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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Luuk Steitner

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by Luuk Steitner

  1. Which version of A:M are you running? Some old versions tend to crash a lot, but A:M has become very stable nowadays. I haven't had much crashes since V13. V15 has never crashed here as far as I can recall.
  2. There is one plugin that measures the distance between 2 CPs. That's almost what you want. If that's good enough for you you can find the plugin here: http://sgross.com/plugins/plugin17/index.html
  3. If you want to save yourself some money, you can do the same with Icarus or Voodoo, which are both free. I made a tool called ICAM that makes it easier to import data from those applications to A:M. You can find the tutorial and downloads links here: www.zigncreations.com/icam/index.html
  4. I didn't realize it's already that long ago. Maybe we could do a team project like this again?
  5. The first thing I notice is that the ball accelerates and decelerates very fast, making it look very light.
  6. Looks pretty good. While the knight is falling down he raises his right leg, and all of a sudden, from one frame to another, this leg is straight again. That looks a bit awkward.
  7. I use Vue for my skies most of the time. I create the sky I want in Vue and render it as a 360° panorama image. I apply this image to a sphere in A:M and use it as a sky dome. You can render the sky as an image sequence in Vue so you can have your sky dome animated. I have the 'Infinite' version, but you could use the 'Easel' version, which is very cheap and can be used for this purpose. But if you don't need that kind of realism, you could of course model yourself a sun and clouds (or use images) and animate those.
  8. If you select CPs you can always create a new group from the selection. It does not matter if some of the CPs already belonged to another group. If your other group was selected and you don't want to alter that group, deselect the CPs first.
  9. That works if you set the pivot X to zero first.
  10. Increasing the mirror mode tolerance should fix this. Did you try it?
  11. It could be your mirror mode tolerance is set too low. Go to Tools->Options->Modeling and adjust the tolerance setting. That should make it work.
  12. Have you tried exporting to BVH from an action? From your BVH file it seems like you exported from the chor (not sure how you did this, I don't see this option in the chor in V15), It might work correctly from an action. I recently did some tests exporting to BVH from A:M and that didn't work like it should but I think that was because I wasn't exporting a normal skeleton.
  13. The image does not show how the transparency decal is placed. Maybe it makes the top transparent because the decal does not cover the entire model. That should not be the problem, but maybe it is.
  14. I think the problem could be in your transparency map. If you post your project we can take a look.
  15. Yes, you can set the output to any resolution you want.
  16. Just an idea: why don't you create the tree in one model, and rig every branch? You can add a scale bone and constrain the length of every bone to the length of that bones. Now, if you animate the length of the controller bone, the tree will grow. And you can create an additional action to make the branches shake while it's growing.
  17. If you want to do facial or 2D motion capture you could use Zign Track or A:M Track. See the link in my signature. For full-body motion capture you would need other tools like Opti Track, but that will cost you a lot more...
  18. That would be possible, but Vue does not import BVH, so you would still need a third application to convert the BVH motion to a Maya script file, or vice versa.
  19. I've send Steffen an email. I hope he will share this plugin... EDIT: the email was bounced, looks like it does not exists anymore Maybe someone knows an other way to contact him? Too bad the PMs don't work anymore...
  20. You can use this tool to convert DWG files to PDF
  21. OK but I don't think jpg's store sound. The problem I had though was it creating the .jpg.sinfo file WITHOUT the regular .jpg file. Nope, they don't store sound, but A:M generates these files for every render, with or without sound. If there was no sound if the project the contents of the sinfo file looks like this: ProductVersion=15 Range=0 0
  22. Those are Sound Info files and contains some details about the sounds used. I think A:M reads it for whatever reason. I just ignore these files.
  23. As far as I know this is not possible. Vue exports the camera paths as Maya scripts, and A:M can't read those. I have been thinking of writing a converter so I can convert the Maya script files to A:M action files for a personal project. I have been to busy with other things, but I'm sure I'll write it some day because I want it as much as you do I hope you're not in a hurry...
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