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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Roger

  1. Did anyone else watch it already? I really liked it, but after thinking about it, something really bugs me.


    ****spoilers below ********




    The whole episode revolves around the Doctor's guilt for the genocidal actions of one of his previous incarnations (the John Hurt Doctor).

    He has yet to set off the doomsday weapon that destroys Gallifrey, but the other two Doctors (multi Doctor episode) don't know that. They manage to figure out a way to avoid this by putting all of Gallifrey in a pocket universe, however due to changes in the timeline or something, they won't remember they actually saved it. I was ok up until I remembered the End of Time episodes, where the Gallifrean High Council is plotting to come back via a link with The Master. The David Tenant Doctor witnesses all this, and the planet Gallifrey is shown popping into existince right next to Earth. So, if this is the case, how can he feel guilty about destroying the planet if he never actually did so? An otherwise excellent episode, but I can't figure out how to reconcile this logical inconsistency.





  2. Well, I bought a copy. Gotta read it on my laptop as I don't have a Kindle compatible tablet device. It is an entertaining read, so far. There are a lot of Martin's Minutes in there interspersed with newer stuff.

  3. Oh well. :-)


    I have issues 5 and 6 of the original run, although I can't imagine they are in good enough shape to have value. I believe #4 was the issue on the stands when the movie came out. It sold out quickly, so I'm sure they upped the run for five and six. Of course, making them less valuable.


    What I really hate is that I gave up on my Star Wars figures when I turned 16. I gave them to my much younger brother and he promptly destroyed every one of them. I had the original figures because when they first released, I gave up a year's allowance so I could get all of them at once.


    I saw recently that an out of the box original vinyl cape jawa goes for hundreds of dollars.


    Makes me physically ill to think about. :-)

    Oh yeah I totally had a vinyl cape jawa (loose, sans cape) so I feel your pain. I still have a bunch of the original figures, but they are all loose and probably not worth much, if anything. Bought some of the newer stuff and kept it boxed/carded, but doubtful it will appreciate in value.


    Wanna hear about the loss of an extremely valuable collectible?


    Sure. It must be bad if you aren't saying what it is.

  4. So I've been casting about for ways to finance my dream, and turned to the comic book collection. I really doubt I have anything that is worth all that much, seems like only the really old stuff from the 60s and before is worth anything.


    So I went through and found my copy of Star Wars number 1 which I remembered hearing might be worth something.




    Star Wars number 1 from 1977 in mint condition goes from anywhere from $100 to $200 for the 30 cent edition with the much rarelr 35 cent print going for $2500-$5000 and up, depending on the condition.


    Looks at copy with missing cover (yeah I was torturing myself)

    Looks at the first page to see if I can find date or pricing info...hmm...1982 reprint, $1.25


    So I guess I'm saying I'm happy it was the reprint, I think I'd be sick if it was the 35 cent version.

  5. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a few things "on spec", then shop them around to local businesses for advertising purposes.

    I know few that might be receptive to something like that. Maybe I could offer a 15 to 30 second public access spot, along with finished clips to put on their website. Can't hurt, other than time spent if I can't sell the work. Even then, it would still be a portfolio piece.

  6. I think to succeed at free-lance stuff you need to be a whiz who can crank stuff out almost before they can say "how long will it take?"


    Our own Matt Campbell aka (John Bigboote) is a good example of that.


    But in general I don't think there are many clients out there for low to modest level CG anymore. They are probably of a DIY mindset for stuff like titles and green screen and models of their product.


    If they do need something and are willing to work over the internet there's a whole world of people out there ready to do it for almost nothing.


    I looked at a site called elance where people bid on freelance projects and there were people from Vietnam bidding two or three dollars an hour to do stuff and probably did entirely adequate work.


    Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Maybe it's worth doing some cold calling anyway, though.

  7. So I've been thinking about doing something part-time for extra money and am considering doing 3d on the side.

    I have most of the hardware and software for doing this already, so there is not a huge financial commitment required, just a commitment of time.


    Is there still a market at the low end for this sort of thing? Or has the commoditization of 3d made this unprofitable? For instance, an independent videographer would be more likely to pick up AM and do their own stuff as opposed to paying someone else.


