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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by ruscular

  1. I dont have a choice, I have a $70,000 bill from my double kidney operation and forever in debt, so a bike will have to do. You can see why I voted for a democrats, to get the bankcrupcty law back so I can start over. I want a national health care or something. anyway, my arm is coming along, maybe in a week it'll be better. I still haven't got a new bike yet from Farmers. When I get it, I'll paint it yellow. I actually felt like breaking down for a bit. just feeling so unlucky. I got a break and came in second for the superbowl prediction with my random guesses. I have great friends, my Tai Chi student went to another tiachi class and the instructor said I did great teaching them the first form. so maybe I am not so unlucky afterall. incidently both days were on the 3rd of each month. I am taking the 3rd off next month and mark it on my calendar. My final destination. NOT!
  2. i got hit on my bike , again one month apart. i wish people would obey traffic laws. anyway, my effort is back to left arm again. herc is the nightime render of same house
  3. looking pretty good, and stylistic of your own.I have one question, and that is if she is going to wear lip stick, then would you not then finish the rest of her? if a woman going to wear makeup, than she would probably also put on eyeshadow and eyebrow liner. But if you are going for the superclean and zesty look, then maybe tone down the lip to a natural coolr? just my opinion only.
  4. Without sounding like I have no clue(which I don't) I would say the immediately to the left is the coat closet, straigth ahead on the left side is the stair going up to second level and to the right is down across the Glass block windows which leads to the door access to the garage from inside. The entry has open ceiling all the way up. The skylights from the cylinder tube structure open up at top level letting the lights come thru and also has a circular stairs going to the roof top patio below the roof top patio is the kitchen. Keep in mind I was only to construct, a dining room and bathroom and the outside of house. The main thing is, I have plenty of doors to not make this a firetrap. I am thinking of reconstructing the outside house with tranparency maps for all the windows and door. My question is , will the transparency mesh slow down rendering versus mesh? I have one transparency maps for the skylights only. I think once I convert all the curtains into a decal map, that it will cut down mesh considerably. To make all the blinds posable was work as it can raise and lower as well as turning them. I don't have a blueprint to the house, but at least I don't have a bowling alley like I did when I had a blueprint of a house when I was 12 years old.
  5. the fancier the front entrance sometime indicate the security of the home. There will be no prank door bell ringing, dang! I need a door bell! here's another angle of the front entrance. I will have to make a decal map instead of procedural and line up the brick better.
  6. When I am done with the house I'll make a render of the plants, drapes and interior and then lay it flat as a decal and take out the un-needed patches. Make a low-res version of the house so that the person can chose where the high detail will be needed. Also depending where you would shoot the scene I would start with a complete house, but you can select the part of model in the scene then copy and paste into another model or make part of model visible, the house is broken down into 3 section, garage, entrance, and dining room. The bathroom is in the garage section, and the dining room is to the front left. The dining room still have more work to do. The house is constructed off the top of my head, and I did make a rough draft of how it is put together, but the front is base of a architectural drawing from the web. Correct on the facing of the house one side lots of windows the other lack there of. There is no gutter, because modern house are common in florida and made entirely of mortar with rounded bevel edges. I will construct drain hole for the top patio off the kitchen.
  7. I really admire the work of some of the artist in architectural and I plan on doing some more tweaking as suggest for the brick. After getting hit by a truck, the chiropractor been really great and I am getting my hands back full time. last week I had 2 more fingers to go, and today feels pretty good. Still have headaches but not unbearable. I am going to be alright. Enough about me! this model nearing 30,000 patches, and I grab the plants from the data CD, and the garabge can as well. Unleash the criticism please. This house has posable garage door and blinds. Furnish dining room and working on master bathroom.
  8. I think I agree with Gerry if this is a modern living room then at least change the mantle to reflect the style of the geometrical shape of the fireplace itself. as of now its a mixture of classic and modern.
  9. if she is indeed the strongest woman on the planet, you may think about giving her some back muscles. her hip may look wide because she has no back. the torso just goes straight up with no hour glass figures. also if she had some lattisimus muscles the chest would look more proportion.
  10. Did you give the toy back to your kid? have you contact the toy maker with this yet? I think they would love to see it. I bet the kids would get wide eye just seeing this animation.
  11. how many fans of each did you use, and did you have to put them all side by side? to make them carry thru like that? I guess I am thinking in terms of real world physics. That why I am asking these questions.
  12. most excellent! and thanks for the mechanical modeling tips. I found it most helpful.
  13. I never said they still use it but it is still there, it is in the law books in some states that it is an option. but with most people being more liberal these days it will never be used i nthe states again. just thought it was interesting that we as a nation are so much younger than any other and yet we have moved away from the hangings unlike Iraq which most say that the root of civilization came from there, is still stuck on it. I am going to move this topic to the OT if you want to further divulge in this.
