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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. I love these characters, and I love what you have them doing.


    The thing that stands out to me is that I would expect fatguy to have a short more "annoyed" facial expression when he shrugs skinny guy off his shoulder, as if to say: "hey! don't lean on me all cozy like that" (cause guys don't do that) - and then go back to admiring his shovel.


    I'm curious: why are they admiring this shovel? Is this the magic pogo-shovel that Woot hops about on? Will they be doing more with the shovel? Might be funny to see fatguy try to hop about and have the shovel bend under his weight rather than spring maybe?


    well...It does look like they are looking at the shovel but actually they are looking at Woot as he passes bye or something else passing im not sure.

    I'll try a more annoyed look on the fat guy thats what I was looking for.


  2. I'm trying to animate an end over end roll of Strawman but as it goes past the 90 degree mark it starts to 'roll' at 90 degrees to the plane I'm trying to roll it in. I tried constraining it to a Null and roll the null but the same result. Is this a bug or am I mising something? I should point out that I am attempting to 'roll' it off it's axis (ie from the CoG of Strawman) so using the Model bone only means rolls as well as translations.




    It sounds to me like you're fighting a Quaternion interpolation. By default, A:M uses Quaternion mathematics to mimic natural-looking body limb rotations. However, for some applications (e.g. spinning gears) Eular interpolation is preferable. A character rolling end over end would be better served with Eular mathematics.

    Here's a recipe you might want to try:

    As you did before, create a new null, and position it in the Strawman's center of gravity. Apply a pair of constraints (Translate To and Orient Like) to the model bone, and dab the eyedroppers onto the null. Be sure to use Compensate mode! Then advance several frames and rotate the null. In the PWS, crack open the null's disclosure triangle. Then crack open its Transform disclosure triangle. The right-click (or Mac equal) on the Rotate field, and select Convert Driver to / Eular from the flyout menus. Now the program will use Eular mathematics to calculate the null's rotation. You should be able to type "360" in any axis, and the model will make a complete rotation. If you don't monkey with the other axis, you should get a nice, smooth spinning performance. The null won't try to buck you off when you get to the 90 degree mark, in other words.




    Carl Raillard


    Thanks for the info! I knew there must be a way to switch to eular interpolation.

  3. I had constrained the Model bone to the null rather than the hip bone and in any case I only ever use the rotation tool and it still goes 'off' at aroudn 90 degrees.




    Sorry, Im not sure if I understand whats going on here. What I do for flips is turn arms and legs to FK and rotate hips with the rotation manipulator. If that helps.

  4. How many fight scenes are there? Martin is that 1_06_21 or 2_06_21?

    All of Sequence 2_06_21 is called "The Fight." 2_06_21 is the part where Scarecrow dances around Tin Woodman in a boxer's stance.

    OK - so I only need to animate to the starting point in 2-06-21 from an agreed starting position.


    Here is another view on the starting point for 2-06-20.





    Wow, I dig that! contrasting lines of action and nice clear silioette and even framed nicely. I think robcat would even like these ;)

  5. Hi Dhar,

    I'm no Robcat but here are the first things that caught my eye.

    The wood choppers jump looks odd because he is leading with his legs instead of his arms then upper body. Some anticipation would help here too. The rotation seems a bit off also he should probaly be about 3/4 of the way around at the apex of his jump.

    When he jumps up look at his his hips. There should be a nice arc here. now he is going straight up then towards nimmie.When he land it looks like both feet hit the ground at the same time. I think offsetting a frame or two would help.Also watch the elbows the right elbow on the landing looks out of place. His body seems a bit rigid also.

    The second hop looks good except theres a major pop with his right leg after he starts to jump. At the end of the move when he puts his hand out look at the hips it has a nice arc then just flattens out.

    The girl is looking good this just looks like it needs the arcs cleaned up.



  6. Hi peoples,


    Setting up this shot now. Its been really hard on my computer, even when I deactivate everything. So I broke it up into two chors and imported one into another. Anyways I'm thinking of using the goose because its cut to in the next shot anyways.

    I may add on to show the goose starting to land. Instead of just flying out of camera range. Resisting the urge of the flying into the barn gag. :D






  7. Might be too subtle The foot just appeared to slide/rotate. I'm surprised the rooster stayed around at all the way Woot is behaving

    Hey now you would be excited too if you were going to the TINCastle ;)



    One other thing I'd like to point out (and it affects a lot of the WIPs - even mine) is that they start and end abruptly. We need to ensure that there is enough lead and tail to allow for smooth cuts between scenes/shots.


