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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Caroline

  1. If you're asking whether A:M will run at all on dual processors - yes, no problem at all.


    I'm currently running v13 on my dual core. The only thing is that it won't use the two processors when rendering, only one. You can leave it rendering in one instance of A:M and continue working (on a different project) in another instance of A:M. That would be utilising the two cores.


    2gb ram is good - I've recently upgraded from 1 to 2 and I notice a small improvement in performance.


    Just in summary - v13 is very solid on my dual core.

  2. That's great - I hope it was enough to take your mind off illness.


    It's funny, but after modelling someone, I guess painting them too, you look at them in a totally different way - like you're thinking, how wide is the bridge of their nose, while they think that you're just looking them firmly in the eye, and concentrating on what they're saying.


    (And I only mentioned the very slight flaw, if it is one, because the rest was so good - I was too picky - apology. :) )

  3. A 'bulb' is a light - Lighting itself is a very extensive subject, that is something that needs time and experimentation to learn.


    Short answer about adding a light:


    You can:

    1. Right click in the choreography, left click New > Light. This will create a Light1 object. Go to Objects and change the light settings as needed.

    or 2. Right click Objects in the PWS (Project Workspace), and same as above. Then drag it into the Choreography.

    or 3. When you create a new Choreography you get 3 default lights. From the Objects, you can drag a copy of Keylight, Fill Light or Rim onto the Choreography, and it makes a second independent instance of the light. As you want a bulb, this won't work for you, as those lights are Sun and Klieg.

  4. Welcome to the colorful world of A:M and the forums, jairo.


    All that is possible, but the best way to explain it is written in "The Art Of Animation Master" - you will see it referred to as TAOA:M here - there are exercises on each of the topics. You start easy, and work your way through hard.


    If I understand what you want, you'll need modelling skills (in the book, you get to model an aeroplane and a giraffe), and rigging skills (in the book you get to put a skeleton into a model). The first few exercises are about manipulating.


    If you work through that book and do the exercises, you will have a good understanding of how to go about more complex things. You can even submit your exercises in the special TAOA:M forum, and work towards a certificate.


    If you have any specific problems with the exercises, we are all here to help you. :)

  5. Thanks, Steve - OpenGL is now working, but now has the same "drag to select" control points issue that DirectX had. (That the rubber band is not transparent, but shows another part of the screen). Should I report that?


    (With DirectX it happened, but if I switched back to OpenGL and back again on entry to the program, the issue went away. That doesn't work now)


    (And thanks, Steven547, for indirectly fixing my OpenGL thing, sorry for hijacking)

  6. I've been working with A:M 2007 on Vista for a couple of days now. I accidentally bought the 64-bit version, so I expected more problems than I've had.


    Everything seems to work great - I had a bit of a hiccup about rotoscopes and decals showing white, but that's because I'd forgotten that Vista doesn't support OpenGL, but once I did the Aha moment and changed to DirectX it is fine.


    My community text was not showing up the other day, but it is now, so I can't blame Vista for that I guess.


    (That's not to say that every other program works well on Vista though :D )


    Just saw Rodney's post - my graphics card is an ATI Radeon X800. I haven't even installed drivers for it - they seem to be built into Vista.

  7. Brilliant.


    Can I ask questions?


    How long does it take to render this? Do you have a light setup that you always use and drop the models into it? Is it 3 point lighting, or lots of kliegs? Do you use A:M Composite?


    (I was recently storing away my 16 yr old son's lego (sniff!) and he built those special models just once, but I noticed that in the last couple of years the only bricks he used were the original rectangular blocks.)

  8. You did mean that the patch won't fill, rather than not render?


    Have you tried the lasso tool? I have been able to close every 5 point patch by hiding everything in the way of the patch and using the lasso tool (shift G) to go around those 5 points and select them.


    Other things you can try are inverting the selection, so you select the 5 points, then press . to invert, and . again. That often helps.


    Also, you can try breaking and reattaching the points to the splines.


    The lasso tool works best for me though.


    Good luck with the penguin - I thought perhaps the flippers needed more flesh on them, but perhaps it's just the angle (the eyes weren't straight either, so it probably was the angle).

  9. Nice plane.


    Dhar wrote a 3dPainter startup tutorial:



    You can do automatic decalling in 3dPainter, but I think it looks better if you actually separate out all the bits for separate painting. Although if you're only painting bits of the plane, then you'd probably get away with it.


    Colin's head texturing

    William Sutton's definitive tutorial


    After I'd played around with 3dPainter for some time, I read the manual, and it's very good.


    Looking forward to seeing the painted plane!

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