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Posts posted by Roger

  1. How about "force a character through an arbitrary opening", say, a keyhole? Perhaps Thom is on one side of a door and a black hole is on the other side, sucking him through the keyhole (in reality the black hole would rip apart the door and everything else, but this is a special case where its gravity only affects the particles in Thom's body).

  2. Rob,


    Just watched the rigging basics video and have to admit you make it look so easy. Was there a reason you chose to use a fan bone instead of a smart skin for the knee joint?

    Also, if you were rigging Thom's torso, how many bones would you use for the spine? Would you use 2, 3 or more? I'm curious because it seems kind of arbitrary and I noticed that TSM seems to add a lot of spine bones, and I've seen other people using a lot of bones for the spine.

  3. a rumor for years, but now it's out there...


    BILL Murray has admitted a case of mistaken identity led to him working on the Garfield movies...


    ...Murray, 63, didn’t realise his error until he was already recording his part in the studio, and commented on how poor the material was. Writer Joel Cohen, who was in the room, piped up.

    On the sequel...


    "The second one was beyond rescue, there were too many crazy people involved with it...


    ...So they sort of shot themselves in the foot, the kidneys, the liver and the pancreas on the second one."


    So wait, the first one was a trainwreck and he decided to double-down and do the 2nd one for the laughs? Or was he contracturally obligated to do the 2nd film?

  4. Admittedly the last time I had to go through the whole 6 interview process was back in 2006, my current job I was able to get through a network contact so the process was significantly streamlined. But are things really that bad out there that companies can screw around asking silly questions like these?




    God help these fools if the labor market ever becomes scarce.

  5. I remember hearing somewhere (perhaps in a post from Martin himself) that AM works better on AMD cpus (would be interesting to know the technical reason for this, is there some enhanced instruction set AMD is using that Intel isn't?). What is the performance difference? If it is in the neighborhood of 15-20%, that; along with the much cheaper per core cost, might make it worth considering AMD cpus for a renderbox.


    Anyway, if anyone knows, I'd be interested in getting a confirmation.

  6. Did some digging on that processor model, doesn't look like it has hyperthreading. So it would have a total of 16 possible threads.

    Would need to use Server 2008 on it or Linux, since Windows 7 Pro only supports 2 sockets. Might be better off getting a dual socket 1366 motherboard, and two Xeon 5670 processors (the 6 core variant with multithreading). That would give me 12 logical cores and 24 threads.

    But, I would have to pick up RAM, CPUs, motherboard all separately. Would probably run at least $600.


    Or I could just get the single i7 970 to drop in my current box, and hang onto or sell my i7 920.

  7. It currently has 4 quad core Xeon E7340 processors at 2.4ghz, it will take hexacores as well. But the upgrade would be expensive.

    I found a quad hexacore model for $600 but wasn't looking to spend that much.


    I think the E7340 is comparable to an i7 920.

  8. I had been thinking about buying a used i7 970 to upgrade my desktop and get an extra 2 cores, and while trawling through ebay I found one of these bad boys for about the same price:




    It has 4 quad cores and can accept 4 6 core xeons. 32GB of RAM, will take a max of 256 I think. 140GB HD or so.


    I'm really tempted but it has a 1500 watt power supply, if I leave the thing running 24/7 and it is pulling down 1500w constantly it will cost about $1000 yearly in power costs. It probably doesn't draw

    that much, the xeons can't be more than 100W a piece and I could put a low power flash drive and bare bones video in it and probably get the power envelope down to 500-600W max. And make sure I make aggressive use of sleep mode. Or shut it off.


    What do you guys think? It is less than $400 shipped.

  9. These cold snaps remind me of "A Pale of Air", a SF story we read in English class in Jr. High in MN where the earth has been ripped from the Sun into cold space and the whole atmosphere has frozen into slush on the ground.


