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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Tralfaz

  1. Great looking models! How do you get renders to look like that? Al
  2. I put together a quick small project that shows an ECG (see animation below). Hope this is what you were looking for... ecg.zip ECG Animation ecg.mov Al
  3. Hi Grandma: Check out my animated flight console from Lost In Space at the bottom of the page here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27452 If the bottom of the scope is something along the lines you are looking for, let me know. I can post a small tutorial that would explain it. I belive that technique could be easily modified for what you would like to do. Thanks... Al
  4. Nope. Although Robert Kinoshita did design Planet Cruiser C57-D from Forbidden Planet as well as worked on the design for the Jupiter 2 and the Robot. Quick Update: Started working on the Flight Consoles. This is the start of the center console. I am going to model the interior from Season 2 working from photos of the original sets as well as captures from the TV series. Here is a quick animation of the console at work. Still trying to get the lights to blink properly though... flightconsoles.mov To be continued... Thanks... Al
  5. In the Lost In Space Technical Manual, they tried to explain the changes in Dr. Smith. It had to do with the reasons the family were put into suspended animation prior to launch. The full power lift off as required by the Jupiter 2 when it launched from Earth, would cause serious mental problems to anyone who was not protected in the 'freezing tubes'. Since Dr. Smith was just strapped into a launch couch, his unprotected brain was affected by the engines, which then slowly caused his personality to change. Apparently, the Jupiter 2 was never used for a 'full power' lift off after that as the family never used the freezing tubes for space travel again. In reality though, Jonathan Harris realized that a character as sinister as Dr. Smith was, would have only a short lived time in the series, so he slowly changed his personna. The writers then in turn started writing for his changed part. That, and competing against the new TV series Batman, the producers decided the show should be a bit more humorous and not as serious as in the first season. Personally, I preferred the first season over the other two. Never could figure out where the Space Pod came from in the third season, and definitely missed the cliff hanger endings in season three. Just watched the first episode of the Land of the Giants a couple of days ago. Funny how when I watch it now, I can appreciate how Irwin Allen re-used just about everything from series to series. Music by John Williams, sound effects, set pieces, lots of stuff. Would really like to see the Spindrift modelled. Hope you do give it a go... Al
  6. Thanks for the kind words folks. It would be fun to do the whole wobbly flying through space as the Jupiter 2 tries to avoid a missile or a meteor storm. Love to see what you have done with your robot model George. After I was done with the Jupiter 2, I was going to do a robot as well as try a Dr. Smith. Quick update: I reworked the front view port as well as re-located the hatch a bit to line up better with the interior wall bracing. Also, am working on roughing in the interior parts. Colors need to be adjusted (a lot) and a whole lot of detailing needed. Just got access to season 2 of Lost In Space, so that will help out a lot with color and details. Thanks... Al
  7. One of my all time favourite TV shows when I was a kid was 'Lost In Space'. Loved Robert Kinoshita's design of the Jupiter 2, the spacecraft that was to get the Robinson family to Alpha Centauri. So here is my attempt to model the Jupiter 2 spacecraft. Head on view Top view showing NGS locations Lower view showing fusion core View of flight deck Animation showing the fusion core and EVA hatch opening and closing. jupiter2_.mov C&C always welcome... Al
  8. Kudos on a great model. The render looks fantastic, and I also can't wait to see the animation! Keep up the great work and keep us posted. Al
  9. If the story and animation are half as good as the models and renders, then it would be a serious contender for an Oscar in the short animated series. Excellent work, and look to seeing much, much more... Al
  10. Pretty impressive. Congratulations on a job well done! Al
  11. Yes, please keep working on this film! And keep us posted on your progress. Al
  12. Great job on the phaser. You nailed it the look and feel of it. Also like the look of the Captain. And what about those hand held flash light thingies in the TNG? They had to be the most difficult thing to point, the way you had to cup your hand around it and hold it up at head level! Except for the big knobs on computer consoles (ala engineering), I preferred the design and style of the original Star Trek than any of its incarnations. Al
