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  1. Hi, Using v19.5a, win10, nvidia 940M For "DialogFreeze004 external JPG MAT MDL ACT CHO.prj" that freeze without panel. For "Delete.prj" it open, but without "vase" model. For "VaseSlide.cho", it's ok, a panel ask for the "vase.mdl". So I choose "vaseX.mdl", it dont' freeze, and open the scene with the vase. After If you close the project (not AM). You can open "DialogFreeze004 external JPG MAT MDL ACT CHO.prj" witout problem. (as if it had remembered the path of the folder where the files are located) On v15, not this problem, a panel dialog ask for the "vase.mdl" This is a problem that I have already encountered, when a file searches for an image for which it cannot find the correct path, it freezes. Hope this can help
  2. 1.) When I open it the first time, it asked for vase.mdl and I could just click on cancel. Had to click that a couple of times. Then I tried to give it vaseX.mdl but that was just empty. 2.) Then I just closed the project and reloaded and there was a vase model in there and everything ran fine. > 19.5 (same version like you very likely) > AMD Radeon RX 6800 16 GB, Driver version 23.9.2 > AMD Ryzen 9 5900x Best regards *Fuchur*
  3. The first time i opened the it froze. then i just imorted the part individually and it all seemed to load. I closed all thje projects then selected to open ythe project and it all worked Using 19.5a selecting the project from the file caused the opened to file the vase mole and froze using 19.5a and 19.0
  4. I've adding bones and contraints relationships. I must be doing/missing a step. When i reopen the saved project they're all gone. any ideas? Im using version 19.5a
  5. Lesson 18 While Loops Finally, we can make a program repeat steps! Project idea: John Purcell suggests a program that uses a while loop to do something a number of times. But that's lame, that's what For loops are for. How about... implement the "Price Is Right" guessing game, where the user enters a guess at a secret number, then the computer answers "High" or "Low" or "Correct". Repeat that while the user has not yet guessed the secret number. Lesson 19 Do While Loops Do While is ideal for situation where some condition isn't tested or step isn't done until you are in the loop and that step or test needs to be repeated until it meets some condition. How about a password checker? Just to be clever, make it ask for and check two passwords and require they both be correct.
  6. Looks Impressive quite the ambitious project!!!
  7. For a very long time, one of the nice tools in A:M is being able to constrain cp motion along an axis during a rotate; see embedded project. This is a top view of two tubes whose axes are parallel to the Z axis. Open this project in v19p (or any version going back to the last century) and select the central circular 4pt. spline of the green tube. Select the Rotation tool and rotate the tool 45 deg. counterclockwise while holding down the 3 key. The spline rotates but the movement of the cp's are constrained to only move along the Z axis. Open this project in v19.5a and select the central circular 4 pt. spline of the red tube. Select the Rotation tool and rotate the tool 45 deg. counterclockwise while holding down the 3 key. The entire spline moves with no axis constraint, the way it would if you weren't holding down the 3 key. This is also true for the X & Y axis. rotate_along_axis_embed.prj
  8. This issue may not be fixable if it's an unavoidable side effect of how AO works but I'll submit it anyway. Here is a prog. render of the test model illuminated by a sun type light source. The model is a flat grey surface above which hovers four glass windows. Each window model (7 in. x 7 in.; 17.8 x 17.8 cm) is 4x4 patches surrounded by a tubular frame. The greenish glass has a 90% transparency. Each window is floating a different distance above the grey surface ranging from 2 in (5.1 cm) to 1/2 in. (1.3 cm). This is a final render(9 passes) of the model after you turn on AO = 100% with a sky blue global colour. Notice that the ambient light is still being partially blocked by the almost transparent glass and the shadow density increases as the glass gets closer to the surface. If you reduce the transparency of the glass, the density of its ambient shadow increases so clearly AO is sensitive to the surface transparency. But even at 100% transparent the glass still has a noticeable ambient shadow when its very close to another surface. Even stranger is a progressive screen render with AO on. This also happens in v19p. Embedded project is attached. AO_bug_v19pt5a_embed.prj
  9. You don't want Animate Mode OFF. And you don't want that Red Border. It's a warning that Animate Mode is OFF. I never touched that. Leave that "not set" Animate Mode isn't about rendering. It's about keyframes you make before you render. Try my sample project and do what i do in the video starting at 21:04 MyronTitle001b.prj
  10. When I first read this topic several approaches to this came to mind... including use of Boolean cutters to remove letters. I tested that and it worked although I was having difficulty making it work as simply as I wanted. Then I thought... black background... colored letters... Why not just move a black colored patch over the letters to 'unhide' them? And that's what I ended up with here: Note that this isn't 'per-letter' as I didn't take the time to make sure each frame only revealed one letter. The final words 'and the' could be revealed just by moving another black colored patch back behind the patch that is displaying the title card (or models). Added the no frill proof of concept project file (see attached). TitleCard RevealA.prj
  11. Lesson 12 Bools and Chars This completes our set of classic Data types everyone should know. Idea for project: Declare a couple of Boolean variables. Set one equal to true and the other equal to false. Print out the values of both. Label your output. Declare a char variable and set it equal to a value. Print out both its character value and its integer value. Label your output. Declare a second char variable and prompt the user to give a value for it. Print out both versions of the char value. Label your output. Lesson 13 If "If" is our first "decision structure." We can start getting the computer to make choices. Idea for project: Prompt the user to guess something that is one of a set (e.g. month of the year) and use only "if" statements to tell him if he is correct, close to, or wrong with his guess.
