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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Roger

  1. If only i still had a car. I could park it unlocked somewhere with the old computers in clear view in the back seat...


    They would just take the car and leave the computers. How old are they, exactly? If they are 386, 486 or Pentium vintage you could probably unload them on Ebay for $100 each. If they are PII, PIII or newer I would probably just drop them off at a Goodwill or something.

    Oddly enough, there is a market for "vintage" hardware on E-bay.

  2. I was just thinking, that scene in Star Wars where Ben Kenobi gives Luke his father's lightsaber? That would never happen in this galaxy.

    "Luke, this was your father's light saber, a more civilized weap---oh wait, we need to download 30 security updates. And get 3 new focusing crystals. And the battery is shot, but it is glued to the pommel. Screw it, we'll just go to Jedi Mart and pick up a new one"

  3. On my lunch break, so thought I'd pop in. I don't expect to be able to hand down my PC to my future children, by the time I have kids it will be hopelessly obsolete.


    I still have the stereo my uncle gave me, that was built in the 70s (probably actually in the US, too). Thing is built like a tank. Will probably still work 30 years from now, and pick up AM/FM, and assuming that the iWhatever 30 years from now has an RCA out or some sort of converter, I'll be able to hook it up.


    I'm really trying to be more concious of my environmental footprint, and do more strategic upgrades. Ideally I want to pare down to a laptop and desktop and maybe a tablet.


    I just feel like a slave to this stuff sometimes.

  4. I can't help you with back issues but I see that in that "memorial" window they do mention contacting them if you want back issues and there is an email address (in yellow text) at the bottom of the window. There might still be a person at the other end of it. Might be worth a try...


    Yeah, already tried emailing webmaster@3dartist.com and get a bounceback, so it is clearly a defunct site at this point. Not sure who is paying the bill to host it if no one is maintaining it.

  5. I think I may have posted this once before. I'm having a heck of a time finding back issues of this publication:




    It looks like at one point they offered back issues but that no longer appears to be the case, as only the main page of that website functions and seems to be more a placeholder/memorial than anything.


    I have a few issues in my posession (maybe 6 or so). They had pretty good AM coverage, Mike Caputo (whatever happened to him?) was one of their contributors. There was typically an AM article in each issue.


    There is a current publication called 3d Artist but it features mainly Maya and Max content:




    I think there may also be a magazine called 3d Design but I haven't seen it in a while so maybe not.

    Anyone have any thoughts on where I might find back issues of the original 3d Artist? I checked the Internet Archive but either I'm not searching it properly or they don't have any. My next thought was to try the public county library.

  6. Get rid of McAfee, it is garbage. You're better off using Avast or AVG or Nod32 (not sure if they still have a free version).

    There is a video floating around on Youtube made by John McAfee about how to uninstall McAfee AV. I'd post a link but it may be considered offensive.


    You hardware selection should be fine. If you can afford a cintiq, I'd get it. I know I would prefer one. Can't justify spending on even a used one, though.

  7. ... he found that some individuals, like a lawyer or accountant who had no role in creating this thing that fans were willing to pay $4 million for, were making more off the tour than he was.


    By definition, lawyers and accountants, always make more than the poor blokes actually doing the work.


    That's more or less a given.

    Any class-action suit, the only real winners are the lawyers.

  8. As Fuchur has pointed out there is an awful lot that you would have to do to build any sort of modern computer, assuming you're stuck on a desert island.


    You would need to refine copper, gold and other metals

    Create a generator for electricity

    Create batteries to store electricity

    Motors to spin the hard disks

    Rare earth magnets for the hard disks

    Refine silicon for the chips

    Advanced optics for photolithography

    Somehow produce plastics for chip housings and other things

    Create a keyboard and mouse for input

    (probably lost of other stuff I'm forgetting)


    To come up with all this from scratch, even with something as simple as an 8 bit machine made out of 7400 series logic, would require a ton of man hours and resources. It would probably be possible for a single person to create the machine, OS and programs for a PC like the above, something along these lines:




    That guy did it, after all. However, he didn't have to fab all the components himself from scratch so that is probably the most difficult part. You might have to make some in-between systems to get there, like an electro-mechanical or entirely mechanical computer.

