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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

johnl3d tries to model a character

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Inspired by who knows what I decided to try to model something recognizable

I did this in 11.1e with no problems and then rendered it in 12 alpha7 so it would be a jpg without converting



this is a rough model no rigging just an attempt to do something ii don't normally try






oh I did find a roto through google


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Ah yes - John now has a new victim to set on fire, disintegrate into particles , deform & maim, and inflict whatever other evil unspeakable cruelties, yet to be :lol: - Thom is free!! Long live Thom - poor poor Opus... :blink:


I look forward to the inevitable mayhem. Good Job John.

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thanks for the comments..his "wings/arms" are same length copied flipped and attached. Same with feet. Actually I used the wings to make the feet... fingers become toes and legs added to a little tweaking.


Yes its Opus



Oh Nancy OPUS is safe now if I can do bill the cat

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Looks good! Bloom County is my all-time favorite comic strip. I hear they are going to produce a CG Opus movie, too.

I started modeling an Opus a couple months ago and never finished. I had trouble with creases. Figured I would finish it when I get better.

I still need to work out how I'm going to do the pupils, eyelids and mouth.

Here's a pic.


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