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  1. okay this is still rough but closer to a sewing machine http://johnl.inform.net/pages/sewm.htm project file available on page again this is rough but it was just a side project and I don't have time to fine tune it tinkering gnome
  2. HEY! Too kewl!! Glad I wandered into this topic...yes, PLEASE...post project! Thanks! dc
  3. Sorry this is a bit rough but I spent 20 minutes on it render as line thread and a pose slider..very rough watch the last few stitches I can post the project later sew.mov
  4. After talking to Rodney Baker I decided to post a project file that was the result of a discussion on making a spherical constraint with Carl Raillard on CGTalk. Here's a description of what it does: When you open the "spherical.prj" project, it should have "Action1" open and ready to mess with (if not, double-click on "Action1" to open it). What you see is "Bone1" as the bone that defines the sphere, "Bone2" as the bone you would attach any geometry to and "Null2" (at the intersection of "Bone1" and "Bone2") which is the manipulator...there is also a "Null1" that is set so that it isn't seen which helps drive this. When you move "Null2" around ("Bone2" can be moved independently as well, but the constraint only works by manipulating "Null2") you'll see that "Bone2" follows while remaining within the area defined by "Bone1". You can move "Null2" outside of the defined area, but "Bone2" will still remain inside. You can adjust the area within the sphere that "Bone2" can occupy by changing the setting on the "Translate Limits" of "Null1" in the "Pose1" relationships folder. To make "Bone2" able to operate in a larger sphere, you'll need to increase the maximum translate limit for "X" to something above zero, to keep "Bone2" from reaching the center of the sphere, you have to change the the minimum translate limit for "X" to something higher (-14, -13, etc) than "-15cm".
  5. Just had the opportunity to whip up another prop for my animation project. Comments? Questions? Observations about life?
  6. Looks an interesting project! I can't get to see the animation as it's too large and I'd say others find that too. Maybe you can edit it or put it in a compressed format? Good luck with it anyway!
  7. actually the stream is confined to an invisile tube so a force or even a small invisile object could proof intreresting busy right now but here's the project file and tga I used bubs.zip
  8. simple sprites I can post the project and tga for bubbles if requested bubs.mov
  9. Very imaginative. I'm not really sure as to what you need to hear, but it looks a surreal dream. I do think the water could stand to be adjusted on it's ripple scale and contrast. Currently instead of a water appearance it has a feel of a paste. Will Sutton posted a link to a simple and clever water material he created that might better suit your project. I'll see if I can dig up the link. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2476&st=0 Hmm.. Couldn't find the Ark thread with the search. had to resort to the brute method to extract the thing. <sigh>
  10. Wow, amazing violin! It really looks real. How'd you do the scroll and f-holes? If you download my project you'll see that it's slightly awkward, the way I'm going about it. Also you'll see that I have about 8 rotoscopes for various views, but I also have my own cello as a reference. that's what I'm kind of modeling after. That's why this one is slightly wider than some of the 'scopes- my real cello is. -Zev
  11. Finally, an update. I've made some more progress. I finished the bridge (darn 5-pointers!) and have begun work on the neck and scroll. The scroll is easily the hardest part. I also completed the tailpiece, the part to which the bottoms of the strings attach. Here's an image of what I've done so far. You can also go to http://homepage.mac.com/igeek1/FileSharing11.html and download cello.zip, which is the complete project, if you want to see it in more detail. My method for starting the scroll is pretty crude. I may start over. I leave for camp for a week on the 11th, and I may or may not be able to see the forum until I get back. 2 days later I'm going to music camp, where I'll get to spend more time with the real thing. Thank you all for your comments and quick responses. Boy, this is fun! -Zev
  12. Wooooo, thanks for all the replys! Glad some of you folks out there liked it, as for questions: It was a kind of an organised jam. For instance, the directors knew what they wanted and then got the rest of us monkeys to do some of the bits. The two girls in the one photo at the end (Rebecca and Charlene) stiched 50 frames of the girl flinging her hair back, which didn't need to be timed, the same with the bird and other bits. So these were used to pad out / make the bits that needed to be on time (such as ticking) be on time. So it all came out on time in the end (but it was mainly due to luck!). As for a storyboard...heh...it was a uni project (the type where you think of a cool reason after you made it ). As for the factory bit, I have to agree with you, but I don't think there will be any smoothing as it was for a deadline so it could be entered into submerge 2004. Glad ya enjoyed it! P.
