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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. It's pretty hot in my computer room so I haven't really been able to do much with modeling with this weather. Here he is rendered from a different angle, and here's what I have done with the back. I hope I can get it all to match, or else I will have to redo my flattening and my textures *crosses fingers*. I am trying to hint a little at Venom with the mirroring of the symbols on the back and the front. I just love that look with Venom, so I decided to use it here.
  2. Just great. I love the lighting as well, but the models show real character.
  3. I can't really judge on the animation, but I am loving the style of your models.
  4. This is great so far. Great job.
  5. Man, this is some great stuff. It looks awesome. I love that lighting
  6. I'm loving the look of the characters. Your SSS seems a little high, but that might just be what you're going for.
  7. Nice! I just can't get mechanical modeling, so I can't help but respect those who show a good piece of mechanical modeling.
  8. Well, I just can't stop, haha. I've decided to try and keep what I have and make the rest work. I deleted the middle web between the eyes and added an extra web line on the chest. I also added a real quick bump map, just to see what it would look like. Jeff B. EDIT: Changed out the picture with one I put a quick reflectivity map on. I just can't stop screwing around, haha. This will be my last pic until I have some more of the model decaled.
  9. That's a great barrel, but I can't help thinking about what's in it .
  10. John, haha. Thanks for the comments. Good News: Finished the front torso color decal. Bad News: Will probably have to redo it. I'm not too upset about it, but like I have said, I have forgotton alot of things. One of thse things is to keep my patches as close as possible to their original size in my flattening action. Plus I wanted to do all the decaling in one image and not have to do multiple images. I should have did all my flattening first and then started working on the decal. Oh well, live and learn. I might move onto my Connor model for a little bit and jump back to this after that. I'm really enjoying working on ole Spidey again.
  11. Yeah, I'm still debating if I want to get a new pc or a laptop. There's a new Asus laptop I saw at Best Buy with quad 2.0 ghz processors. It looked good, but it's $1000. I could buy a far better pc with that kind of money and get it with wi-fi so I could at least move it around the house. I just don't know where i want ot go next...
  12. I can't even use my laptop to run A:M because my disc drive broke, haha. I'm hoping to get a new pc in the next few months, but until then most of my programs run buggy on my pc. I could buy a version of W7, but I think I'll just wait a few months. I've been using A:M since v8 and still love it. I will probably upgrade when they come up with a viable "disc" solution ie: usb dongle, etc...
  13. No, what I meant is that it would be it for me and A:M until I could get a new pc, if my computer was the problem. I should have clarified. It wasn't the software I was worried about, it's the cruddy Vista PC I'm running it on. Sorry for the confusion onthat .
  14. All of my choreographies are all of a sudden not rendering properly, especially in reflections. I don't know what went wrong, but if I can't fix it, that will be it for me an A:M. I'm hoping I accidentilly hit a setting or something that is now screwing it up. I would like to restore the default settings, but don't know how. I've already made sure all my reflection settings were good. I also uninstalled and reinstalled. Please, any help is appreciated and needed. Here's a quik render of spidey in a new chor and in the chor I've been using in my Spider-man thread. Jeff B. EDIT: Please ignore this stupid post. I don't know how but somehow I had fog turned on, haha. So it seems to be good now. I did say I totally forgot what I was doing with this program .
  15. Thanks everyone for the comments. They are sincerely appreciated. Gerald, you should have seen him before I widened the shoulders, haha. Anyway, I wanted him to be a very lean Spider-man. It also helps to make him look younger, and when posed it will hopefully make him look more "spidery" Just to show I'm still working on him, here's a WIP of the front torso decal so far. It's just color and not finished yet, but might give you an idea of where I am going. I might also darken up the red and blue colors. I'm going for a new universe type of deal here, so I want it to look like the original, but be it's own. Thanks for looking.
  16. You might need to increase your AO intensity, or try adding a light pointing towards the character from the way of the camera. I hope that made sense, haha.
  17. Zaryin

    My new website

    Wow, really nice. I use hdris alot when rendering, but really don't understand what I'm doing with them, haha
  18. So, um -- yea, um. I just can't help myself! The new Spidey movie is coming out soon, My favorite 90's Spidey cartoon has hit Netflix, and I just have this model sitting here, staring at me. What was I supposed to do! So here he is -- once again. I "leaned" him up. Made the head bigger and rounder. Made the eyes larger. Lengthened his arms and legs. He only has basic colors right now. I added reflection and SSS just to what he looked like. I think it looks pretty good. I will probably be designing a new costume for him, with a different layout. It will still be very similar to the original costume though. Sorry for putting everyone through this, but you know every few years I get the itch . Thanks for looking.
  19. Wow, who would think ears would make such a big difference. Nice, he's really coming along.
  20. I decided to go back to the other camera for now since there isn't anything to judge perspective at the moment. This isn't much of an update. This is just me screwing around trying to re-learn how to use some of the features -- like lighting, haha. I think this is about where my final lighting will be. I also added more spec to the eyes since he's supposed to have better-than-average night vision and to hint a a slight extranatural touch. I also messed with the lighting to get softer, more subtle, shadowing. The lighting is also giving me that washed-out, fake gloaming look I'm looking for.t Once again, thanks for looking. PS: I hate jpeg compression, ha.
  21. I made my first ears from basically splining over a copy of Jim Talbot's ear model. Now I just reuse my copy for about everything .
  22. I think it's looking pretty good so far. I would lessen the brow and make the eyes even a little larger than they are now.
  23. Thanks, Mark . This isn't much of an update since I've barely started the suit coat, but I was fooling with the camera. I was thinking about something similar to this for the final camera solution. What does everyone think? Jeff B.
  24. Haha, nice one Chris. Here's a new update. I fixed the head, added SSS to the eye whites and added a base body. I will probably do some proportion tweaks on the body to make him look more like a twelve-year-old instead of an eight-year-old. You will notice that my hands do not have fingernails. That is because you will not be seeing the fingers in this image and I htought it would be a waste of time. Thanks for looking. Jeff B.
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