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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hello all: you might remember this fella from previous posts. I took some time away to enter some contest but now i'm at the rigging stage with him. first time trying to rig and while i can theoretically understand it putting it to practice is something else :D So I thought I'd start a thread to keep me motivated and maybe have a place to look for help. P.S. I "borrowed" the t-shirt saying from someones forum tag:)


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Great to see you back in action right here in the forum.

You'll have to drop hints and remind us of the storyline... it's been too long!


Keep on posting! :)


Thanks guys, I'll be posting pics for help soon :D There's quite a few "tough" areas on this guy that aren't working right with my limited rigging knowledge. The short is going to be an intro for my "studio". The way I picture it is ala roadrunner/coyote. This guy is the foil for my penguin. It starts off with a marble sign with my logo on it being lifted up. Then the constr. guy enters looking for all the workers. Noticing no one is around he sees a button marked Don't touch on the construction site fence. Since he's the foreman no one is going to tell him what to do so he goes over and pushes the button.At this point the marble sign falls and squashes him. My penguin in side the logo goes from 2d to 3d (another thing I'll need help figuring out), jumps down off the sign walks towards camera. As he's doing this we see the costr. guy slide out from under the sign and waddle off camera. The penguin then starts doing a goofy dance:)Just a simple little thing that at this point is way out of my talent. I was also thinking these two would be good to tell other stories with but that's too far down the line to think about.Enough typing for now since i've used up most of my vocabulary :D


here's the first of probably many places I'll need help. The back hip area collapses in when i rotate it. The front is fairly smooth but this looks like he has some serious medical condition. Should I use some kind of fan bone or...?



Problem #2 finished the constraints and ran him through TSM, now he has major back problems ;) I have a feeling its a hierarchy problem but not sure.



It looks like bone rotation and placement of the geometry bones. Open the modeling window and an action window with constraints on side by side and adjust the geometry bones of the spine and you'll see the changes made in the action window.

  • 2 weeks later...

hehehe, thats pretty funny.


He looks pretty stiff and his arms dont bend but I would imagine you know that already. It's a good start. I Look forward to seeing him finished.


i'm trying to develop a walk for this guy. Still some more to do on him so mr proxy is standing in. just the first pass but i'm having a bugger of a time coveying his weight, any suggestions appreciated.



a couple of suggestions-


-his belly should sag with each foot fall. maybe a little bounce like.

-more hip movement, twist, right hip forward as right foot moves forward.

-his whole body should drop a little with each foot fall and rise to lead his next step.

-exageration ... lifting his foot is slooow, putting it down is faster.

-a little slower or maybe a bit of a pause before he lifts his foot for the next step. It's a lot of work moving that body around.


Maybe this will be of help. Some one posted this a while back.


BML Walker


I think the arms are to stiff and so they distract from the overall effect.


Still giving it some thought.


OK, the arms still seem a little stiff. This is for the "construction guy" model, right? Does that poxy really match the skeleton of the "construction guy"? Could just be my perception. His shoulders look too small. I think the visual clues would be better if the proxy were expanded to match the overall size and shape of the model. I think it's possible to make a stickman walk like a heavy individual, but without the visual mass, the connection is thin (pun intended).


A couple of comments:


1) It seems like he should rotate more around his hips.

2) The back foot push off looks wrong. It doesn't look like he's actually pushing off with his back foot more just bending it for no reason.

3) There also seems to be a couple of times where a frame was held giving it a more jerky look.


Nice character though!



still plugging along on this. i finally got my eyes to blink :D i added more up to the walk and i like how it turned out. something about the arms is still not quite right. any suggestions would be most appreciated.



It's not so much the arms as the hands. Right now they're looking a bit like paddles.


Try giving them a relaxed pose with slightly bent fingers, then have them swing along with the arms instead of being locked in place.

  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got all the poses set for the construction guy. So now I'm moving on to my mascot,the penguin. But before I do I'd like to fix him up a bit so he looks more like my drawing. He's close I think but I just can't pinpoint what's wrong. After spending so much time with it its hard to see ;) Any suggestions are appreciated.


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The most obvious difference (besides just being taller) would be that your sketch seems to make his legs an extended part of his chubby body versus appendages (if that makes sense).


The legs would make him easier to animate but making the lower body flow into the legs would make for some great waddling. :)




Maybe make his irises bigger and make the bottom curve of the top part of his beak a little smoother, less angular. I also agrre with Rodney about the legs. The drawing is more penguin like with no legs at all really. He is a pretty cool character :lol:


thanks for the suggestions guys. i have to admit i wasnt too keen on the legs when i put them in, but i thought animating the walk would be easier. they changed the look too much so i 86'ed them. also fixed a few other things. just about to the point where i can finally rig him yea :D


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