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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Roger

  1. It looks like a trashcan. I'm not excited by the design.


    The specs sound interesting, particularly the dual FireGL cards. I wonder is that 6GB RAM per card or 6GB total?

    Surprised they didn't make this a dual socket system, a single 12 core xeon may not be enough for some people.

    Upgrades will be very limited, I imagine.


    Not a bad machine but I'm sure for the same amount of money I could put together a killer PC. I'd have a hard time spending

    more than $2000 or $2500 on a PC these days.

  2. My advice on a render box is wait until you have some substantial body of animation that needs to get rendered, when you get to the point that overnight rendering is not keeping up with what you are putting out.


    I don't' know if the Opterons are good strategy or not. They run quite a bit slower than the consumer level CPUs


    Yeah, you're right. No sense getting something before I absolutely need it.

  3. Ok, if that's the case I'd almost be better off going with 4 core Xeons, at least I get the full 8 floating point units then.

    Hard call to make, though. 2 16 core opteron processors cost about the same, as long as they are within 10 percent of the speed of the xeon cores, I'm getting a full 16 FPUs that way (with a dual processor box). Anyone out there have an Interlagos (Opteron 6200 series) system?

  4. Can anyone out there confirm that Vishera is a full 8 core cpu? What I have dug up suggests that it is, however I know Interlagos only has 1 fpu per 2 integer units, so it may not be best for something as floating point heavy as AM. If it has 8 FPUs on it, then it may be worth looking at for a budget renderbox. If the most I am going to get with a dual processor Interlagos system is 16 FPUs anyway, it may make better sense from a financial standpoint to get 2 motherboards, 2 Vishera cpus and say 32gb RAM total. So I would be looking at maybe $800 istead of $1500, the only downside being that I would have 2 separate systems instead of one. Thoughts?

  5. ... but I can't imagine living the last 10 to 20 years of my life as a virtual invalid.


    Somehow Stephen Hawking makes it work for him. :)


    You do what you have to do if you want to do it.


    Well, I guess you work with what you're given. Not a fate I'd wish on anyone, that's for sure.

  6. Well, not that anyone gets to choose, but I can't imagine living the last 10 to 20 years of my life as a virtual invalid. Who knows if that is the case with this man, or if he only took a turn for the worse at 110. I imagine healthy living no matter how old you are will help stave off the inevitable somewhat. I guess if the decline was gradual as opposed to sudden it wouldn't be as bad, but I can't say I'm crazy about the prospect of being in that condition.

  7. Probably should have bought these when I had the chance.


    As far as Saturday morning cartoons go, I don't think those have been on for a while. At least, I can't remember the last time I went looking for them that they were on. Late '90s maybe? I think most stuff is just on Cartoon Network these days.

  8. Maybe the fan required can turn at lower rpm because it is larger and pushing air across a larger surface (the radiator)??

    The fan I have on my radiator is a 120mm fan whereas the largest fan I've seen attached directly to a heatsink is 80 or 90mm.

    Maybe that has something to do with it?


    All I know is, is that I get a larger temperature drop using water cooling on my i7 than I did with a traditional heat sink. It is also quieter.

    It was not cheaper, though.


    Maybe there are some actual engineers out there that can shed some light on the subject?

    The mostly reliable Wikipedia had this to say:



  9. Water cooling *is* less noisy but the reason it is more efficient is water has a higher specific heat capacity. It can absorb more heat than can be removed by air cooling. That is the primary reason. If you are near a large body of water in winter it will be marginally warmer (or marginally cooler in the summer) due to this heat abosrbing capacity.


    Phase-change cooling (the kind your fridge does) is even better, though.


    And of course if you want real street-cred you need to use liquid nitrogen (but this is not practical long-term).

  10. I'd be interested to know if this gives you any extra clout or advantage. I have been thinking of taking the companion children's story I wrote for my film and self-publishing. I need to redo the illustrations, though, they are awfully rough currently. Keep us posted as to how this turns out. Good for you writing a whole novel, that is a lot of work.

  11. When I was little the spin was that more automation would give us all more "leisure time". There was even a leisure suit you could wear. :lol:


    We'd all be able to do the same job in less time for the same money. But instead of 40 people working one hour per week what we have is one person working 40 hours and 39 people out of work completely. And that one person working still has to have a second job because the one job doesn't pay enough.


    Yeah, more or less. In raw dollar amounts, I'm probably making about the same as what my dad was when he was my age, problem is my purchasing power is probably 25-50% less due to inflation.

    I think one dollar earned in the 70s is worth maybe 25 cents today? (assuming you just stuck it in a jar). I'm comfortable enough as a single guy with no kids, but if I had a family that money would not go as far. My health insurance would probably be $600 a month, for one thing.


    So what is the ultimate result, do you suppose? Eventually we get to most of the population working 2 or 3 jobs and no one has anything to spend on other than essentials? I'm not sure what percentage of the economy consumer spending is, but at some point the folks at the top aren't going to be able to pay their bills (unless they are focusing on emerging markets and just writing the lot of us off).

  12. Yeah, that's a buttload of Legos. I think someone did replicas of Sauron's and Saruman's towers, as well. I don't think I'd have nearly the budget for the bricks. Surely they have some kind of bulk discount?

  13. The thesis in general is a valid one, but claiming that Instagram replaces the functions of Kodak is a poor factoid. There is no Instagram product that can take a picture.


    And this one...


    early audio recordings, which today would sound horrible to us, were indistinguishable between real music to people who did double blind tests and whatnot.


    No, not for any normally hearing person. Advertisements claimed such things but back then advertisements claimed all sorts of crazy stuff that wasn't true.


    Yes, some of his specific examples are kinda flakey. I must have missed that 2nd quote on my first read of the article.


    However, the general trend is towards less labor over time. In the past, technological upheaval generally provided a whole new class of jobs. This doesn't seem to be the case this time.

    I really don't know how those jobs are going to be replaced.

  14. im sorry but im completely lost on this topic. so someone created a new virtual currency and people are paying upwards of $120 for 1 bitcoin? what???

    my brain just exploded.


    More or less, yes. I guess it has been around since late 2008, but I don't remember hearing about it until 2010 maybe?

    I guess if I had been running my dual-core AMD box 24/7 hashing bitcoins and then spent about $2000 on graphics cards in 2009

    and been running those full steam, I could have been sitting on a mess of bitcoins by now. Oh well, not like this is the first time I missed out on something. I'm sure it won't be the last. Maybe I'll get lucky and the missing out I'll be doing will be the "losing all my money speculating on a virtual currency".

  15. I have to admit, I just don't see what all the hype about bitcoin is? If you had put together a PC specifically for mining them and then sat on them for the last several years, you might potentially have a lot of money (assuming you didn't get your bitcoin wallet hacked).

    Now there are several companies selling bitcoing mining rigs that are *only* good for mining bitcoins. So if you spend a lot of money on one of these miners if bitcoins ever become worthless then you essentially have a useless hunk of hardware you can't do anything else with.

    I think the only people getting rich off bitcoins are the ones selling this gear or the person(s) that created this "currency", everyone else is chasing a dream of easy money. It all seems like a bubble to me, like the housing bubble or dotcom stock market craze.

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