    I'm glad you brought that up. I've been thinking about this a lot and going over the WIP's in scene 1

    trying to find the best way to make the cuts from shot to shot as smooth as possible.


    I think it might raise abit more than it looks....it seems like mum's feet are abit below ground level.

    I concur with woots sliding feet on the first and last jump.


    Good eye Ken, I was having a bit of a problem with keeping feet on the ground or above the ground as the landscape isnt level in the shot. I will work on the foot sliding problem.


    I'm staying as close to Bob Taylor's animatic as reasonable, except in Act I, and especially in Sequence 1_01, the one that David Seymour is responsible for (this one). We're feeling our way through this sequence... We have a WIP, we have some good animators (David and Yves), we have great sets (Fabrice), we have a tentative "Composition & Lighting" guy (Will Sutton). With a team like that, how could this not be a great sequence?! But some things are still in the air... Like the dialog? There is no "Where are you going, son?" from Woot's Mom, and Woot doesn't answer, "I'm going to the tin castle." I'm not sure exactly what they'll be saying but it's not that. Luckily, lipsync is easy. What David's doing is tough. As the WIP gets further along, we'll lock in exactly what happens. (Remember, there's a song in this sequence too - the first one, and the only one in Act I, so we've got to experiment some.)


    Thanks for the info...


    The way I understood this shot to be, which may explain why this scene cuts into the dialogue, is in the previous scene we're being introduced to the environment, the village, people going about their business, and then we hear a voice "Where are you going.....?", then we cut into this scene where we hear the rest of the dialogue.


    Thanks Dhar that makes sense first I've heard of it.



  8. Okay, I think I fixed everything on the Goose...give him a test drive and let me know if I missed anything, David.


    Thanks David, I will give it a try tonight.


    Where's Teresas voice? Anyway, the animation is great. Maybe woot responds abit too fast to the question. I'm trying to figure out the camera cut for the first part of Mum's question....


    I have no idea on the voice thats why I did not put much time into the lip sync. It is strange how the voice is cut off like that its not in the shot before.


    Just thought I would put in my 2 cents worth......


    Mums right foot seems to move unexpectedly near the end. It just looks a little out of place. If it is supposed to move then make it appear a little more deliberate perhaps!


    Woot the jumping bean! He appears to slide on the ground a little in places - at the start of the jumps and after the final jump landing. The other thing that doesn't seem quite right it that he reacts after mum has said her line. I feel he should at least look at his mum whilst she is talking.


    Im surprised you noticed moms foot moving that was supposed to be a subtle weight shift. I thought people were going to be saying the rooster reacts to soon I have to fix that.



  9. Thanks for the comments peeps !



    took a look at the Goose, David. It's a bigger project than I have time for tonight though. I thought it would be a quick fix using a text editor to get rid of "Goose2" model references that were/are in there...but it looks like I will have to redo a lot of constraints. Just resetting them after the text editing isn't "taking". I'll hammer on it some more tomorrow if I get time.


    Ah that sucks. I hope I didnt break it. I found another copy of the Goose on my hard drive that works. Its an older copy with the human type legs . I can upload that if it helps.


    Very nice render I really like this Animation work! I have a problem with Woots hoping I am sorry to say I feel there needs to me more anticapation and follow through. Between the two hoops it jerks to much IMHO maybe spend a few more key frames in that area but the rest is excellent!


    Thanks Mark

    I saw that glitch in the legs after I rendered it. I will come back to this shot in a while with fresh eyes.



  10. OK - no comments so far so maybe I'm on the right track!


    Here's the comp. This is the first part. The idea is that the camera will also change focus in the zoom change (ie focus will move from NC to the Wood). There will be lots and lots of wood in the area. The scene will then cut to a closeup/medium view of woodman looking off to his handywork, arms crossed.


    I think you are on the right track! This is looking good. It would be funnier if he missed though ;)

  11. hope this looks better, thanks for the input george.


    did some fingers and worked a little on the pail.


    Animation is looking good.... it might help to move the camera and bucket a little. If you framed it so you can see her face while shes looking into the well and her arm hitting the bucket it may read better.

  12. Ok, probably about it for this shot but I may come back to it after a long while. The turkey is replacing the goose for now because something happened and the goose rig broke.

    I even rendered it out pretty :)


    @ jeetman Thanks for the comments






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