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Posts posted by Roger

  1. How long is the sale on for?


    I don't know, it may be the new price.


    Well crud, looks like I missed the boat on the ultra-cheap price. I may still get them but may have to wait until after the holidays.

  2. The pizza place in Funky Winkerbean looked just like a place in my old hometown. Makes me wonder if there is something to the whole "collective subconcious" (or maybe it's just that one small American town looks much like any other)?

  3. Never would have guessed you were a band director. Did you ever read Funky Winkerbean in the comics? Not sure if it was regionally or nationally syndicated, but there were a LOT of band director strips.

  4. I think you only need an enterprise server version if you have more than

    2 sockets, but that may have changed. Given I'd be looking at

    at least 1000 for 2 970s and a dual socket motherboard, a single

    970 might be the better upgrade.

  5. I was thinking about upgrading to an i7 970, and then I got to wondering,

    if I were to pick up a dual socket 1366 board, would I be able to use

    2 of those on a server board or would I have to get Xeons?

    For my purposes a single 970 is probably enough but 2 would be

    cheaper than a single 8 or 12 core Xeon for sure.

  6. I was reading that the appeal is that it's an anonymous way to exchange money, but if it's all done electronically over the internet... is that anonymous and untrackable anymore?


    I think as soon as someone get arrested for an illegal transaction based on a bitcoin evidence trail, that will pierce the bubble.


    Technically it is supposed to be anonymous but it really isn't. There are ways it can be tracked. I would have to dig up the article I found regarding that.


    And the guy that was running Silk Road got taken down by the Feds not too long ago for contracting hits online and paying in bitcoin, so obviously there must be a way to track that kind of thing.


    I think the bubble will eventually burst, just wish I had more tolerance for gambing (not sure I can call this investing). With something this speculative, though, I could just as easily be out $1000 instead of having that turn into $100,000.

  7. Sounds crazy to me.


    It is crazy. There is nothing behind the value of these coins, other than people thinking they are somehow going to replace the US dollar or provide a hedge against hyperinflation. Like I said, there are only a handful of places you can actually spend them at. On top of that, there will only be 21 million coins, ever, so the incentive is to hang onto them and never spend them as the price will probably keep going up.

  8. Bitcoins are up to $1000 a coin now. I'm not sure what is driving the value so high, since there is not a lot of stuff you can actually spend them on.


    Just 500 would be worth 500,000. There was as story on some tech site about a guy that threw out a hard disk with a bitcoin wallet that had 7500 of them on it.


    Oh how I wish I had bought and/or mined some of these back in 2008/2009. Oh well at least I didn't do that and then throw them out, wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  9. Why, when I was a boy... old.gif


    I used A:M for a long time on an 800x600 laptop then I moved up to to two 1024x768 monitors and now I'm on two 1280x1024 screens.


    I think 2560x1440 is a usable amount of room. If we get anymore res we're going to need larger icons.


    I've been doing all my screencam tuts at 1280x720 and that does seems cramped now.


    I just don't think this is an upgrade I can justify right now. While it would be nice to have the extra room, it is probably something that can wait. Not to mention, I'm not sure I have a graphics card that can drive a display at that high a res. For still work, maybe but video I'm not so sure about.

  10. Is anyone out there using a monitor at this resolution? I was just wondering what you think of it for AM work. While 1080p is usually enough for me, sometimes I find myself wanting a little extra vertical resolution. I don't have space on my desk for two large monitors and was thinking it might be best to consolidate to one.

  11. Hahaha. Couldn't resist it, eh?


    I was talking to a friend who went to the early show and we both agreed that seeing it on the big screen in 3D was the best way to watch it.


    Nope, I couldn't :)


    I figured even if I had seen it already, when am I ever going to get the chance to see it that way again? So I went, and the pre-show and "making of" stuff, along with seeing the battle scenes in 3D, made it worth it.


    When in the heck did a 32 oz drink become a "small" drink, though? I think I may have posted about that before but geez, it is starting to get really out of hand. At this rate I fully expect to see them marketing a 128 oz "super diabetes size" along with a trough of popcorn.

  12. Ha! I just rewatched a bit of TDOFT and the whole End of Time thing is acknowledged. When we first enter the War Council, one of the Gallifreyans says something about the High Council still being locked in session and that they have their own plan. The General (?) dismisses this, saying their plans had already failed.


    So, there's how End of Time works in.


    Oh, ok I must have missed that bit.


    I really, really wish I had known they were going to be showing it in theaters, I would have maybe made a trek to go see it. I'm not sure where in my area it would have been, I hit Fandango looking for it and couldn't find it. If it wasn't just a one day thing I might try and see if I can still catch it.

  13. If you're interested, Robcat, here are some episodes which either give some background or exposition on the Time War or are good standalone episodes:


    Genesis of the Daleks




    Bad Wolf / Parting of the Ways


    The Stolen Earth / Journey's End


    End of Time parts 1 and 2


    Blink (introduces the Weeping Angels and has nothing to do with the Time War but is excellent on its own)


    The Doctor's Wife (also a good standalone episode)

  14. The way I see it is that they all forgot (with the exception of 11) that they did the whole move Gallifrey to a pocket dimension thing. So because Gallifrey isn't there any more the doctors following the war doctor 9 and 10 (and 11 until later) would assume that they activated the moment and destroyed Gallifrey. I.E they remember having the moment and they know the planet is gone so in this case 2+2 makes 5.


    As for the end of time, Rassilon plants the drum beat into the masters head at the same time as the doctors are about to move the planet. All the events of the end of time take place (The 10th doctor still not knowing exactly what happened). Ten destroys the white point star, sending gallifrey back to its proper place in space as though it never moved, just in time for the doctors to move it to the pocket universe.


    Ok, so the events of End of Time are taking place right at the end of the TIme War, but before the planet is moved/destroyed?

    I suppose that makes sense but doesn't explain the 10th Doctor's amnesia later on. Geez this time travel stuff is tricky.

  15. I think you would enjoy it, but it is one of those things you'd enjoy more if you have at least seen more of the new series. You don't have to have followed religiously since the very early days of the old show with William Hartnell but you would definitely enjoy more of the "fanservice" that the writers put in if you were a more regular viewer. But yes, the episode does stand on its own without necessarily having seen all the others. Most of Doctor Who tends to be that way, due to the nature of the show.


    Give it a whirl and see what you think. Might convert you to a fan. :)


    If you would like a recommendation of episodes that explain a bit more of what is going on in the 50th anniversary, I can give you a list.

  16. Did anyone else watch it already? I really liked it, but after thinking about it, something really bugs me.


    ****spoilers below ********




    The whole episode revolves around the Doctor's guilt for the genocidal actions of one of his previous incarnations (the John Hurt Doctor).

    He has yet to set off the doomsday weapon that destroys Gallifrey, but the other two Doctors (multi Doctor episode) don't know that. They manage to figure out a way to avoid this by putting all of Gallifrey in a pocket universe, however due to changes in the timeline or something, they won't remember they actually saved it. I was ok up until I remembered the End of Time episodes, where the Gallifrean High Council is plotting to come back via a link with The Master. The David Tenant Doctor witnesses all this, and the planet Gallifrey is shown popping into existince right next to Earth. So, if this is the case, how can he feel guilty about destroying the planet if he never actually did so? An otherwise excellent episode, but I can't figure out how to reconcile this logical inconsistency.





  17. Well, I bought a copy. Gotta read it on my laptop as I don't have a Kindle compatible tablet device. It is an entertaining read, so far. There are a lot of Martin's Minutes in there interspersed with newer stuff.

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