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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Jason Simonds

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Everything posted by Jason Simonds

  1. The users that have images have now been fixed too.
  2. nothing should be lost but skins, user avatars and the lay out we have now. but this took years to get to and I hope we can get the new forums looking good too. if you find anything you can post it below too, http://optimus.hash.com/forums/index.php?/...-you-find-here/
  3. We are moving to a new server and updating all software. The new forums is up now if you want to mess around with it. http://optimus.hash.com/forums/ The posts will be removed and right now we are working on a bug with user avatars if you find anything else please post here. we will also be looking for new skins and other things before we move over. Any Posts made there will be removed on the move! but feel free to try it out. I will also make a post there for bugs and things you want to see. but I have to run right now. It's been a really long night since this version is so out of date. Thank You, Jason simonds
  4. The deadline is exteded july 6th midnight pst I will make a post about it today and find something to give the people that got in on time!
  5. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Change Log: Fixed All [bug]6522[/bug] Pressing Skeletal mode button doesn't work and leads to freeze. Fixed All [bug]6521[/bug] AtTime expressiondoes not retrieve value from indicated time. Added All Expressions CurrentValue() Returns the current value for this propertie, before the expression is interpreted. VectorF( x ) Creates a vector by filling the three floating point values x, y, and z with the initial value. Vector2( x, y ) Creates a vector2 by combining the two floating point values x and y. AtFrame(frame , n ) Returns the value of n at the given frame. GetFrame() Returns the relative frame within the action. When in a choreography, this is equal to the chor's frame. Clamp( n, min, max ) Clamp the value n into the range between min and max
  6. Hello, We only got 2 entries for this contest should we extent the deadline something closer to Comic Con in July or just call it on this one?
  7. v18.0e is now live!
  8. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Change Log: Changed All Plugin "Merge and purge decals" added check for Percentage,Repeat,Seamless and Exporttype properties for equality, only if this values are also equal the decals are merged Fixed All [bug]6505[/bug] Layers drawn in front Fixed All [bug]6513[/bug] Rotoscope hides model in shaded view Fixed All [bug]6510[/bug] Memory leak after finalrender with zbuffered shadows and Penumbra On Fixed All [bug]6500[/bug] Request these standard resolutions in the industry for the resolution drop down menu added to the resolution drop down menu in this order "UHD" Ultra high definition television 3840 × 2160 "DCI 2K cropped" (CinemaScope cropped) 2048 × 858 "DCI 2K native" (native resolution) 2048 × 1080 "DCI 4K cropped" (CinemaScope cropped) 4096 × 1716 "DCI 4K native" (native resolution) 4096 × 2160 [*]Fixed All [bug]6503[/bug] Patches Not Displaying Correctly [*]Fixed All [bug]6495[/bug] Displacement from materials results in heavy, black render artefacts [*]Fixed All [bug]6509[/bug] Render with SSAO causes crash [*]Fixed All [bug]6507[/bug] Pressing Bones Mode Button locks computer [*]Fixed All OpenGL3 driver - fixed application crash for nvidia gpu's Error code:6 "Your hardware configuration does not meet minimum specifications needed to run the application. The application must close." if this error occured again , please set in the registry (OSX Masterprefs.ini) the value for "OpenGL3" "Max Vertices" to a lower value redudant state changes reduced reworked the opengl3 property page all settings on this page having only influence for the realtime rendering bilinear filtering for real time textures removed the next 3 options are having only influence for realtime textures "Anisotropic filter" for textures added, can be switched with the same named checkbox on the opengl3 properties page, only avaible if the "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" extension is supported from the gpu driver "Scale always to power of two", if this checkbox is checked all textures are scaled to the next power of two value for width and height (256,512,1024 and so one) "Compress if x or y > xxx", if this checkbox is checked the textured are stored as