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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Well, here's a new robot I've been working on..I call it the "scope bot"...not even near done texturing..I'm thinking of leavin ghte body a white reflective material and just adding some bumps to the tire and some reflectivity to the wheel


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Interesting character. Questions I need to ask are:


1. How is it propelled? It doesn't need to be much but should have something that indicates a method of propulsion.

2. Are the eye rods telescopic - individually or together? If so then the modelling needs to reflect this.




OK, sort of jet propelled then. The only suggestions I have are:


1. You should angle the exhausts so you give the apprearance of some directional control

2. Not have everything "chromed". Some different materials at the transitions for example would help break it up.

3. Add some geometry that gives and indication that the eyepods can angle up and down rather than just bending at the joint (or make the last bit of each eye strut a flexible arm - and texture it too look like a flexi arm joint)


The model has a lot of potential :)






But, if it a robot is fake, does it matter how if there are bendy joints? Commericals about bottles that bend come on all the time and they don't have bendy joints...What do you mean by angled exhaust pipes?


Yes and there is nothing wrong with just bending the rods - just another option :)


At present all three tubes come straight back out. Might look better if you angle them ie think of them all originating at the centre of a sphere and each projects out of that sphere at 90 deg to the surface OR put then in line, the middle one pointing straight back and the sides ones pointing out at an angle.


Again these are just suggestions not instructions :)




I see what you're saying...I like the angle idea with the exhaust..I think I"ll try that...I'll also try the bendy thingy idea. It'd add more color to it, now that I think about it.



Hey I really like this ...err... fella? It's got a nice organic/mechanical feel to it.


Just a thought, perhaps add a touch of detail to the thingies that hold up the eyes. This could be done with texturing or modeling I believe. Just to add more interest and to break up the chrome-iness a tad.


Very nice concept.




I think I'll add the bendy-things to break up the rods (thanks Higgndisg...boy did I spell that wrong)


Also, with the set up shown below, how would I add eyelids? I've already tried placing them inside the "scope" but it bled through:



Ok..while I was waiting for someone to respond I added some black "bungy thingys" (what the heck are those called??)


these things add a lot to the model..thanks for the suggestion



Put a flare around the scopes at the front, and you eyelids maybe won't poke through.


Good work.... I think those things are called bellows, but I'm sure techno-boobs (engineers) have given it some new name. <_<

Something like  this? (by the way, the wheel will turn :) )

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of the following.


And a wheel guard/flaring might give it a nice retro look!




Sorry, hash, for all the replies I'm making..hehe, but I got another update :)


I tested the rigging capabilites and I'm thinking of using a fan bone system or smartskins on the "shocks"



Here's a "behind the scenes" view of the rig..just wanted to show that I made it a simple rig, yet great to manage...(plus, the model's easy to rig :) ) (too many smileys :) )


I think I'll add the bendy-things to break up the rods (thanks Higgndisg...boy did I spell that wrong)


Also, with the set up shown below, how would I add eyelids? I've already tried placing them inside the "scope" but it bled through:

Take a look at Johnny-5 from the 1986 movie "Short Circuit" - it might inspire you to tackle the eye lid problem. Johny-5's eye lids were also his eye brows, so there was no shortage of showing emotions.

Sorry, hash, for all the replies I'm making..hehe, but I got another update :)


I tested the rigging capabilites and I'm thinking of using a fan bone system or smartskins on the "shocks"

I like this version :)




Hey hey! It's awesome. For some reason I'm reminded of Pixar's flagship mascot, the lamp thingy. I was thinking though, as far as the exhaust pipe things go. I think what he meant was angle them, not at 90 degrees, but maybe at 30 or even less than that- sort of a triangular effect. They look, assuming theyre for propulsion, almost pointless (because 2 jets pushing towards each other with the same force will cancel to 0). It's up to you though, I think it looks AWESEOME! Keep up the good work.


Here is my observation.

It seems that the flexing of the "eye supports" should be at the joints and not where the tube meet the body. That part looks like it is one piece and therefore should not flex that much


Just a thought.


Ah, yes...I see what you mean...I just wanted exaggerated movement during the strolling (which is a principle in animation), but I'll try your idea when I find the time to test out the stroll again..thanks!


Hey guys...I'm still tweaking up the rig and added bones to each spline ring of the brows...(it's not very spline-dense)...I rendered an animation of it, but a message came up in the forums saying that i cannot upload a .mov file encoded Sorenson 3....what's the size limit of an attachment?


Anyways...here it is in action (trust me, this "expression" isn't going to be in the short I'm making lol)



You'll come up with something...I actually just thought of this idea in my head while surfing the forums (it's not based off anything) and I didn't even take the time to make concept drawings..haha. And it turned out pretty good. So just brainstorm and you'll think of something

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