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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by youngman

  1. This is superb modeling.I'll be honest as much as i liked Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds i really wanted to see the version novelised by H G Wells. This would be incredible to see animated,so much so i have attached a link to Jeff Wayne's test footage of the Walker from his cgi movie version. http://www.robkinder.com/hosted/wotwo/movies/clip.htm Keep up the good work. Jay
  2. Hi Ravager Take a look at this link :- http://www.alienlogo.com/tincan/ Also take a look at page 127 in your TAoA:M manual & page 199 to 207 in the Technical reference book that came with A:M v14 (also on the cd). To find out how many patches are in your model,in your modelling window right click and about half way down you will see 'info'.click on this to see the patch count or hairs for your model. Hopes this helps Jay
  3. Awsome stuff Will,This is going to be very hard to beat!! Jay
  4. *** Awesome *** Jay
  5. O M G Stunning! Actually i think that might be an understatement. Superb work Stian,great attention to detail. Jay
  6. This is looking really good Will,i can't wait too see more! Jay
  7. Have you made sure that the tolerance is set to 0% as this is very important,By doing that you are making sure that only that shade of green is selected. If you are still having problems please post a screen grab. Jay
  8. Here's a quick how to guide using Paint.net (free open source paint program). http://www.getpaint.net/index2.html And just for fun ... Hope this helps? Jay
  9. This is great Mark, I love the caricatures you've made so far.I'm really looking forward to seeing this unfold. Jay
  10. Some really nice modelling there Sam,Can't wait to see them in action. Hi Elliot,Take a look at this link: - http://wikiold.hash.com/amfeatures/publish...iance+Occlusion Should answer all your questions. Jay
  11. Impressive......Most impressive... Absolutely stunning work Lee,keep up the good work. Jay
  12. I'll try and answer this one. While there isn't a snap to ruler function that I'm aware of,you can use the following steps to model outside the grid so to speak. (Please ignore the fact that I'm modelling a square in this example,which you would use the the snap to grid function of course!) Hope this might be of some use to you. Jay
  13. Hi Daniel,Take a look at this link as it contains a step by step (pun intended) tutorial of what you are after. http://www.mossor.org/Desktop/Tutorials/Footsteps/index.html Jay
  14. Really nice work there Paul,if i can get within a mile of the work your producing I'll die a happy man. Jay
  15. Hello Largento Probably the best way to do what you want is to make two separate actions. Do an action for the minute hand say rotating 360 deg every 30 frames and the same for the hour hands.This probably isn't an elegant solution to what your after but should help. Jay
  16. Hi Elliot, If you go into your Pws,delete all of the lights in the choreography.This should sort the problem out. See attached pictures Birds eye view Rendered view Hope this helps? Jay Btw this was never completed as a final project.I settled on doing a collage of images on the card instead.
  17. that is very good Jay! same the TanMan. very goood Cheers Totlover, I think that was the 5th revision of the model mostly to do with the grass effect! One thing i gained from it is a fairly good understanding of the hair system especially as i spent over 2 weeks working on different incarnations of the grass (don't ask). Aj2 For some reason i can't seem to see your models from the link,it seems there is a problem with it? Jay
  18. This was my first attempt at modelling. I was going to do a short animation for Exercise 4:It's a pitch,but i abandoned it due to my lack of animation skills for the time being. Jay
  19. I would like to say a big thank you to caroline for asking for some help on her problem regarding alpha channels.Although i couldn't figure it out (Big thanks to John) i must say i have never had so much fun messing around on this. The picture below was a quick composite after finding out about turning the additive colour off for alpha rendering. I then done a quick 3 second render of the fire.The one on the left is additive colour off,the one on the right is additive colour on. It seems that the way to to a decent fire for alpha rendering is to have good quality decals (I need to do some work on mine) but that something for later. fire_render_2_versions.mov Here are the decals i used,very basic. Big thanks again to Caroline and John. :D :D :D :D :D Jay
  20. Hi Caroline/Rusty Well I'm stumped a little on this one! I think it might have to do with the fire image used,the reason for this is if you look on your Hash cd you will see under the project file folder in the sprites section a project called smoke 2. See above When i rendered a frame of this out i was able to composite the image to a stock photo with no problems. See above I know this is of smoke particles but if they are substituted for a flame image then it should work? Hopefully someone more experienced in this area can come to our aid on this and restore some of my grey hair.....he he. Jay P.s.Yes i am using the current version of A:m v13 o P.p.s.Have a look at this thread and download the project file,i think this might work. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19672 Here's a quick composite i done from it.
  21. Hi Caroline, Would you be able to attach a screen dump of your pws or attach your project file.I have been messing around with smoke a lot for my re-do of excersise 6 and might be able to figure it out,if not I'm sure someone else will be able to. Jay
  22. Hi Loserem, Try this link from the tutorial section of the forum. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...&hl=boolean Jay
  23. Hi Graham Welcome to the Hash Community. My advice is to update to the latest version you have and have fun.There is an incredible community here only to willing to help if you get a little bit stuck on whatever you are working on...Don't be afraid to ask for help!!If you feel that you are getting somewhere then i highly recommend updating to the latest version of the program as Rodney suggests. Don't be a stranger! Jay
  24. Hi RoyBU, I wouldn't worry about it too much! I am currently working on a few things and noticed when i tried too add a model constraint to the path object the picker wouldn't waggle like it used to. But as long as you have the picker over the path and click on it ,it will select the path.I dont know if this is a bug or something but it still works ok. Jay P.s.Started to worry when i couldn't find the spell check icon before i realised you just right click on the highlighted word for the options....Phew!!
  25. Congratulations Dhar, I have just managed to see this short and all i can say is 'whow'. The music,direction,cinametograhy and pace were just wonderful.I hope you will be able to produce more of the same quality in the 'not too distant future!' Jay
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