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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Jason Simonds

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Everything posted by Jason Simonds

  1. That is still in talks not sure the small flyer is the place to cover that. But yes this will be for v16.0 But we do not know the core limits or instances at this time.
  2. Yeah i can get them from the source code. but i did not know if anyone had better ones or something they wanted to use.
  3. Yeah a zip of the images you would like would be great. But you can not pick the images shows comes a file attachment type that is hard set, Just like the mime type. Next to the sub/super set drop down is a list of smiles you can use. I think I can update that too. So if you guys have some you like post them.
  4. Like .cho file look like the red chair and cone and so on? I can look into that i just have to make gif images for all of them. I changed all A:M files on the list from the smiley and there is no smiley images anymore.
  5. Here is an updated list of file types: I also added the yellow A:M guy to A:M file types .act text/plain .aiff audio/x-aiff .bmp image/x-MS-bmp .cam text/plain .cho text/plain .cmp text/plain .css text/css .doc application/msword .eps application/postscript .exe application/octet-stream .gif image/gif .gz application/x-gzip .hqx application/mac-binhex40 .htm application/octet-stream .html application/octet-stream .ico image/ico .jpeg image/jpeg .jpg image/jpeg .lib text/plain .lit text/plain .mat text/plain .mdl text/plain .mov video/quicktime .mp3 audio/x-mpeg .mp4 video/quicktime .mpg video/mpeg .pdf application/pdf .php application/octet-stream .png image/png .ppt application/powerpoint .pre text/plain .prj text/plain .prjb text/plain .ps application/postscript .psd application/octet-stream .pst text/plain .ram audio/x-pn-realaudio .rtf text/richtext .swf application/x-shockwave-flash .tar application/x-tar .tga image/tga .tiff image/tiff .txt text/plain .viv video/vivo .wav audio/x-wav .wma audio/x-ms-wma .wmv video/x-msvideo .xml text/xml .zip application/zip
  6. Everyone has good points in this.. So i think we'll stick with 'mascot'. If you do have a car or tree or something else it should be fine but at the same time i think the voting will help decide.
  7. Hello, I would say it can be anything you like; car, tree, or what not. But you cannot submit a copyrighted item (i.e no 2010 ford mustangs).
  8. Lets keep this going Lets see what people think. you should be able to upload mp4 anyways i changed it a while ago.
  9. If there is any file types you would like to be able to upload as attachments to the A:M forums please post them here. I will look over the list and see what can be added.
  10. Ok i reuploaded the monitor file. and fixed the MIME type.
  11. No i will look at that when i get back today. Think i may have the wrong MIME type for .psd on the forums or it can not read it.
  12. Yeah i think anything will be better then what i come up with. I worked on it a bit but for the most part only took the old flyer edited some text and added some links. I'm looking forward to this! Thanks Again guys!
  13. Haha, I know i play online games too, People love that fact my spelling is always there for a good joke. I do not mind, i think it's as funny as you all do
  14. The forums and my google toolbar does have a spell checker. On the forums if you look in the top right by format settings there is a spell check logo.
  15. I know everyone is busy working on the V16.0 mascot but I thought I would give away some more sigraph Hash, Inc. jackets. Hash, Inc. is looking for a new flyer to go along with V16.0 for 2011. Below is the one we are using now. How I think this will work is you can submit your items. Hash, Inc will use either all or part of your design. If Hash, Inc. uses all or part of your design Hash, Inc. will send you a sigraph Hash, Inc. jacket that we have. Sizes are limited. Things I would like to see on the flyer. facebook link http://www.facebook.com/animationmaster Amfilms link Hash, Inc. link Windows logo Mac logo (with out universal binary) 64bit logo The Hash, Inc. monitors brush logo The new Hash, Inc. logo Good text for schools and personal users/Small studios The deadline for this will be I'm going to leave this open for a bit longer I really like what we got but keeping it open so some people can finish theirs. I will take response on this but will be the final vote. Thanks Again Everyone! Jason Simonds p.s. I do not need input on my poor spelling and grammar thank you haha Attached is the ones we are using now, the templates and the facebook logo. http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/misc/07NewAMLogo.psd (A:M Logo) flyer.zip Monitor_Logo.psd (you can change the colors)
  16. http://amfilms.hash.com/ > Youtube then the video will just play in the forums
  17. Man, I need to find someone to go through and edit my posts so I don't look so dumb here! Ok, I moved the date to the last day of January. That is as long as I can put it off since we have a lot of shows in Jan/Feb. If the CD's are not done by the first big show we will just take v15.0 CDs with links to get v16.0 or something. Good luck all.. Well maybe all but the ones that made fun of my spelling and typos haha!
  18. Hello, It 2011 and V16.0 coming up I'm going to open a mascot contest. The dead line will be 01/31/2011 and voting will began soon after that and last about 2 weeks. You cane mail all data and entries to support@hash.com. We have some siggraph Hash, Inc. jackets that we can give out to the winners if they would like them. Rules: 1). All entries must be modeled and rendered in A:M. Third party paint programs like Photoshop can be used for painting texture decals 2). The images will be 480X640 in the splash screen, But i would like a image at least 1440x1920 so we have a high rez version for promo items and poster. 3). I will also need a render if just the characters with out a back drop in 480x640 3). By submitting your work, you are granting Hash, Inc license to reprint the work, including but not limited to promotional material, cd/dvd covers, splash screens, web sites, and articles 4). Submissions must be substantially original work done by the submitter, and the submitter must not use any copyrighted work without permission Good Luck all! Jason Simonds Hash, Inc.
  19. Hello, I do not know if this has been covered but in most cases you can just add the server path in windows to any file server. I think this is the best way to share A:M data. \\machine name\path_01\Data\library\ Or where ever you have your .lbr file at. Now all users most see the path the same. Now students do not have the right to change setting of what you see at log in. The best way to do this is to log in as a root admin on a machine change the settings to what you like and have your IT staff distribute out the registry paths. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hash, Inc. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hash, Inc. It's best to set up all settings, library paths, open windows and other settings before It distribute out the settings. Most of the time none admin users can not see C:\program files\ in school settings so you can remove that path. if you are going to have each computer have it's on path it is best to have IT add it and make it read only something like C:\AM_files\Data\Library\ If you have anymore questions you can email support@hash.com and we can help you out.
  20. Hello all, There is a small patch added to v15.0j+ to address the text issue in the library panel. You download the new installer here. CD Installer Subscription installer Installer There is not a fresh installer for Windows. Thank you, Hash, Inc.
  21. Hello, Also we send a DVD with all of the items listed in http://www.hash.com/reference.htm http://www.hash.com/vm.htm That your school tech. can mount on a share drive so you are able to watch someone while you work. With out using up your schools in/out bound bandwidth. If you have any more questions feel free to email orders@hash.com and we can help you out. Thank you, Jason Simonds Hash, Inc.
  22. Hello, the 'Video grabber' on A:Mfilms in now fixed. There was a small change to youtube that broke it and it's now working again. This lets you post your videos from http://www.youtube.com to A:Mfilms To do this just sign in > click upload > on the top bar you will see 'Upload Youtube' it will ask for your youtube url after that you can pick the channels, tags and anything else you want to add. This will let your data play in A:Mfilms and let your videos be posted embedded to the forums. Have a good day all, Jason Simonds
  23. I know right? The play back is a little jumpy, i think it's that the computer they ran the video on could not run it at that size. There was also a really small version that played smoother but was so small you could not really see it. so i put this one online.
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