sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Roger

  1. I needed a simple project to get back on track, so I thought I'd have a go at a fish. It is still really rough. This is very much going to be a stylized fish as opposed to a photo-real fish.


  2. I have a laptop with an Optimus chipset, that can switch back and forth between an integrated GPU and a Quadro 2000. I have noticed that there are some problems when scrubbing through a timeline, it seems like it is dropping frames (Robcat knows what I'm talking about). Is this a known issue with integrated graphics? Or maybe it is something with the way optimus switches between the integrated GPU and the discrete GPU. I hate to completely disable the integrated GPU, it will kill my battery life. Is anyone else out there experiencing problems with integrated GPUs on laptops?

  3. I don't know, seems to me like Martin accomplished what he wanted. The feature set of AM is more or less complete, I'm not sure what else they could add at this point. AM is certainly the most affordable app out there and probably one of the more useable apps as well. I guess I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

  4. oh I thought you might say have a button that leads you to a tutorial on how to make a dragon. But your solution is even easier ---then we can move on to make animated movie button ----dial up characters , theme and story and boom 10 minute short.


    Ah, but what fun would that be?

  5. Rodney,


    Did you ever get your Adapteva Parallela board? I'm still waiting on mine, yet their website says they are shipping them. Just wondered if you had gotten yours yet.

  6. Would be interesting to see what an alternate universe would look like where Xerox knew how to capitalize on this.

    I think Steve Jobs (apocryphal anecdote warning) accused Bill Gates of ripping him off at one point, and he said "yeah but you ripped off Xerox PARC first".

  7. So things have changed in my neck of the woods and parking costs are really starting to bite into my income, even with the reduced amount that I actually have to be at the office.


    I've been thinking about taking the train but that adds at least an 1 to 1.5 hours to my commute. It would be nice to be able to do something animation or art related with that time instead of reading, sleeping, or playing around with my phone.


    Is there any viability to running AM on a windows virtual machine on a high-end Android tablet? Something with a Tegra 3 or 4 maybe?

    I would just use my laptop, but without a tray table or something to put it on (not available on the train I ride) I'm worried I'll bake my lap. Not to mention, a 2 pound tablet that lasts all day on a charge is a lot easier to haul around with you.


    My concern is that even if I can get AM running under a virtual machine, it is going to be unuseable without keyboard and mouse so maybe

    a laptop is better.


    While I love my laptop to death, once you add on the extended battery or charger it is a real bear to haul around.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  8. Wow...this is just amazing. Unreal how real it is. Film CG has probably been at this level for at least the last 5 years, I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing games that look like this. My guess is not too long.

  9. Just installed my brand-new AM subscription and I saw a new option during the install process...Timelog plugin? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this lets you keep track of use but I haven't managed to find it anywhere yet.

  10. This is really amazing stuff. What was really cool was how he was using all these bits and pieces of stock photos in the composition of the image, but it all just disappears into the finished painting.

  11. So let's say you are building a dual gpu computer with a high-end cpu (100W TDP) and your GPUs are 200W TDP each running flat-out.

    You have a single HD and maybe an optical drive, so maybe another 50W? So a 550W to 600W power supply should be sufficient.

    But if you use a lower power cpu, say 65w TDP and maybe a small flash drive (5w max) shouldn't you be able to drop the size of the power supply accordingly? Yet I see most of the midrange or higher end graphics cards saying they require a minimum 500W power supply.

    I guess what I'm wondering is what sort of fudge factor do you need to build in for these systems? Just seems like at most you would need an 800w supply for even something with as many as 3 GPUs and yet I see people on these enthusiast sites recommending 1000w or more.


    I've thought about adding a 2nd GPU for OpenCL/Cuda stuff but can't think of anything it would help with other than Premier and Photoshop, so not really sure it is worth the added expense and noise (and heat).

  12. $280k or so for a four year education at RISD? Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.


    Seriously, that is insane. I can't imagine trying to pay that back on even a six figure salary, let alone what you'd make at an entry level

    art job.

  13. My own thumbnail spec for overclocking is that it has to be fairly plug and play in implementation.


    The intel quad core Q6600 I have now can be overclocked from 2.4 to 3.0 GHz with just an app from the desktop and still uses standard fan. That's easy enough for almost any user to do.


    Do i need to bolt on a different cooler? OK I can manage that, but maybe not most users. Still, I'd consider it but needing to do a lot of experimentation with voltages and other parameters... then it's getting a little bit less likely for me because I don't really know how all that interacts


    There is a lot of trial and error involved. You bump up the bus speed a bit, see if it is stable. If not, back it off. Bump up the voltage, see if it is stable, etc. You can get higher overclocks (or is it more stable? If forget) by increasing the voltage, but increasing the voltage increases the heat and means you'll need a better/more efficient heatsink. You have to be careful with upping the voltage, though, because you can fry your CPU.


    Used to be way back in the day when all CPUs were unlocked, you could play around with both the bus speed and the multiplier. You could get a 300mhz celeron and get 400 or 450mhz out of it, easy. That's an ancient example, though.


    These days they usually lock the multiplier on the CPU (unless you pay extra for one that allows overclocking) so you are limited to FSB overclocking.


    Some boards have auto OC settings, I think the ASUS ROG boards have something like that. You can usually get a pretty good speed bump with the middle setting (there are low, medium, high OC settings).


    You want to goose things much higher than 25% over spec, you have to fiddle around a lot or invest in more exotic cooling solutions.

  14. http://kotaku.com/garbage-can-that-looks-l...tem-i-513060072


    Well, one of these trash cans, a dremel tool, and about $1500 worth of PC parts and you too can have something that looks kinda like one of those new-fangled Macs. Just until someone makes the knock-off PC case. You could even make it a Hackintosh.


    Except the ports wouldn't light up when you spin it around. Unless you built that in with like an arduino and an accelerometer or something.

  15. For me personally, while I prefer PC I don't hate Mac.

    It's just not my thing. Working in IT support, though,

    there are lots of little tricks for things I know how to

    do in Windows but don't seem to have a Mac equivalent.

    Or if they do, I don't use it often enough to remember it.

    For most things they seem to be more or less equivalent.

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