  12. Use v19.5a to open the attached embedded project of the jungle queen's head which has been decaled with text with an alpha channel. The image on the left shows a real time render of the head. Progressive renders produce the more correct image on the right. alpha_channel_decals_in_real_time_render_embed.prj
  13. Open the attached project in v19.5a. It has two versions of the same model. On the left in head_jungle_queen_v19pt5a_no_avg_normals.mdl, you can not change the normal weight of averaged normals because there is no "Average Normals" YES/NO switch in v19.5a. You can try changing the value of "Normal Weight" but it has no effect. On the right in head_jungle_queen_with_avg_normals_from v19p.mdl you can change the normal weight of averaged normals because this model was opened first in v19p and the "Average Normals" switch was set to YES. v19pt5a_no_avg_normals_embed.prj
  14. I knew there had to be an option to keep from having to specifically activate what project runs when debugging in a solution, and there is... Right Click on the solution and open Properties. There you should see an option to run the selected project versus the default 'Single Startup project' that gets updated each time we select and set a specific project as the startup project. Change that option (radio button) to 'Current selection' and whatever project is selected in the Solution Explorer at the time of running debug (or release) should run.
  15. We're in the "Basic Syntax" section. Everything in these lessons 6-26 are things you will want to be fluent in. You will need to call them up to your fingers over and over when you are programming. Lesson 8 User Input Now you can finally make a program the user interacts with! The cin statement allows you to get input from the user. Project... ask the user for several related numbers (or text!) then do some relevant processing of them Example project idea: ask the user for their birth year and the current year, then calculate their age. Remember to clearly prompt the user for input and clearly label your output. Lesson 9 Binary Numbers This is just a brief lecture by John Purcell. No assignment, but watch it so you are on the same page with him and his thinking. If you haven't finished projects for Week 3... get them done also. @Roger @Rodney @Shelton
  16. The attached embedded project contains a four patch, vertical plane. The left side has a material that uses AM_Dirt while the right side uses a material with AM_Turbulent. When the attached .atx and .trb files are in the correct folders, AM v19.0p opens without incident as well as the attached project. Render the plane and you get this However with the same files in the correct folders for v19.5, as it opens, AM brings up the previously noted error concerning the .atx file. Click OK and v19.5 opens. Opening the attached project and you get this error Click OK and the project opens. Render the plane and you get this EAM_material_surface_embed.prj EnhanceAM_Dirt_64.atx EnhanceAM_TurbulentCombiner_64.trb
  17. Thank you! That’s where I expected to find the avi option. The v19.0 trial version I am working with has Targa sequence as the only choice. I did discover a way to import the project, then save as an avi file. I guess I’ll have to get up to date! I plan to use my animations as inserts to my youtube videos produced with Pinnacle software.
  18. @Roger @Shelton One more thing... when you have more than one program in your "Solution", on one program and choose "Set as Startup Project" to make it the one that runs when you press the green triangle. I got my assignment done. Looking forward to seeing all of yours next Sunday!
  19. We're rolling! Assignment for Week 2: Everything in Week 1 if you haven't done it already. Watch Lesson 1 in the Udemy course. No assignment. Skip Lessons 2 and 3. They are mostly about John Purcell's particular Mac environment. Watch Lesson 4. Assignment: Your own "Hello world" program, typed from scratch. Watch Lesson 5. Assignment: Make a program that will print a picture made with several lines of "cout" text. Tips: Watch John Purcell type in his programs and type in the same into your Visual Studio. Do all the little tests and experiments that he does along the way. Use the skills you learned to make your own version of the lesson for the assignment. But as a minimum... get a working version of John Purcell's project going. Get started early! Don't wait until the day of class to try coding the lesson! We're meeting at 7:30PM CDT next Sunday. Bring your projects to show and tell. If they don't work... we'll debug them!
