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  1. Hi John Tried your idea with my leaves project. Animated a couple of trees.
  2. Thank you guys. Not a pain in the arse at all Vern this is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. I'm sure you've experienced it after a while with a project you can't see it anymore Interesting about the two images being similar..you had more guts than me though I didn't even attempt to put hands in mine. I'll fix the paper pdq wouldn't want to interfere with your sleep. One thing though, I wanted this to be a scene in a lonely motel room but I guess it came across more as a bar, ah well what ever works Andy I added a higher spec but it made the hat look rubbery, any suggestions? I will post a wire of the feather, was quite simple to do actually.
  3. This is a head I'm hoping to use for an animation project. Still early days...
  4. Ok so, I'm working on a school project and I'm having some trouble. I haven't had too much experience in the choreography window. I have an action where my character is walking (and its constrained to a path). Then I want him to stop and do another action. What I've been doing is importing the other action after the first one is complete. But instead of stopping, both actions end up occuring on the same path. And instead of the first action finishing at the end of the path, it finishes in the middle. And the part where he is supposed to stop ends up taking place over the rest of the path. I tried to explain it clearly. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it a lot. Thanks Robert Lazzarini (P.S> would anyone know how to make a website or if there is any place where I can post short actions I've made?)
  5. I try again! Hi Shaun! Thanks your answer! I'm checking this tutorial,and I'm looking this is a photoshop tutorial! Yes? But I'm interesting in your eye model in particular! How did you make it years ago or now? How much sphere did You use these eyes? How did you render it? Did you use the lights in the eyes?, etc. Ps.: I'm so waiting your lip sync rig and animation tutorial keyframe by keyframe! Because I'm working a big project and I need to be a good lip sync in it! I'm waiting your answer! Thanks before, Sharky
  6. Here're some renders from my final project last year in the modeling class that Bill Y. and Nat S. taught: http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene6_copy.jpg http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene5_copy.jpg http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene4_copy.jpg http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene3_copy.jpg http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene2_copy.jpg http://img32.photobucket.com/albums/v97/Ji...scene1_copy.jpg Let me know what you think!
  7. Mark, Don't know if you read my latest post in the Animation Master discussions "Creating leaves with hair?", but I ran into a problem when using hair with my "growing stick" rig. The leaves follow the group if I rotate or move the stick, but if I use the pose slider that lengthens the stick the leaves don't follow. They simply stretch (even when rendered). Have you noticed any similar behavior? Got any ideas about how to avoid this or fix it? I have sent the project files to the Hash support folks, so I expect they will figure it out soon. Thanks! Bill Gaylord
  8. I'll put away my train wreck helmet and say I'm proud to have been a small part of it. It was very flattering to be asked to join in, particularly since I had not demonstrated the ability to do more than four or five seconds of animation in a week. Perhaps Zach was just desperate. None-the-less it fulfilled a long-time goal of mine that I might some day good enough to be asked to work on someone else's project. I can't help but think that if we had roped in even just one more animator we would have made the 48 hour mark. It was exciting trying. Fence-sitters: you missed out. I'm sure some people will sniff at this because it's not ultra detailed and textured 3D. Screw them. I'm very impressed by the script Zach et al. produced in no time at all. I know people who are actually employed as writers who couldn't crank out a genre parody with all the elements in two months, never mind two hours. And I am most envious that Zach has such a creative entourage of friends that can contribute to his projects. My friends think they're being creative if they replace their avocado refrigerator with a stainless steel one.
  9. Ran into problems with the new 11.0b update, but I think I'll be able to work them out. So in the meantime here is the toonleavs model to test out. I would like to see some of the results of your tests please. It will keep me motivated to keep working on the project. The bushes are the default model, just scaled and slider changes. The trees are imported into the model and the material dragged into your group, just like the other model was. Deleting and renaming still apply. This is designed to not use a leaf image.
