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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by thejobe

  1. ahh ok thansk for the tip that what the size check was for
  2. thanks! i was able to finish it today put the chin strap on and with the quick clips put it on top of the galo model i found on the extra cd to see how well it fits tell me what you think next im working on goggle to go with the helmet then im working on flashlight
  3. i wanted to try a new kind of things to make so i thought it would be cool to try us military gear first i tried with the helmet still a lot needs to be done with it i need to finish the chin strap with the clip. the strap holder need to be fixed and a bunch of other things. tell me what you guys think so far
  4. well its probly becuase im left handed and its mika from the extra CD
  5. this is how it would of looked if it was on your arm
  6. you got to remeber this idea came out in 85ish or so and this was just suppose to be a cell phone lol (i wish i had one too, time to build one!!) thanks, i wish i could make people but thats one skill im still trying to figure out thats easy have you ever heard of power tape. if not its suppose to be paper thin batteries that suppose to last 10 hours. not sure if it came out yet though
  7. I just though it would be good to keep my skills in hone every now and then so i did this model tooke me quite a while to finish but i think it finally done. i orginally saw this in an old 1985 tech magazine it was suppose to be the future of cell phones or something i was going off of basicly memory since i lost the magazine. its amazine how the idea of technology changes, just thought that was intersting.
  8. i have seen a ride just like this on tv its down in florida they call it the spellbound or something along that line excpet the one i saw was only a one seater and your friend on the ground can cantrol the ride your on its pretty insane
  9. i see i never acutally did any animation before just been using the program to make models and such and now moving on to other parts its a very slow process for me
  10. yeah i see what you mean i think im going to start from sctach on this one
  11. ive always had trouble animating and when it came to animating my own chracter it was awful so i still use models i find from people and the cd this is like try number 6th with this scene what i was going for was him doing a big jump hanging in the air a bit and falling and landing on his hands and feet. then getting up wobbling a bit the wiping the sweat off his forehead. took me about 7 hours to get this far. tell me what you guys think of my progress so far. bear jump
  12. wow awsome what you going to use him for? anything specific?
  13. just for refence this was what he was talking about the intro sceen to futurama is all rendered in 3d with a toon shader futurerama intro
  14. hey rusty that video was great got to show me where you got that program would love to see it the ship looks pretty good to a few little things didnt look right but oh well still looks good
  15. wow that looks great but something about the flowers look weird just cant put my finger on it anyway it looks great! and happy anniversary!
  16. thanks guys rob he likes the use his TFD name more than the final dimension he says it just takes to long to say but insteand of have tfd run around the ring i think i might change it to the final dimension and throw a catch phrase or something rusty just to give a little background me and my friend both graduated from acadmey of the arts graphic design school after the graphic paths we split up and hit diffrent parts of the school i went for photograhy and printing he went for business manement - marketing and programing since i went on to learn 3D (with A:M) he stuck to things like corel he came up with the layout of the design and had a pretty good idea setup in his head what he wanted to look in stationary but he wanted it to be moving on the site. he has still yet to take a look at it so this logo isnt final yet but he gave me an ok on the desgin he made. if he says to change it then ill repost a fixed version
  17. hey guys been kind of slow lately working on models and such but my friend asked me to make him a logo and splash screen for his updated website tell me what you guys think The final dimension logo
  18. i would love to see some wire of the russian batman and of jimmy olson oh that jimmy and yes donate to EXTRA DVD!!!!
  19. yeah right now im building the snes system but ill render a shot of them together
  20. i like 1,2,6,8 those are my choices but if i had to live in one of them it would defintly be 8 go neon green! the pink room i cant stand becuase i use to live in a pink room and vouched never to again
  21. well yeah its a bit of a trip for me since im down in jackson (home of SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE) but just to hang out with other hashers i would make the 60+ mile trip plus maybe visit my sister
  22. this was a dubble barrel shotgun i made a while back you can take a look at it and maybe get some ideas shotgun32.zip
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