  13. This was just a project I did in one day for fun. Upon completion I noticed slight resemblances between it and something else I'd seen before. I guess that's what you get for opening A:M too soon after you've been to the movies... Enjoy
  14. tanassi


    thanks Doug, now i have to do something for that hair. btw: i'm modeling the body and experienced some strangeness in displaying objects. truly i have heard in some other post the same thing. the fact: it happens that, when i'm in modeling or bone viewport, my model disappear partially or totally, seems to be cutted away by a clipping plane parallel to the viewport plane, when i'm in modeling or boning and i rotate the view or zoom in, the geometry disappear gradually as a clipping plane is moving forward or backward. the rotoscope and bones remain visible! i have this problem both in Direct3D and OpenGL. I have a P4 2.0 GHz, 512 Mb, matrox G550 with 32Mb, perhaps is a lack of video memory. I noticed that this problem appears in models developed mostly in one axis. example: when i work on the head it doesn't show any problem. in the same project when i work on the body (that is mostly developed on the Y axes i've got the problem (the model disappear progressively or completely while i rotate view or zoom in). i think it's video card problem, but i have installed the last driver few weeks ago, the software mode doesn't work at all to me, it results in black viewport only. i don't think it is an onion skin effect, ther's no transparency, the model is abruptly cutted out by a cutting plane parallel to the viewport plane and all is from one side or other side (depends as you turn) of the plane become invisible, rather i think there are two planes one near the observer and one beyond the object, when you turn or zoom the object intersects these planes and only the part of object between the planes remains visible. see the attached images bye... Vince
  15. Dearmad : excellent project.... characters and props are amazing .... keep us updated I perceived that three great projects are being made using cities as main focus or sets .... Frank Hegemann´s city my city and your city ... all made by A:M ( Amazing : Metropolis ) Cheers Xtaz
  16. Another bit of animation is nearly done... I'm feeling fatigued enough with it to post just to show that I'm alive and so is this project. It's in the "sweatbox" now. Ravel sorta lopes in a little too fast for me, and his face is not animated yet (just his eyes), but his thinking is actually sort of there- something I'm a little proud about. It's funny, but nothing in my entire film will be any sort of "cool rock on!" scene- it's a pretty quiet little film telling a story that's probably more sophisticated than I should have aimed at with my first AM project... ah well! Link to the sweatbox from here: http://www.applesnake.net/ravel.htm
  17. Sofabutt - Thanks for checking in on my project, at the moment am busy with a freelance project I picked up so I will not be able to do much with my fish project... But when I have an update I will post it........
  18. Well, I'm planning on doing a better pose, once I get it rigged. Then I will do a wallpaper for anyone that wants it I'm busy on another project this week, but I will probably have some free time next week to come back to it...
  19. I've quickly made a very simple model to show how the basics of this rig works. Here's the project file - Right Click me and "Save target as..." This is a good starting point for anybody wanting to experiment with a rig like this. Be sure to read through Victor's Thread for more info. Stuff to take note of in the project file: 1)The use of a pose to control other poses (AKA "nested poses") - The Top_Lip_UD pose does just this. This is good reference for anybody interested in this concept - face rig or no face rig. 2)The rotation of the centre bone in the L/R poses cancelling each other out. 3)The use of CP weighting - Right click one of the CPs and select "Edit CP Weights. Take the rig apart, make the bones visible one at a time, look at what each relationship does. All the basics are there. I'll add some more detail when I get the time - I'm hectic on another A:M project at the moment so it might not be for a couple of days.
  20. Thank you very much Ihan and Jack ...... inspiring words I am learning a lot with this project... Cheers Xtaz
  21. There is a lot to like about this project. Style, mood, imagination. I don't know why but I just LOVE that street light. You have definitely crossed over to the ART side. Beautiful stuff. Jack
  22. I have taken it upon myself, after about a year of learning this program and seeing it through the OS X Beta program, to model a cello. After one unsuccessful try I modeled the body, and I'm almost done with the bridge. That's where the problem is. I'm having some issues with the bridge. There are four five point patches that refuse to be recognized. I select the five points, but the five-point-patch button is grayed out. Their equivalent regions on the flip side are behaving fine. I've gone over the entire model and flipped all the normals facing out. Is this the right thing to do? You can download the entire project from my iDisk and try it yourself: http://homepage.mac.com/igeek1/FileSharing11.html. It's cello.zip. Feel free to check out the other stuff there. Please advise. I'm still a relative newbie, I may have missed something obvious. Thanks in advance. -Zev
  23. Well, heres the begining of my project... Now the madness starts
  24. Hi all, hi Rodney, wow, your "A:M Digest " Cover is good work, but -sorry to ask- what is "A:M Digest". Is it a print magazine or an online magazine? I´m just busy building up an internet site for my town project. Called the "Laragach Project". It will include a wallpaper section, and a historical background. Meanwhile i like to send you another picture. Greetings Frank
  25. Hi Vern, I've never encountered a theory of a Genesis-Greek connection before I started this project. I'm not sure anyone has even thought of it quite this way before, so I don't think it's a widely accepted theory. But I think it's intriguing too! It seems reasonable to deduct that the Greeks and Hebrews share some of the same collective memories. They "evolved" in the same geographic areas. They worked and lived side by side in Egypt and the eastern mediteranean region. Greek, I think,was the accepted written language in the middle east for quite awhile. The two cultures seem to have alot in common once you begin to look for the connections. To me, the idea that the Greeks may have thought it was a Good thing that Eve ate the apple fits with the rational humanist view of the world very well.
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