  13. Those are some great looking models. Keep up the great job! Al
  14. Hmmm. Jedi Dex in blue spandex bikini shorts on a Wookie skin rug. Yeesh! Gonna' have nightmares about that. Can't really remember how long it took to re-create the model in A:M. It was a while ago, and was learning modelling techniques at the same time. Would definitely do things different now. Jedi Dex really does have a butt. It is just that the blue spandex bikini shorts he is wearing underneath his clothes is keeping his butt well concealed. Thanks, but the real credit goes to the person who originally created the 3DS model that I worked from. I don't think I could create something like this from scratch yet. Once I am done with MMC 5 and the Lost World, I would like to get back to this Fan Film. Later... Al
  15. Here are some of the blueprints. Unfortunately, there weren't any really good close-up details of Sick-Bay, just an overview of it. Al
  16. It has just about everything on the Enterprise as well as the shuttle crafts, tricorders, phasers, space docks, uniforms, bridge stations, medical equipment, well, the list goes on. When I get home tonight, I will scan a few things and post it here for you to take a look at. Then if it is what you are looking for and there is anything you need, just ask. Al
  17. If you need any other blueprints, let me know. I have an original hard cover copy of the Star Trek Technical Reference from the original series. Bought it many, many, many moons ago. Although, I am pretty sure that anything in this book is already on the web, it may make things a bit quicker and easier than searching for them. Al
  18. From the CelTx website in the FAQ: Can I use Celtx for free? Yes. Celtx is distributed under an open source license, so you can download it, use it, and distribute it for free. Al
  19. My red/cyan 3D glasses just came in today, and this is the first spot I went to. This is soooooo cool! The pictures looked great, and Luuk, your Matrix image was fantastic! Al
  20. If that doesn't work, you could try manually editing your project file with an ASCII text editor, and then copying the pose that way. You would definitely want to make a backup copy of the project first in case this method did not work. Then you could go back to your backup copy of the original project and nothing would be lost. Al
  21. The Dictionary.dic file is just that, a phonetic dictionary of words that tells Animation:Master which phonemes to use. I am not entirely sure what the Index.i file is. My guess is it helps A:M find the words quicker in the dictionary file. The Dictionary.dic file should have been copied to the directory where you installed Animation:Master. The Index.i file gets created the first time that you use the Dope Sheet. 1) Check to see if the Dictionary.dic file exists in the directory or folder where you installed Animation:Master. 2) If it does not exist there, then you can copy the file from your install CD. 3) Check to make sure that the date on the file is a valid date. When I first installed A:M, for some strange reason, the date of the file was something totally weird (e.g. instead of 2007-02-18, it was something like 20193753). Whenever I tried to use the Dope Sheet, it would continually say something about the Dictionary.dic and Index.i file not being there. To remedy this, I opened the Dictionary.dic file in Notepad (I use Windows), and then saved the file, which put the correct date format on the file. Things were fine afterwards. Both Dictionary.dic and Index.i are both ASCII text files, and can be opened, viewed and saved with a standard text editor like Notepad. Hope this helps... Al
  22. HUH??!?!? I think it is time to up my medication again, cause this makin' again no sense. Meeza confoozed... Al
  23. Had the same problem with black images when trying to do a multi-pass render in stereo, so just went with no multi-pass. Did two versions, because I don't own the red/blue 3d glasses. The second image is cross-eyed type. Al
  24. "Dang Lieutenant Dan!" This is truely awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping work (whimpers from envy as I type this). Please keep us up to date as things progress... BTW, who is the person in the shop window. Looks a bit out of place compared to your other two characters... Al
  25. I bought a used copy of A:M 2006 off eBay, and it did not come with the 3D glasses. A day or two ago, I ordered my upgrade to A:M 2007. Does anyone know whether the upgrade will come with the 3D glasses? If not, anyone know where I can get some?
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