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  1. Not sure what it was for but thought it might be useful 85tube.prj
  2. stumbled onto an old project ..gif is short version of result absnowone.prj
  3. Had to get back to tinkering time thank you Robcat for the cloth remonder ghostly.prj
  4. Hello Hashers- Doing a simple "cookie cut" mapping effect and it is not responding like it should. Instead of clean cutting it has a bizarre transparency effect whereby it chunks up the grid (see photo). I have embedded the simple project if anyone would like to test it. Also attached is the tga image used for mapping in the event it wasn't embedded along with the project. Thanks for any insights! Tom whitee0.tga CookieTest.prj
  5. Must admit to being new to texturing. Been tinkering with AM for 15 yrs. but didn't start using it seriously until couple yrs. ago when I started this project. I'm actually not new to CG tho. Have worked for film and TV for 11 yrs. using Prisms (now Houdini), Softimage and Maya but only as a modeller and animator. Learned quite a bit from that tute by Zandoria studios (Balrog) where he manipulates the model in Action to apply the maps. So I'm having some success but still need a lot of help from someone who's been down that road. Just trying to get that "richness" like in the movie "Tin Tin". I know that's quite a leap but have to strive for something. There are SO many things in that film that nobody will ever notice but it all contributes to that amazing quality. I'm finding that manipulating the model in Action has its limits, because if the cps have to "stretch" too far you still get stretch artifacts. Hope this explains better. Thanks for responding.
  6. Go... Project Workspace>Objects>your model>User Properties on the Pose you want to delete and choose Delete Then go down to the Relation ships folder and delete what should now be an empty folder with the name of the deleted Pose.
  7. There are two main advantages: - Data safety (a NAS is especially useful if you have one with 2 or more bays. Like that you can put them in a raid easily and let them mirror the data. So if one of the drives fails, you can just replace it and the NAS will re-mirror it from the other drive automatically (or depending on the RAID version you are using different other things) - access over the network with different devices. This means having your data available on your laptop, you desktop and the tablet of your wife at one central place. This is even possible over the internet, if you are willing to make it available via internet (but you do not have too. It is of cause more secure to just keep it in the LAN) - pretty good automatic backup solutions are available, the NAS will keep track of your disc health and tell you if you need to think about changing the drives, etc. - you can handle access rights very easily... so for instance one user is allowed to open one folder, the other one isn't and so on. The result is: - your computer can die and you still will have the files available. - (at least) one of the drives can die if you have a 2- or more bay-system - think of rendering with A:M... just put your project on the NAS and open A:M on each of your computers to render from it. The disadvantages: - it is a little less fast than a drive in your computer (at least as a SSD if you are "only" using 1 Gigabit-LAN / ethernet... if you have more like 10 or 50 and a fast raid configuration it will not make a big difference anymore). Anyhow it is still pretty fast and for most things you won't notice a difference. 4k video editing or something like that might be one of the things you might not want to do with a normal NAS, but other stuff isn't going to be noticeable slower. - you need two drives (or for instance 3) and will loose 1/2 or about 1/3 (raid 0/1 vs. raid 5) of the capacity of your drives. I am using a 4-Bay Qnap-NAS for all my data here for years now and I really love it and just recently have gone from about 5 TB of drive space to about 9TB of drive space because of video footage I am done with which is saved there. While working I might copy it to one of my SSDs and later the stuff goes to my NAS. 1080p material can even be edited on my NAS pretty nicely. Best regards *Fuchur*
  8. When it crashes, A:M will usually write a .dmp file to the directory your project is saved to. It won't have any human readable information but you can include them with a bug report to Steffen. But I'm not sure how we describe this problem for Steffen such that he can investigate it. IT sound like something very specific to your system.
  9. Try to save all the elements of the project separately. Including the chor.
  10. It's an old version of Squetchy Sam (2008) that has been altered. The Project won't open for me because I don't think the model was included in it.
  11. I have been busy working on a project and have not uploaded anything in a year in this year. That project is nearing completion and with the my retirement after 35 years of work I will have more time for the things I love. I built this character 11 years ago. A lot has happened in those 11 years. I was never happy with the geometry of the PM's face. So this past weekend I completely re did the head, shoulders bicep, and stomach areas. Here is a quick rendering of the PM2. I have included a new wire frame as well. The old PM was rigged with the 2008 rig by Mark. I am rigging the new PM2 with a cross of Zundel-TSM2-Robert Holmen-Steve Shelton rig with a little bit of the Saucy Rig. I have the geometry in and now completing the control portion and will work on the poses. I hope to have him finished in the near future.