compressed texture in the gpu accesible memory, the value means the size for the texture width or height , and is the computed from the "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE" value , for Your gpu this value can be shown if You save the list of extensions "Show All" on the property page than "Save") "Antialiased Lines" only a hint for OpenGL , that lines should drwaed antialiased "Inverse sortorder" transparent Patches are drawn in reverse order (Z- to Z+) "Polymode" in shaded views , the polygon structure is displayed , which will be used, when You export the model/chor in a polygon export format like stl/obj and so one . special note for OSX users if You get uglish decals/rotoscopes please try first to set "Scale always to power of two" to On , even the OpenGL extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two" is reported , it looks like there is problem with the driver (seen the problem on systems with a nvidia gpu, ati or intel seems to be ok) [*]Fixed OSX [bug]6471[/bug] Decals Not Displaying Corectly In v18a On Macs [bug]6481[/bug] AM does not render images correctly set "Scale always to power of two" to On in the opengl3 properties [*]Fixed All appcrash , when selecting controlpoints from a decal, where the cp's are removed but the stamp still exists [*]Fixed All [bug]6515[/bug] Can't reorder sequence of a model's constraints in a relationship [bug]6425[/bug] No longer possible to resequence a relationship's constraints in the PWS [*]Fixed All [bug]6516[/bug] Can't reorder sequence of an Actions constraints in a relationship [bug]6438[/bug] No longer possible to resequence constraints in an Action or Choreography window. [*]Fixed All [bug]6517[/bug] Crash when trying to resequence the order of contraints in an Action in the PWS without having its action window open. [*]Changed Windows32 and OSX if A:M is running out of memory during final render, a more informative messagebox is displayed and the used memory is freed now. A typical scenario for such a exception is rendering with some lights with Z-buffered shadows,high Map Resolution,Penumbra on and Multipass off. 32 bit programs (OSX is a 32 bit process too), can use only at max 3GB memory equal how much memory is installed [*]Fixed All [bug]6188[/bug] Hair Density Maps do not work correctly on 5-point patches [*]Changed All Expression RGB(rgb) clamp the values between 0 and 255 self (as example 500 is the input value, than 255 used as value) use absolute values (-100 will then be 100) [*]Fixed All [bug]6520[/bug] Decals on background objects appear over foreground objects in real-time [*]Fixed All [bug]6480[/bug] AM Crashes when trying to remove a hook [*]Fixed All [bug]6512[/bug] Multipass not dividing motion blur increments properly
  9. v18.0e should be up today late my time. I just got back yesterday.
  10. Buying in advanced form the store is not a good idea. The store only holds the current versions activation codes so if you bought 3 today you would get 3 codes for v18.0 if you email use either at support@hash.com or orders@hash.com we can setthat up for you. if you do buy form the store we can move the codes over to the new version when it comes out also, but once again it would take you emailing us.
  11. Curious, why would someone be denied? Most of the time it's not having the right hostid but there our other reasons mostly just trying to get more then one. When i do decline the hostid ones, I send them notice on how to fix it.
  12. At this time all pending requests are approved or denied
  13. The Mac installer has been updated!
  14. try this link I can not repeat that, you may have a bad cached download link ftpftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/AM_32BIT.exe
  15. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Change Log: Fixed All [bug]6497[/bug] Hair always jittering Fixed All [bug]6496[/bug] Hair color incorrect in Final renders Fixed All [bug]6459[/bug] Bake surface resolution replaced by fixed presets Changed All Bakesurface default values now the following Resolution 10 Margins 1 Maximum textures size Automatic Overwrite Files True Delete old decals False Delete materials False If Bakesurface is started without the dialog (Shift + LMB) last settings are used the created decalimages having now a new naming scheme "bs_"modelname"_"texturetype"."extension (jpg as default) with this change it's possible to bake more than one model in one projectfile new combobox "Maximum textures size", where You can select wich size the created decalimages