  14. The last legal hanging in the USA was in 1936 so unless you know something I don't please do share. Now if your still wanting to do a hanging animation piece, let me suggest Roger Miller song "Dang me, Dang me, take a rope and hang me to the highest treeeeeeeee! , woman don't you wait for me!"
  15. Oh jesus sweet pea! You can use silly rhetoric if you want, but I think your going to be embarrass when you meet me at a siggraph party knowing what you said. I know what you said, nothing misquoted, because I didn't quote you. So get over it the Red state lost. This thread wasn't about being a Saddam apoligist, but that you find humor posting snuff film, and your all defensive when I gave you my views on it. Im sorry, but labeling us as Saddam apoligist isn't going to be effective at keeping peace. There is nothing intelligent in resorting to labeling those that don't agree with you. I respect the freedom for you to be a catty chat doll string pulling spewing right wing talking points. Have at it! If you wanted a debate probably should of use the off topic, but I promise you that I will never critique your WIP again. Fair enough?
  16. "anyone who is an apologist for Saddam, I hope I do offend." I don't care who it is, and I certainly do not support revenge by killing. We are where we are because of revenge of the 9/11 attack and now we have the same number of death from 9/11 as we have soldiers. So when is enough is enough? Enough with the "if your against this hanging of Saddam then your an apoligist for the Saddam tyrancy" those tirade propaganda is old a feeble attack use by the leaders using fear and national pride to garner your support for a fail war against terrorism. Most americans are tired of this bi-partisan attack, and just want peace. I will respect your opinion, but leave out the belittling and divisionary talking point to smear anyone with your opposing views. Honestly! I think almost everyone was for the invasion to address the terrorist attack on Americans soil, as we all felt that we needed to do something. Just because I don't approve of watching a snuff film mean I should consult my mommy or I am a Saddam apoligist. Really? I think you need to lay off watching FOX and take a break and talk to real people.
  17. Why don't we have hanging in this country? I teach Martial Arts and I guess its my thinking that all life is to be respected regardless of what you have done. In the old testament of christianity points out that no one could adhere to being perfect in the eyes of god. I am not going to ramble on christianity but point out that we are all fools of our own blindness that no one is perfect but regardless that we should respect life. The hanging is a act of humilation upon life. I was too chicken to even watch the whole thing, so I don't know what was on the video, but have heard what is was and had no interest to watch the whole thing. I would love it movies could bring to light more of what it is to have loss of life rather than glorifying death. I profess to love playing Tomb Raider when it came out, and its basically a root and shoot-em games. On a personal note I got hit head on by a truck, and again I thought that was it, I am going to die and join my cats of my youth. I got hit so hard that I stood up right away not feeling a single pain and look for my body behind me. I am recuperating today, and doing okay. No broken bone or broken blood vessel in the head. But I wouldn't wish the experience for anyone, nor do I want to watch others go thru it knowing that he is going to die, or thought that I was going to die. I came to a stop and watch him come at me while I was strap to the foot peddle, with no time to get out of way. Yet we watch games of people getting hit and dragging the body with one arm so many time. My point that this is a real snuff film, as oppose to the games. I could watch it and survive it, but then I feel that I would become the part of the audience and particpate in the humiliation of life. I value my own life, and do so by giving respect to all life, not including Chickens and Cows. So yes, I am a hypocrite. Thats my personal thoughts on that, however the company I work for are so strict about the concern of children, that I have spark the interest of one of my boss to doing AM: and I know she will freak with this kind of posting. I do agree with Karl that it would be nice to make certain area restricted from the children.
  18. I don't disagree, but things like this will jeopardize my job teaching the middle scool if the parents find out what they see, and they will tell their parents with something as dramatic as this. I just want the extra money and the chance to teach kids something cool as 3d modeling and animation.
  19. If you want it more realistic, I would suggest a little bobbing up and down. when the paddle pushes down you become lighter, and also your speed up when paddle in action stroking the water, then slowdown with the resistance. Pretty clever paddling away from camera. At least you don't have to deal with water splashes from the paddle.
  20. I am not into snuff film. I know that lots of video are floating out there and heard about them. I don't want them in the forum as I am trying to make this kids friendly.
  21. I end up here somehow, and I check out your drawings. I had to say they were nice and that I shall expect some great works from you in the future. I do have a preference to those that can do anatomy drawings.

  22. The sneeze was great - but I did wonder about the walk - I just assumed you weren't done with the walk I personally like the waddling walk better. Because he knows what he is going to do is bad and not going to will himself to directly do it, but saunter to the duty because he doesn't know what to do with the messy hands. Direct walk is a man on a mission that he wants.
  23. I think the eyeballs need to be smaller, as bush has that small beady eyes that he is known for.
  24. no word from my brother-in-law on city layout. Sorry guys!
  25. Im short on cash and using the older version, Although if Hash wants a coporate gym in their studio, and hire a personal trainer, I would be willing to work out something.
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