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Everything posted by KNBits
Very nice mood! Good work! The shimmering are more distracting to me than wings movement, especially those occuring in the skull texture. What render settings have you use? Any MP/soften on this?
Thank you all for the feedbacks.
Finally we have our edit completed. http://www.lebureauofficiel.com/demovideo
Pretty cool! I love the head design too.
Another example of A:M SimCloth... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=a...st&id=17349
Very nice. I like the modeling, not to "square", using different angle along the hallway. The decal style/toonline mix look a bit strange to me but nonetheless it work great. Light seem to flatten the perpective and distance in the scene. Maybe is the lack of deep shadows that gives me the impression. At that point it is more a matter of opinion and taste though. Good work.
I ain't working for Hash, but I don't think you qualify for an upgrade. The license belong to your friend, and so the upgrade path that goes with it. However, everytime you do upgrade, you receive a brand new disc to start AM.
When you adjust the Ease once, it create a Ease channel in the constraint (expand little triangle to dig it out in the Project Workspace). That overwrite a default behavior where it start at 0% and end up at 100%. So if you set it up to start, let's say, at 25%, you also need to set a end% keyframe somewhere later, so it can calculate the movement again. This could be a 100% keyframe, or less if you want it to stop before the end of the path.
ooooOOOoooooo... welcome back. Awesome character!
This is another video installation clip. I made a quick edit of 3 parts of it. Some of it won't make much sense, because it suppose to interact with real life architecture and object. Also, it may seem slow , but the focus was to create an ambiance on spot. BBird.mov
That is good old streaks emitter. It was rendered independantly, with all models still there to get collision effect and masking, but showing completely black (lights and textures off). The point was to be able to composite the layers in After Effect, but having control on the rain layer (effect, opacity, etc).
Difficult to say because it was on and off, but probably about 7-8 months. Yes it was ambitious, way too ambitious
Not on this. It may have been a better option though. This is done with the Snake along Path technique picked from the A.R.M. Multiple bone constrained to a path, with Ease adjust for each one. The path itself is also animated in the Chor to create a bit of floating around. The next clip was done like 5 years ago I think, in V8.5. It was the very first project I did in A:M, and it is where I met Alain Desrochers who worked on this. It was created as a project visualization tool. The animations and effects are pretty weak (even laughable) in most part, but it wasn't the focus of the project (not with that budget!). It won't make it to the final edit either, so here it goes KatPart2.mov
Flipper? lol. A simple ribbon. Ribbon.mov
The Meduse clip was one of the clips that was used for a video installation. The idea was to find graphical variation on the "Sea" theme. This one was done quite some time ago. Special credit also goes to Alain Desrochers for modeling on this one. MS_Med.mov
This was use for a DVD interface done some time ago TravelAerial2Med.mov
a stylized Jellyfish (sort of) used in a video installation. Won't make it to final cut, but I thought about showing it anyway. MeduseFlyBy.mov
Thxs everyone. This was created for a web project: MCIntroB.mov
This is 2 clips (combined in one for viewing purpose) that was part of a visual environment in a theatrical play kind of project. SplitMaisonPoupMed.mov
Consolidate: Consolidates the project into a single directory structure. It's in the top Project Menu >>> Consolidate Just select it, give it the location of the folder you want your stuff to be saved in. Thats sums it up.
You can use the Consolidate option that will copy in a brand new folder almost everything needed for your project, including maps, models, materials, etc.. It will mimic your directory structure though, which can be good or bad depending on the situation. I say "almost" because if you use TGA sequences as maps or rotoscope, it will copy only the first frame of it I think, so you have to manually copy the others in the right folder. Otherwise it works very nicely, even if I'd wish more option in the process.
There is this site where youmight buy/sell models... http://www.3dfrogstore.com/
The number 12 and his reflection/refraction was created in A:M. The fish is real, but we used a mdl fish to map it properly. Kind of minimalist, but a lot of stuff we do with A:M are little touch there and there like this. What we try is to do it correctly. This one isn't perfect, but ok and within the budget we had at that time.
Thxs everyone. Here's another simple clip. That one is about our first mix with live footage using A:M. 12PoissonsMED.mov
We are in the process of gathering our sources to create a portfolio. Our company doesn't specialize in 3D stuff. However, we use A:M quite often in our pipeline of work. We hope to have the process finished in a month. I thought I'd share some of those clips. Here's one, more to come, and eventually the final edit. CREA_MEDIUM.mov