    One family survives by sealing their apartment and venturing outside into the cold periodically to scoop up a bucket of oxygen slush to heat up and evaporate by their constantly burning fire. They didn't have frost on their wall, however. :rolleyes:


    We seemed to get a lot of stories about people in desperately cold circumstances. I remember another about a guy a a trip through the forest and one small thing after another goes wrong until he just has to give up and freeze to death.


    I think I've heard of that one but never read it. I'll have to look it up.

    But yeah, after seeing that frost I was starting to think that I might be seeing walrus (walruses?) and penguins outside my door.

  10. I don't know anything about a quark processor or if it's X86 compatible code-wise.


    I think you'd have to run a 1998 version of A:M on it with power like that. :P


    I'm sure hobbyists who need some sort of tiny low power CPU will love it.


    The big problem with using it for A:M is that A:M needs a substantial display area to be useful and there's no way to miniaturize that.


    Supposedly it is completely x86 compatible, just in an embedded cpu type form factor. The Arduino shield thingy I posted might

    work better since it has the same CPU with a decent amount of memory and proper I/O. Not sure how you would output video unless you did it over the USB or mini PCIe somehow. Doesn't seem to have any other video out options unless I missed them in the schematics.

  11. For those of you that are in areas affected by this storm we just had, I hope you are staying warm and don't have too much shoveling to do.

    Several main roads by me as well as the local commuter train line into the city are shut down.

  12. I've heard that Vista is not best for using with AM, although I haven't run into any problems with it (although I haven't been using AM heavily recently, either) and haven't used it on Vista in a while.


    I have a Win 7 laptop that is my primary AM machine, and I have some graphical glitches on that sytem that are either due to the Nvidia Quadro card or due to the integrated intel HD graphics (or the fact that it is switchable via something called Optimus. I haven't been able to figure out what is causing the problem yet.


    I've been thinking of either picking up Win 7 Ultimate to upgrade the Vista box, but I haven't seen anything beyond service pack 1 from MS and my concern is Win 7 is going to be an orphan product due to Win 8. I am not sure I want to purchase Win 8, I don't care for the interface and I don't see it being adopted where I work, so there really isn't a benefit to me picking it up beyond a potentially extended lifespan.


    I would honestly rather just run AM in a Win 2k virtual machine and just use Linux, but it seems like that is introducing unnecessary complications.


    What would you go with? Win 7 or Win 8?

  13. Tee_LotB0100.jpg


    I had been working on this story since before Halloween. In the beginning I felt it should be an easy one to pull off. The original concept contained no human actors, so the animation should be easy, simple sets so that should be easy, short story so no time would be required. Well, that's not really how it worked out. The first script felt too light to properly convey the story I envisioned. Characters were needed, humans. A deeper plot was needed to create a back story. No worries, I had some models built a while ago, not rigged very well, but it should do. So I soldiered on. I thought that I could jump right into the choreography, skip story boards, skip the animatic. Wrong again. Even though I knew the story, even though I was the only one working on the project, I found that it became a very real struggle in building a scene and keeping the pacing consistent from one cut to another, and in hind sight storyboards and animatics would alleviate that problem.


    So lesson learned. Do it right, no shortcuts, and give myself the time to do a quality project. I still want to tell this story, but I may take a break from it, clear my head on something else, then revisit the story in a month or so.


    I struggle with some of the same things. I've thought about farming out rigging and have spoken with forum members (Robcat being one of them) but I feel like it should be something I should be able to do, it is just a big stumbling block right now. From one standpoint, I look at it like "well probably is not rigging his own models" so it certainly can't be too out there to delegate work to others (provided you are paying or sharing the credit or both) but from another angle it seems a bit like cheating somehow. Maybe I'm just being silly about it.


    Another thing that trips me up (and I suspect others) is we look at Pixar shorts (or anyone really talented) and become daunted by trying to match that look or that quality level. I think that is a lot more common with CG than other types of animation.

  14. You snooze... you miss out!


    I bet a sale will come around again, but $99 is a good price too.


    Well, even though I was a day late and a dollar short, Mr. Lango kindly gave me the sale price when I tried Rodney's suggestion.

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