  10. I'll contribute to the discussion since i've spent most of this semester working with KeeKat here at UMass. I found KeeKat to be both a beautiful model to work with, but also a VERY forgiving one. He responds well to some pretty odd positions. It's also quite fun to have the tail to work with, which is pretty unique in comparison to the boy model we worked with as well.... it opens up the door for some creative posing. A huge thanks to Bill Young for providing us with a great model to work with at the school. I figured i'd post my final project for this semester, since it includes KeeKat. Credits go to Bill for the KeeKat model (the bike is my own)... even though i forgot to credit you at the showing, lol! The Fast and Not so Furious ~Justin Parker UMass Senior
  11. How about some toon plants for my project.
  12. Well, I've been kind-of bad this week and didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I did, however, finish off the final modeling touched on the 'Son' (i.e. teeth, eyelashes and the such) and am now on setting the model for texturing. Right now, I've got all his hair and skin templeted and ready for painting. I was hoping to have all of him done today, but I got sidetrack on another project (re-redering an earlier short, 'Yote Tail for posting to the AMFilms site). More next week!
  13. Thanks Sharky! I'll finish it though it will be awhile. This one is my 'when I get time' project. My short is taking precedence. Doug
  14. Hi Parlo! It's a great stuff,and I too like your lip sync animation! I ask you that please help me in lip sync topic! I have a big problem with my lip sync animation. I'm working a project and I need to animate a dialogue,what I made it,but my problem with it,that my models's mouth is moved very fast and much!!! What's the problem with my animation? Can you help me and please show me how can I do this? How could you make your lip sync?( I'm interesting in animation in particular!) Thanks before and I'm waiting your answer! Sharky
  15. I was playing with dynamics and forces today. Here a test movie. The three models are the default settings in the project I'm working on. Stilling tweaking the settings. Made things easier.
  16. Mark, Very nice. This year is looking mighty good for trees! Now I just have to figure out how to work some into a project!
  17. Just catching up on reading the Forum. Looks very cool. Would be very useful for a timelapse segue in an Animation. An example project file would be great and with documentation fantastic!
  18. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I will use it. I have a project that requires creating a forest, so I am interested in it. I can't wait to see the documentation. Thanks
  19. Hi Shaun! Thanks your answer! I'm checking this tutorial,and I'm looking this is a photoshop tutorial! Yes? But I'm interesting in your eye model in particular! How did you make it years ago or now? How much sphere did You use these eyes? How did you render it? Did you use the lights in the eyes?, etc. Ps.: I'm so waiting your lip sync rig and animation tutorial keyframe by keyframe! Because I'm working a big project and I need to be a good lip sync in it! I'm waiting your answer! Thanks before, Sharky
  20. Added new slider to model for fruit or flowers. 30 frames vga qt sor3 multipass on 4 passes 14 sec a frame 7min 26sec total aprox 15 min to build tree and render movie with project I'm putting together.
  21. Another hair update. *note* I did not model the hair. I took it off the CD from the Jane model (merely as an experiment, but man do I like the look). If I could model her hair like this I would. If not, is it legal to use a portion of another's model in one's project? I'm pulling my own hair out trying to get what's in my mind ! Comments welcome as always. Cheers. Doug
  22. A frame from the project I am currently revising. Can anyone suggest what might be causing the shadow to show through the wall and what might be causing the lines on the ceiling? The wall is double skinned, with a gap between the skins ( walls) V105R Win XP Toon Render x32pass cheers simon (there is a larger image but its 159k and didn't wish to impose )
  23. here, the project grass_test__by_cronos.zip
  24. That is a toughy. It all depends on how brave you are. You may want to model the clothing into the character on your first attempt. On the CD Jim Talbot uses a really cool method on the Tarzan and Jane characters where the (minimal) clothing is attached to the model. On the other hand there is no reason you can't model the clothing separately even if you do not use the cloth wizard built into AM. You could do it this way and just bone, smartsin and animate the clothing by hand, constraining it to the body bones and at a later date when you feel confident with the tools you can try using the cloth wizard. For the most part I have seen clothing modeled into the character with "extra bits" extending beyond for "flowing" stuff like skirts, dresses, sleeves etc. This way you could create separate versions of the character and change the outfits by changing colors, materials, and altering the clothing part of the model without a ton of effort. The few "humanoid" type characters I have done just wear really tight body suites so not an issue. I have to address some of this on a current project and will most likely have loose fitting clothing models over the character. Vernon "not an expert" Zehr
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