should have Automatic - based on Resolution , the best matched size (as in previous A:M versions) 128 - maximum texturesize 128x128 pixel and so one up to 4096x4096 only the 64bit version has the possibility to select 8192 as maximum texture size the algorithm tries now to match this value in one dimension new option "Delete materials" If this is checked , all materialnodes (! INCLUDING particle materials !) are removed from the model and groups and the surface atrributes are set to the default values [*]New All [bug]6413[/bug] Allow undo functionallity in the stamp editor basic undo/redo funtcionality added, selections are not undoable, only cornercp moving is undoable special functionality for command key's + LMB in the stampview (only as reminder) Ctrl key (Mac Command key) + LMB split uv stack and add the nearest corner to selection Shift key + LMB add uvs to selection Alt key + LMB add vertex to selection [*]New All [bug]6456[/bug] Feature request: Option to select the visual representation of bones switching to simple bone draw mode (bones are drawn as simple line instead of shaft) possible with keyboard shortcut "Shift+7" or the button from Tools->Customize->Commands->Draw (you need to add this button manually for the first time) keyboard shortcut can found at Tools->Customize->Commands->Keyboard "Toogle bone draw mode [*]Changes All [bug]6457[/bug] Option to select between Spline/Hold/Linear as default keyframe interpolation !!! Important change !!! affects only new created drivers , for this drivers keyframes are created with the selected default keyframe interpolation You can set this at "Tools"->"Options"->"Action"->"Keyframe Interpolation" if "Default" is selected in most cases the interpolation method is "Spline", the behavior of creating keyframes is in this case the same as in previous A:M versions ! if any other is selected, it overrides the default values for the driver ! [*]Changes All Stampview , if a corner or a group of corners are selectet , not longer display a popup menu , makes no sense in such a scenario [*]Changes All different cursor for "Add Lock Mode" [*]Fixed All [bug]6490[/bug] Crash after Save [*]Fixed All [bug]6482[/bug] New CPs made with Y key not properly placed [*]Fixed All [bug]6478[/bug] Can't create bone chain with Snap Manipulator to Grid ON [*]Fixed All [bug]6491[/bug] Can't Keyframe in Composite [*]Fixed All [bug]6487[/bug] Lights not fully drawn in Bones mode fixed also some realtime draw issues for bones (ghosty circles) [*]Fixed All [bug]6494[/bug] strange snapping was a unwanted sideeffect from #[bug]6445[/bug] Moving cp's in front view don't keep z axis position [*]fixed Opengl Driver [bug]6477[/bug] Mac, OpenGL Causing "Bones Mode" Display Issues [*]Fixed All [bug]6488[/bug] Rotoscopes on lights lost after save and reload of project. see the notes below [*]Fixed All [bug]6486[/bug] Rotoscope image on light not working Not longer allowed to drag rotoscopes on light or camera caches ,only allowed for instances light/camera in a chor/action or lights inside a model notes for the special case lights inside a model (in the bone hierachie) "if show more than drivers" is selected , the rotoscopes are NOT visible but they are still affects rendering, this is a accommodation for netrender it was very tricky to get this to work .... [*]Fixed All [bug]6485[/bug] Splines set to "Render as Line" are not smooth in final render I higly recommend to use the "Resamplespline" plugin in such a case for evenly distributed cp's on the spline.
  16. I like them, parts of the back layout are only if you are mailing them, the 'safe' guides is all we have to follow. The mailing layout is free, but for a small price upgrade you can have a full printed back. I will leave this post up till tomorrow when i send them out so any other fixes you guys do or think should be done I will try to get to before I send them off tomorrow.
  17. it's late and I suck at this but well.. v18_Postcard_Front.psd v18_Postcard_Back.psd
  18. You are right I like those better then mine, So they are what I'm going with still going to fix the tongue
  19. So I tried to make some new business cards. I liked someone the stuff in the post so they are a lot like it. v18_buss_card.psd v18_buss_card_bk.psd they are still editable and I will take any suggestions tomorrow when i have a bit of time i will work on the flyer. I still hope to get some good ones today but I'm working on this for back up. Ok I already see and edit I need to remove the tongue but that is an easy fix.
