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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by entity

  1. I laughed and then voted. Very clean & thoughtful rendering and modeling, too.
  2. looks good so far... any updates?
  3. I like that... How much is a bottle of that.... eh- I'd like a gallon please... LOL.
  4. I'm such an idiot! My boss was on vacation last week- I srewed up at work and got "talked to" and so I was so concerened with work I forgot about the meeting... I had a lot on my mind... sorry I didn't make it this time around.
  5. Dec. 11... Okay! Who's coming? I'll be there for sure, dude!
  6. Rodney, I believe it may still be there for "spline guided" hair but not for "grouped patch" hair... I've been using group patch hair and I haven't seen it because I just started using hair at v.11.0i, I think. Believe me... I need clumpiness!
  7. Excellent rendition of a chainlink fence! Keep up the good work. I shall be interested in seeing it in the animation. Layered actions... just remember not to overload muscle or bone movements by moving things in two actions, still... in the chore you have the option to make the actions blend, replace or add... so there are ways around that.
  8. Still working on it, I think it's close to being done... WALK_RUNLg.mov
  9. Thanks to all that commented on the walk cycle, here I have completed the run and walk cycles and gave them stride length for a path walk/run. I put both cycles in the animation but each is the same path just rendered seperately. FinalTestWRLg.mov
  10. Is clumpyness for hair gone for good? Does the 'A:M I short' contest have anything to do with the 'Animated Feature film' Hash Inc. is going to be using to implement new features/changes/updates? If not, will the 'A:M I short' contest be a continuum of contests... or a one time thing? Why is it so difficult to restructure or change things in the "core" of Animation:Master? Why can't streaks have shadows/volume shading? Is that feature requested? I have a million questions, but I'll stop there so I can remember what I asked. Thanks for this opportunity, Rodney!
  11. OH!! GAWD!!! It's hilarious! I like it. It would definitely be something you would see on a childrens' show.
  12. Did I mention that Vern is scaring the Be-Jesus out of me? But I'll be there, without dispair. There is a contest here some of you might be interested in: http://www.evermotion.org/index.php?unfold=contest And you probably already know and are entering the "A:M I short" contest: http://www.iiistudio.com/AMIShort/index.html Come on guys... I'm going to enter both I think and best of all the "Evermotion contest" is due in FEB. and "A:M I short" is due in MAR.. So you can enter both and there is plenty of time. "no votes, just one beer"
  13. I need his foot to snap from the impact of planting it down- you know- to show weight. I could get in there and smooth it out, but it may take away from the weight too much. I think I've come to a point where I am very happy with the result. I like the snappyness... it gives him character. I'll come back to it another time to see if I feel the same about it. Thanks ALL! You guys ROCK!!! And you taught me a lot about animation today.
  14. Yeah, a little helped. I just never knew so much was involved in a walk cycle. I thought they were supposed to be simple. I guess not when you're doing human anatomy. testWALK2_10_03Lg.mov
  15. Nice MODEL!! Your coming along nicely, DUDE!
  16. pertty RoBoT! Very stylistic. That is definately comicbook style there. What do you plan on doing with this character?
  17. Here it is again... hips settled down... they were on a 7 degree rotate... so I took the hips down to 2-3 degrees at it's peaks. Changed the compensating torso movements to match. Thanks for all this help... it gets better and better... AND I'm learning. testWALK_10_03Lg.mov
  18. patsommer Posted on Nov 3 2004, 11:17 AM I kind of like his Fem walk... just a personal choice... Okay, I smoothed the movement of the torso a little. EDIT: All I have to do now is swing his hands a little and bat his eyelashes and he will be gay... QUIKtestWALKxLg.mov
  19. KenH Posted on Nov 3 2004, 08:30 AM Okay, looks like I need to smooth the upper torso bones movement. The hip movement makes it *snap*. I'll be getting back to it in a couple of hours. Thank GOD, I'm on vacation!
  20. Sorry, to post so fast, but I just have the time to do this right now without interruptions. I'm in the process of moving right now, so I'm planing to move the computer on the last day... thursday to saturday, I may have to wait for my connections to cable. Hopefully, I won't have to wait that long for a transfer of service.- patsommer Posted on Nov 2 2004, 08:37 PM I'd say that helped a LOT! QUIKtestWALKhipLg.mov
  21. Maybe give him a weird hat and a crazy belt. His feet, I would think could stand to be "like" his hands more. That may make his proportions more equalized. And as a side suggestion: maybe he could have a bulbous neck that inflates when he talks or something-- or maybe even jiggle? But that is totally up to you... because it could be a little overkill.
  22. Looking good! It looks like I would expect a robot arm to move. The textures are just perfect for him, IMO. Good luck on rigging the rest of him.
  23. I agree! It looks better... I'll be watching for the update. Looking great!
  24. SeanC. Posted on Nov 3 2004, 01:27 AM Sean, Exactly what I was thinking, so that means I could've gone the conservative route and made the "foot lift" level lower... or I could follow the suggestions of giving him a more emphatic walk. I think I will also pursue a lower level walk that is more casual. patsommer Posted on Nov 2 2004, 08:37 PM patsommer, I have had bad luck with adding hip motion... but I'll try it on the next revision. Seems when I add hip motion the walk becomes more feminine... not that guys don't have hip motion, just that it would be such a small amount added, is it worth adding? EDIT: Forgot to upload the test animation: QUIKtestWALKLg.mov
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