  12. Yes, I have plans for a long term project, perhaps changing the version while the project is in progress. There may be a problem, and another reason I don't have a credit card, it's not easy to shop online often, I want to be able to Transfer funds directly to Hash, Inc.'s account and scan the transfer document. Can be confirmed through this forum, it will be another convenient way. thank you with high regards Bobby
  13. I'm curious as to what problem this new feature solves. This is well timed as I had just generated a render that had this very problem in v19o. v19p eliminates the really black patches. Thank you Steffen. But still remaining are the subtle light grey patches on either side of the arches on the right that were there in v19o. Both images were rendered using the attached project. Penn_station_black_patches_embed.prj
  14. Here is a screen capture of the status bars of two instances of A:M They are both running the same cloth simulation with the same settings. The lower left one highlighted in green was started first. The upper right, in yellow, was started second and quite a bit later. The first instance (green) is bogged down in absurdly high numbers of substeps for each frame. The second instance (yellow) is sailing through with far smaller substeps needed for each frame and getting done faster. Same computer, same project, same settings.
  15. Here's a proof of concept for animating the biases of a four Control Point lathe to have it morph from circle to square. In this case not directly moving into the shape but changing size and delaying the shape change a little. Project File attached as well. square2round.prj
  16. thanks all that is my reference pic. This is pic is my spider man I am working on still some tweaking to do .between working and all project going very slow
  17. Just a post to close out this project! After much longer than expected and many, many obstacles, Stalled Trek: The City on the Edge of Foreclosure was completed on April 10, 2021! As you can see from the poster, I ended up going back to an updated version of the original character designs from Amutt Time. I resisted it for as long as I could, but since I had to remodel everything in a new application, I gave in. I'm glad I did. I think they're funnier that way and even though this one and Amutt Time look different, it's good that the characters aren't too dissimilar. This was easily the most difficult project I've ever completed! I knew it would be tough, but I wasn't prepared for it! Amutt Time was a breeze compared to this one. So many speed bumps: a new full-time job, learning new software, health problems, and a world-wide pandemic! So many setbacks, but I kept at it and finally reached the finish line. The hard work was worth it, though. I'm really proud of this one. Hopefully this will be some encouragement to all the people who are struggling with their own films. There's a light at the end of the tunnel! I should be getting the blu-rays back from the duplicators in the next couple of weeks and I've already started submitting it to a few film festivals. With the pandemic, many film festivals are still shut down, but I hope to be able to see it screened with an audience.
  18. When you say " the tabs on the left side of the workspace" do you mean tabs at the bottom of the Library Window? Nothing is in any of them? Is there a "Libraries" folder in your AM folder and does it have a .lbr file in it? The extended AM data set can be downloaded with http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/misc/Data.zip It is meant to replace the "Data" folder in your AM folder. Al though the tutorials are written to access files via the library, I have always found it easier to load files in the conventional manner. You can load any file with the File>Open menu. Projects can also be loaded with Projects>Open Images, Material, Objects, Actions and Chors can also be loaded by on their respective folder in the Project Workspace and choosing "Import" to navigate to a file location.
  19. SPOKE TOO SOON!!! Soon as I close the project and reopen it the Pose snaps back to 100% - and I can't get rid of it. Back to square one. I've tried deleting the model from the chor and resetting the settings in the pose slider settings but it keeps snapping back to 100. I don't know what else to try.
  20. Hello Jason, I have been updating AM for many years now on the same computer. Now I ran into a popup "wrong host for license -4" any idea what happen. I have the v16 and I'm working on a project deadline the end of this month. Please advise. 

    1. Jason Simonds

      Jason Simonds


         I saw your emails and replied. I'm logging into them now. I had a really long day in the field yesterday 7am to 11:30 pm so I forgot email till this morning.

  21. backgrounds are spaced camera moves backward through them causing the effect All the project files is in the zip file panel.zip
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