  20. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Change Log: fixed all [bug]6468[/bug] Control Point weight statistics do not appear in the "Show Manipulator Properties" window when enabled in an action window. fixed all [bug]6492[/bug] Enforcement curve for constraint not given correct interpolation. Interpolation Control not working. fixed all [bug]6472[/bug] Deleting Path causes crash fixed all [bug]6473[/bug] Font Wizard creates wrong bias on bevels fixed all texture plugins, changing values are now reflected immediatly in the material preview changed all [bug]6445[/bug] Moving cp's in front view don't keep z axis position A single cp must be selected before creating a new cp to activate this feature. Front Back view z coordinate from the selected cp is used Top Bottom view y coordinate from the selected cp is used Left Right view x coordinate from the selected cp is used [*]fixed all fixing a refresh issue in material views for plugin materials, when values are changed [*]changed all reworked export/import plugins important change "Poly Model *.ply" is renamed now to "Hash Poly Model *.plh" , because it is NOT the original PLY format developed by Greg Turk (Georgia Institute of Technology) [*]changed all "Snap group to surface" If You start this command while holding the Shift key down , a settings dialog appear. The dialog has two new options "Use CP normals" if this checkbox is checked , the cp normals are used for computation instead of the patch normals "Try reverse direction, if no hit" if this checkbox is checked and no intersection is found, a second try with negated normaldirection is done for intersection checking additonal change if no patch is in the group (single spline as example) the normal direction is calculated from the cp position and the group center point (direction looking to the group center) [*]fixed all [bug]6489[/bug] NetRender doesn't render animation the same as A:M [*]fixed all [bug]6475[/bug] Aborting render causes crash [*]fixed all [bug]6476[/bug] Netrender nodes crash after loading frame
  21. Here are the rules: All submitted images most be at least 1920×1080 aspect ratio does not matter on this contest as long as the image size is over the size listed. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Master for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to support@hash.com by midnight pst on 04/30/14 6 July (midnight) No offensive or pornographic material. The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time) Winners: 1st place will get $100.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. 2nd Place will get $75.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. 3rd place will get $50.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. If it's High Tech, Futuristic, Robots, Space Ships or other stuff like that get it rendered and get it in I can not wait to see what you all come up with! Good Luck All! Jason Simonds.
  22. Hello, Hash, Inc. is looking to make new Postcards and Business cards. I like the ones we used before but this time we are looking for something more simple. Just a few images, a slogans and some other info email, Facebook, fax, links stuff like that I will be following this post so if you need anything form me let me know I will be reordering on march 15th so I can get the in time for ECC For the cards I was thinking 2 sided on the front logo/image on the back useful links like amfilms, youtube, facebook, stills, forums and what not. Here is links to the templates. Cards Post Cards Hash, Inc. Info Hash, Inc. 10411 NE 110th cir Vancouver, WA 98662 360-750-0451(fax) support@hash.com (support) orders@hash.com (ordering) Thank you for your help Jason Simonds.
  23. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Change Log: Fixed All [bug]6462[/bug] V18_64bit falls over when loading tiled images Fixed All [bug]6443[/bug] Rotoscope on Light not affected by Transparency setting Fixed All [bug]6454[/bug] Volumetrics obscuring scene view A new option added for volumetrics "Draw shaded in real time view" Default Off If it is set to On the a shaded cone is drawed if real time views are set to shaded. Fixed All [bug]6444[/bug] Lights with Rotoscopes ignore light's color Following conditions have to be true the rotoscope image must have a keycolor set or alphachannel transparency for the rotoscope must be smaller than 100% "Use additive color" must be set to ON Fixed All [bug]6452[/bug] Y key shortcut to add CP doesn't always work Inserting a cp (shortcut Y) now working on the last cp on a spline too. Fixed all [bug]6451[/bug]: Attempting to Detach Hook Crashes App Fixed Windows rendering to a avi file with any compression for the file selected , crashes A:M after finished rendering fixed all fixing a refresh issue for decals in shaded realtime view, when the Repeat parameter for the decal was changed Thank you; Jason Simonds
  24. Great entries everyone it was a close race! 1st Place!NancyGormezano 2nd Place! 3rd Place!robcat2075 If everyone could email support@hash.com your http://www.hash.com/store email. I will get the gift cards out to you. The next contest will be sifi, technology, scape. I will get the rules and time frame posted soon. I can not wait to see what you all come up with!
  25. The Holiday Image Contest Voting is now live! Voting will end 12/20/13 at midnight. Share the link with all your friends!! http://www.hash.com/vote Thank You; Jason Simonds
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