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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Grandma's not getting her Social Security check until I get all those commentaries.
  2. Whatever it is that you're making, that little glimpse at the top looks interesting.
  3. Voo-dooo, and in particular, chicken bones. Some things that sometimes work:... thanks, I'll investigate those. One more thing... how do i define where the various par and pai files are written to? They are landing in my A:M "library" folder now.
  4. When I was little there was a commercial for a terrible Christmas movie that ran so much we got sick of seeing it. I don't recall the name of the movie but it had a long list of things you would SEE like "SEE Santa's magic reindeer!" and "SEE his magic workshop!" and the last one was "SEE Santa's magic telescope!" So nowadays whenever I make a movie I like to claim you will "SEE Santa's magic telescope!" I've also used that for party invitations and company department meetings. Here's another historical example of the "SEE..." device used in a movie poster:
  5. After I baked my hair and reload the scene I find it's got the classic hair-stretched-a-mile-long look that I've seen before. Anyone know how to get that not to happen?
  6. NetRender is probably one of the less documented things about A:M. Originally it was an officially unsupported, extra cost product that very few users bought. Then it was withdrawn for a while and only recently came back. Since it's been added on to the same program we were buying before for no extra cost, it's best to regard it as a new, still-to-be-explored, possibly short of divine perfection feature. I have a shot that will not render with it at all. Don't know why... I'll have to figure it out.
  7. In Render Server do Help>About and it should say your slave limit. Contact Jason at Hash for info on upgrading and price for more.
  8. Here's a current job running. Is this common? Instance 0 got started first and is doing something but Render Server doesn't seem to know. But instance 1 appears to be reporting in correctly.
  9. If you haven't gotten your current v15 license converted to V16 by Jason that may (?) be why you only can have two render instances.
  10. Hold on... it seems every particle system now has some ".par" files associated with it, I guess that's where the baked info lives. But if everything is baked now, why is there still a wait for "computing particles"?
  11. Well, after about an hour and half it finished, but I can't find any new keyframes made. Is it even possible to bake hair on an object that only lives in in the chor as an action object, as the trees in Winkieville in TWO do?
  12. I know that's a bit vague, but I've never baked hair before. I'm trying to bake the hair (tree leaves mostly) in that opening aerial shot in TWO. It's a big shot and it will take many minutes to compute the particles all the way to the last frame if I'm just scrubbing the timeline, but should baking the scene take much longer?
  13. I don't think it's special. Now that V16 is released I think the limit is 4.
  14. I think that only works for limited animation like Hannah Barbera did. The fact that they only staged their characters in certain ways made it semi plausible that so much of their motion would always look the same. Still, only kids mostly accepted the shortcuts. There are a few wildly successful properties like The Simpsons that can have things keep looking the same over and over and even use it as a joke, but they're not 3D. I think audiences' expectations for 3D are too big for that now.
  15. that looks wonderful! You should start a new thread with the link at the top so people will find it easier.
  16. Mark Skodacek figured this out. Thanks, Mark! It's a small matter of adding a few constraints to already existing relationships in TSM2. In the PWS>your model>Relationships>User Properties Relationships>1 right arm Relationships>1 right arm FK/IK Relationships... -edit "Relationship 1" (in some TSM2 models this may display as "Error Loading String: 50021") -add the following constraints to 1 right arm IK control -- Translate to... 1 right hand control. Change its enforcement curve to "Hold" interpolation, and set the curve values as to 100% at the start and 0% at the end. (the attached JPG shows this particular curve) -- Orient like... 1 right hand control. Change its enforcement curve to "Hold" interpolation, and set the curve values as to 100% at the start and 0% at the end. -add the following constraint to 1 right lower arm -- Kinematic Chain To... 1 right arm IK control. Change its enforcement curve to "Hold" interpolation. Leave its curve values as default with 0% at the start, 100% at the end. -add the following constraints to 1 right hand control -- Translate to... 1 right arm IK control. Change its enforcement curve to "Hold" interpolation. Leave its curve values as default. -- Orient like... 1 right arm IK control. Change its enforcement curve to "Hold" interpolation. Leave its curve values as default. close the Relationship 1 edit window Do the above maneuver for the left arm also. Save your character. (Do i need to tell you not to save over your original?) In my chor, when I'm using this alteration, I change the interpolation of the "right/left arm FK/IK channels" to "Hold". (These are found inthe "User Properties" folder for your model... in the chor) In regular TSM2 you could/needed to transition from IK to FK by making similar poses with each on successive frames. This is no longer necessary with seamless IK/FK and you should always set the "right/left arm FK/IK"slider to either 0% or 100% or it will not force the keys it needs to force for the process to work. Those keys are very important to prevent unexpected results on animation already keyed. When going from IK to FK I switch the slider to FK then back to IK then back to FK to make sure everything about both states of the arm is keyed in place. It takes all of three seconds. Vice versa when going from FK to IK. I used this addition to TSM2 on my Shaggy for my BUS STOP animation and it seemed to be quite robust and very helpful, but it is possible to create confusing results for some one who does not use it carefully. This new IK/FK addition will probably not be 100% compatible with animation you have done previously using TSM2. It is probably possible to incorporate these additions into a "model" that is imported into an existing TSM2 character although I haven't investigated this. I'm sure it's also possible to do a similar upgrade for the legs and I bet Mark will figure that out for us, too!
  17. While researching I found this anti-Quaternion article: http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/do...aternions-r1199 It's a lot of math i don't understand but most interesting is the Editor's note at the top disavowing it, in light of an apparent flame war revolving around it. The writer's apparent proposal to ditch both Euler and Quat for "Vector" interpolation may have merit... in my brief test in A:M it seems quite functional. I'll test further when i have some time.
  18. It probably thought it was placed way to the side of the visible screen.
  19. Hmmm.... I was able to vote again! It still had a few hours to go... well everyone vote just in case.
  20. Ah! Now I can see. I like the face. If you were going to pursue rigging that my suggestion would to model him in a more neutral expression. Right now he's in one extreme and it will be tricky to get him to extremes on the other end. But it's good looking face.
  21. It's a bit dark... but looks promising.
  22. We'll need a mac user to chime in on this, i think.
  23. I recall you need an actual extra copy of the A:M program for each instance you want to run on a Mac. You can't run that same A:M multiple times like you can on a PC? You've done the copy thing , right?
  24. Jason@Hash would probably be your source of latest info.
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