerez (white girl). Eventually gonna wind up squaring the two of them off in a freindly spar to some KMFDM.


I'm still getting the hang of rigging so when I finnish riging Vicy (and thus finish making the bulk of my mistakes) Ill rig Ivory.





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