    I can't really think of anything I could knock out very quickly other than the ubiquitous flying logos of yore. I just don't know there is a market for that sort of thing these days. I could probably use AM to do short character animation sequences but I honestly don't know what is realistic in terms of project length. I think trying to do more than 30 seconds is asking for trouble. 15 to 30 seconds is about right for public access type commericals, for instance.


    My goal here is two-fold: make some extra money and also build my skills by stepping back a bit from my short film. I think not having a huge emotional investment in a specific project, combined with shorter projects, would let me get back up to speed without feeling like I'm digging out from under a mountain. What do you think?

  8. It's a bit like stuff on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". You'll never need it or buy it but it's fun to think about it.


    Haven't heard much from Robin Leach lately...


    Well you won't get any argument from me there, I probably fantasize more about screaming fast computers than your average nerd.

    But right now that kind of gear would be wasted on me, I just wouldn't be able to stress it with anything I'm doing. I thought about getting another graphics card but AM can't really make use of CUDA or Open CL yet, so no use for it there and I only game at 1080p so it doesn't make any sense to get another GPU so I can go from 80fps to 100fps. When you talk about CPU and RAM, unless you need a rendering farm in a box OR you're editing 4k video you probably aren't going to make use of more than 16gb of RAM or 4 cores (given how poorly threaded most software is).


    So while I dream about having something ridiculous like a 32 core system with 2 fire-breathing GPUs and 256GB of RAM and so on, it really is overkill for what I do. Which is fool around in AM, surf the web, edit the occasional family video and play the odd RPG here and there. And I'm not fooling around nearly as much with AM as I should (but I'm working on it).

  9. Uh...I have to ask...$25K why? why? why? when it will be obsolete in 1 year?


    Must be a guy thing? Who's got the bigger...er...ego bragging boost?


    I don't see the point either, I see this as a way to move more hardware since most systems and even mobile devices can handle 1080P playback now. Gotta sell computers somehow I guess.

  10. I thought this was kind of interesting:



    What I don't quite understand is I thought even the base Mac Pro was a dual GPU module? Unless they are using the non Fire GL Pro graphics cards, which tend to be less expensive. But if they already have dual Fire GL Pros I'm not sure where this guy is coming up with his $25k figure apart from the CPU and monitor choices. I don't see the point in spending $10k on monitors unless you have money to burn?


    This seems like they are trying to max out the system using the most expensive options possible, rather than representing a typical max spec config. So while I could see adding $4000 for the 12 core cpu, 1TB SSD and to max out the RAM as much as possible, I don't think this is a realistic config. And I'm sure 3rd party upgrades will be cheaper. So while I do think you could come up with a pretty obscenely priced Mac, I don't think your average Mac Pro buyer is going to be spending more than $4000-$6000. That's still a lot of money but nowhere near $25,000.

  11. More of my unnecessary acquisitions




    If you actually write the polka, I will see if I can't get my trombone chops back enough to play with you. We'd probably have to do a Skype duet or something, though.


    What I'd most likely do is make a click track for people to record to. Get your mouthpiece out and start buzzing on it a little each day just in case i do this. JohnL3D also plays trombone.


    I'll have to grab my horn next time I go to my parents' house, I haven't played in something like 20 years, it should be interesting to say the least.

  12. We should start a polka band or something...



    ooohhh.... the Animation:Master Polka... i must write that!


    If you actually write the polka, I will see if I can't get my trombone chops back enough to play with you. We'd probably have to do a Skype duet or something, though.

  13. Now this is a kickstarter I am really tempted by, it looks way cooler than Google Glass:




    If I wasn't still paying off a home repair, I'd splash out for the 4 person set. Would be a really cool way to play D&D.

    Has to be some way you could integrate this with AM, imagine posing your puppet like an actual puppet.


    Would love to turn my spare room into a VR CAVE.

  14. I think if you were going to run AM on an Android tablet, you'd have to do it in an NT4 or Win2k virtual machine running on vmware or virtualbox or something, seeing as how there is no native Android AM version. NT4 would probably be sufficiently low on resources that you could actually do that. If I had an tablet I might try it, just for giggles.

  15. If you do an in-place upgrade of the OS without wiping the system, I don't think you will need a new license/code, it should just transfer over.

    Even if you were to wipe the system completely, if you backup your AM license key you should be able to copy it back later.

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