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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Preparing and animating a material


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I usually to do write a tutorial just post projects this will be an attempt to combine the two. To get an interesting material to animate it might take a few steps. In this project I'll start with a basic plane to display the material and prepare a material for hopefully an interesting result.


You can start by downloading the 1st project or just jump to the 5th


In project 1 I set up the plane in a chor and make a new material right click on the attribute and change it to a combiner \turbulence \sine pick blue and white for colors and choose 3 octave in the sine choices. Then render this rather uninteresting frame


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Now with the model and material in the chor we open the material. In this project the chor time is set to 1.00 sec at the 0 click on the x translation in sine and enter 0 (zero) move the slider to 1.00 and set x value to 3 you should see a line.


Then we render and get this





(this could also be done in an action)


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Okay to make it interesting we make the chor 2.00 sec and then do the same thing but erase the 3 in the x and at 200 set it to 3 and the secret here.. set the z translation to 0 at 0 and 3 at 2.00 sec






Much more interesting result


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Okay now are there any questions ...did I loose anyone....should I add more detail


or ???


I'll explain and expand this idea as needed after I see if there are any questions



and add more ideas

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Okay John, I admit I got a little lost.

That is only because I'm trying to follow in my head though.

Always better to download your project files and explore.


Thanks for the step-by-step walk through an animated material. :)

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John, it looks like you're using Camstudio to generate the SWF and HTML...just a headsup, Camstudio puts an error on the size of your SWF in the HTML. If you put in the right dimensions it will fix the problem. When I set the width to 911 and the height to 690, it appears to be close.


Also, if you record the tutorial as a Camstudio Lossless Codec encoded AVI, you can edit it using Virtualdub, save it as an edited AVI with the same Codec and then use "SWF Producer" (should be part of the package with Camstudio) to encode it as an SWF without any loss in quality.


Very cool tute.

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If all else fails watch this


1.8meg swf  from material to just before render of the results in proj5

more explanation as time allows

Really helpful of you doing this! Thanks a lot! all the files!

But the .swf I do not understand...

It shows every mouse click and movement but no text to explain it - but no sound and that is good!

I believe text is better than sound - easier to navigate - not having to listen to some chap talking and talking and talking...


Why not use WINK to make 20 screen captures - just pressing the Pause key 20 times to get the captures you need - and then some text to explain what you are doing. I think that is the method... I hope you will have a try because you do so many good things for the A:M Forums... and you have so many good projects and models to download on your site... it is just some small explanations on how to do it yourself that is needed so everyone can get it.




Perhaps Sandgroper can get it too?

He is just talking - no one answers - I believe he has something to say - try to get him involved instead of just turning the backs to him - I believe he is a nice guy - why not start to communicate with him - he needs some clouds on his A:M sky!!!!



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Very nice tutorial ... THANKS A BUNCH ... I'm working my way thru it now ... how difficult would it be to change the project to a night sky?


It would also be nice to have an option to download the tutorial ;)

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Hi john,


Thanks alot for the insight / practical use of animating mats.... I was considering for a while using mats to fake some light / caustics motions on my ocean bed, but was not sure how to... this really cleared up alot....



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Okay I change the html to what David suggested it works as it did the other way ..I tested it after posting (really Rodney :P . Let me know if you still have problems.

I'll see if I can get a download version available. Now this is only the beginning you can change colors to make a night sky. You can change colors or not and use the material to do an animated displacement material. You could animate the earlier version... the striped one in the Y direction and get flowing whatever. Also by adjusting any material in the material section (above the attribute section) you can animated any material ..I 'm stating this because not all material have the adjustments in the same place as sine. So I'll post a few more samples and then try to show the fun you can have with other combiners. So if you come up with any other samples why not post them here. another hint for fun say with the sine sample instead of blue make it transparent now you have floating puffs os clouds/smoke ??


question post here


Any real experts reading please pipe in

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in step5


made copy of original material


changed colors in both


applied to a larger plane


one as color the other as displacement


animated in Y (plane if flat in Y) and Z


notice how color rides the dusplacement


Thats about it for now will work up one on Gradient next ...


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project 5a










will see I about download but looking in cache after viewing tut you should find animatemat.swf and that can be saved and viewed at least on PC


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to download a copy I think the easiest way would be to go to the link in Rodneys reply right click and save as ....this will give you the file to be saved to watch later

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to download a copy I think the easiest way would be togo to the link in Rodneys reply right click and save as ....this will give you the file to be saved to watch later




Rodney's link worked fine ... kinda wish it had sound :D

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No evil eye is a gradient generated material . I'll get going on that soon.



look at the disappearing thom project (if its still on ARM) that is the driving part of the evileye

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