  20. Hi Roger, I don't recall a switch but I think the key is to have the action "Length" equal to the time of the end-of-cycle keyframe that is a copy of the start-of-cycle keyframe. That seems to work in this sample PRJ. Robot05k2 egg .prj If you are watching your cycle in in real time you will want your Play Range set to be no longer than your last frame. When I had a slower computer I think I had to set the Play Range one frame short but when I look at this project today it doesn't seem to need that.
  21. Project Workspace. Can you show me some of the heirarchy where the extra left is showing up?
  22. Another Tinkering Gnome project Spongeguy.prj
  23. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate 0007210: [Net Render] NetRender Crashes during startup (sgross) 0007216: [Interface] Clicking outside of Chor locks out Manipulators (sgross) 0007222: [Bones/Rigging] Deleting bone causes crash (sgross) 0007225: [_Other] Crash on v19 model load (sgross) 0007217: [_Other] Crash on load of old model (sgross) 0007214: [Interface] Accent color of Windows does not change window color of tiled windows in A:M (sgross) 0007213: [Particle Systems] Hair width over length is somehow repeated several times (sgross) 0007208: [Hair] Crash on reset of Hair Parameter (sgross) 0007137: [Dynamics] Dynamic Constraints broken (sgross) 0007203: [Net Render] NetRender nodes close with format error (sgross) 0007200: [Interface] NetRender interface spelling correction (sgross) 0007194: [Net Render] Actions render incorrectly in NetRender (sgross) 0007196: [Modeling] Crash on Copy of Groups (sgross) 0007195: [_Other] Crash after edit of Expression (sgross) 0007189: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on delete of multiple bones (sgross) 0007186: [Bones/Rigging] Path Constraint target list crash (sgross) 0007185: [Bones/Rigging] Bone name trouble (sgross) 0007184: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on Bone Drag (sgross) 0007162: [Rendering] Surface transparency causing Hair transparency (sgross) 0007188: [Sounds] Playing any audio in A:M sets system volume to zero (sgross) 0007175: [Plugins] Mirror Constraints not working? (sgross) 0007180: [_Other] Crash during Backup? (sgross) 0007181: [_Other] Crash on Revert (sgross) 0007179: [_Other] Crash while renaming Pose (sgross) 0007177: [Decaling] Crash while examining decals (sgross) 0007178: [_Other] Crash on PRJ close (sgross) 0007176: [Modeling] CopyFlipAttach adds unnecessary dot suffix to new names (sgross) 0007174: [_Other] Crash loading PRJ (sgross) 0007173: [Realtime] OpenGL3 Hair with textures drawn not correct (sgross) 0007172: [General] False rounding for float/double values (sgross) 0007171: [Realtime] OpenGL crash, if a scaled copy for the realtime texture needed (MipMap) (sgross) 0007166: [Sounds] Sound stops before end of play (sgross) 0007157: [Rendering] SSAO not working (sgross) 0007165: [Composite/Post Effects] Feature: allow Blur greater than 15 (sgross) 0007160: [Realtime] Fluid particle false shaded render after load (sgross) 0007159: [Rendering] Crash on render (sgross) 0007129: [_Other] v18 D Box PRJ no longer works (sgross) 0007155: [Rendering] Fluid Particles render as Camera Background color only (sgross) 0007154: [Particle Systems] Blobbies don't die, don't resize (sgross) 0007152: [Particle Systems] Can't Bake Blobbies? (sgross) 0007153: [_Other] Default Resolution in Camera settings: Change from VGA to HDTV - 720p... (sgross) 0007146: [Lighting] Use Front Realtime Light reverts to OFF after onscreen render (sgross) 0007142: [_Other] Reverting property in Chor doesn't * project (sgross) 0007147: [Materials] PRJ saves forces unwanted keys in Material instances (sgross) 0007148: [Rendering] Custom Frame list renders only first frame multiple times (sgross) 0007143: [Plugins] Simcloth doesn't simulate (sgross) 0007145: [Net Render] NetRender Memory Allocation Error (sgross) 0007144: [Images/Animations/Rotoscopes] EXR missing from allowed image import types (sgross) 0007139: [Rendering] Shaded/Wire Renders don't show "Show Grid" or Rotoscopes (sgross) 0007138: [Rendering] renders use CPU SSAO instead of GPU SSAO (sgross) 0007140: [Animation] Euler/Vector/Quat default selection not retained (sgross) 0007134: [Net Render] NetRender nodes get stuck on "Loading Frame" (sgross) 0007121: [Materials] Increase the viewport size of a material? (sgross) 0007151: [Particle Systems] Crash on change of Attribute to Combiner (sgross)
  24. Project using minimum flat model parts


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