    If you're stuck on an island with a bunch of cast-off tech, it might be a good bit easier. But still a pain as I'm sure you'd have to be a crazy skilled hardware and software hacker to cobble something useable out of savenged bits.

  9. That's really a shame, seems like the drummer in a major metal band would be doing better than that.

    The problem here is they have too many middle-men with their hands in the pot, that's what it boils down to.

    I think Louis C.K. sold one of his comedy albums direct to his fans and did very well, but you have to have a fan base big enough to do that.


    Metal has been waning in popularity for a while now, but it is pretty shocking that he is only taking home that small a portion (I'm assuming the label is getting the rest).

    I've never heard of the electronica guy, but I'm not a fan of that music so I don't know if he is on the fringe of that community or what.


    I'd love to be able to make a living from animation but when it's all said and done I will probably end up losing money on my movie.

  10. Is that a joke? I don't see how the graphics cards get to the slot on the motherboard.


    The cards are connected by flexible PCI-E bus extender cables. You could put them right on the motherboard in a regular case, but then you could fit at most 3 cards in. This way you can

    have 5, 6, or 8 cards connected to the motherboard, provided you have enough slots. That's why the cards sit so high above the motherboard.


    These rigs are only good for Litecoin mining now, there is now way you would ever make the hardware investment back mining bitcoin, even if electricity was free.

  11. You guys may want to check this out if you bought any kind of computer gear between 1998 and 2002:




    I filed a claim and probably lowballed my claim, as I doubt I have receipts for all this stuff but I do still have most of the original hardware if they decide to be dicks about it.

    I think the minimum claim is $10 and the max is $1k, but I doubt you would see $1k unless you were a small business buying tons of gear.

  12. So far, Max and Maya seem to have maintained their separate followings without major collapses.


    I don't know really. It would make economic sense to merge those two groups to one product but they are two rather different products.


    I'd also have thought they would have either merged the product lines or killed one or the other off by now. I guess they're too different.

  13. Well I knew they had been bought by Autodesk/Kinetix, I figure they must have bought them to eventually kill off the product since they now have just Max and Maya. I don't see how they can have two flagship products, though, unless they are deprecating one at the expense of the other.

  14. So I read today that a competing product that rhymes with Loft-Fromage is being killed off by its parent company.


    I never would have thought there would be the market consolidation that there has been, but I guess it makes sense that it had to happen at some point.

    Glad we've got AM still (and for a long time to continue hopefully). Maybe we will pick up some of their users?

  15. Just popping in on my lunch break here. So this is completely useless then? I wasn't going to spend more than $20 because I"m a bottom feeder, but if this isn't even worth that then I won't bother.

    Based on the comments it would appear that way. Not that I was looking at this as a way to switch careers, more of someting to do when I'm not working on my movie or when I get stuck on it.

  16. I've had bad luck with Kickstarter so far, with the exception of some stuff from John Kricfalusi I don't think I've received anything for stuff I've funded. I knew there was a chance of that but they seemed like safe gambles.

  17. How about "force a character through an arbitrary opening", say, a keyhole? Perhaps Thom is on one side of a door and a black hole is on the other side, sucking him through the keyhole (in reality the black hole would rip apart the door and everything else, but this is a special case where its gravity only affects the particles in Thom's body).



    Roger, is it enough for him to fit through the hole or does he have to be exactly keyshaped when he does it?


    He should probably conform to the shape, that seems like that would be harder to do.

  18. Just watched the rigging basics video and have to admit you make it look so easy.


    It's easy once you know how. :)



    Maybe I'll practice rigging Tom before I try doing my dragon character. Is there a big difference when the character has oddly shaped legs?

    Thom has legs that go straight down but my dragon has really thick upper legs that kinda go out at an angle.

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