sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Caroline

  1. Yes, I linked it, mage, any doofus could do that - what about all the words of wisdom that you can throw in about actually using it? ;)


    Did you have to apply the decal in a special way? Does it need special lighting? Does it resize OK? What about all the other questions that I don't know to ask? :rolleyes:

  2. Nice toon render, Ryan - fluid animation too.


    One of the things I've picked up from the forum is the idea of silhouette. You look at your character, and imagine it in silhouette, and if the action makes sense then it works. With your camera angle, unless you're in the know, it is hard to tell what he's actually doing. With a side view, you can get an idea of the arm swing.


    What do you hate about animating? Is it because it's hard? I find timing difficult. I know exactly what I want, but getting the timing right is so hard.

  3. Those Rig>Setup poses are a bit tricky.


    If you move the arm, and then turn IK Arm Setup ON, then you get what you are describing. Similarly if you move the feet, and then change the IK Legs pose, you get odd things happening.


    You could try a new action (or Action Menu > Clear), and leave those rig poses alone and see what happens.

  4. Still looking good - though some of your splines do look peaked (pointed rather than curved) - you can select the control point (cp) of a peaked spline and press "O" to smooth it.


    Did you fix your normals problem? (All your normals should be pointed outwards.)


    You could experiment with the materials that came with A:M - there's an Aluminium Tech one.


    The Darktree link is http://www.darksim.com/ and go to Darktree Repository.


    Otherwise, it's decalling - that's a bit more complicated, but you get to paint whatever you want on your plane, and it's a lot quicker to render than materials.


    The definitive decalling tutorial is at http://www.zandoria.com/uv.htm.

  5. Let me be the first to leave you some feedback, Rodney :lol:


    I've looked at posts like David Higgins' baby and Michael Fortunato's TaoA:M, thinking I don't have the qualifications to be able to comment on those, I'll leave the comments to people who REALLY know - all I'd be able to say is "wow, fabulous, looks good to me", but I guess if it looks good it IS good, and if it looks wonky, then it IS wonky, so maybe I do have the qualifications after all.

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