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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. Animation:Master has been able to use motion capture for years but it's always required expensive and complicated equipment.

    Not anymore!

    Now you don't need expensive equipment to record motion capture! No special cameras, no tracking balls! You can make motion capture from regular video!




    Get in on the Summer Mo-Cap Challenge!

    Learn how to do mo-cap for your A:M characters!

    There will be prizes including a $25 Hash Store credit for everyone who enters.

    "Follow"  to this thread to stay up on developments (button in upper right corner)


    Learn to... Cap Your Mo!

    1 Shoot some action video

    I recommend you try something simple for your first attempt.


    2 Edit your video


    3 Convert your video to motion capture

    Deepmotion.com will convert your cellphone or camcorder video to a motion capture file. Their free account lets you convert up to three video clips of up to 10 seconds each per month. You have lots of chances to try your hand at mo-capping... for free!


    4 Constrain your character to the mo-cap object

    Your motion capture file becomes an Action Object in A:M that your character will follow.

    Update: see "Version Trouble" post below about a bug in v19 and about using v18 for this step

    Part 1 (hip and legs)


    Part 2 (arms and spine)...

    Bonus tut: Matt Campbell has an alternate mo-cap process you may find useful... Matt's Video

    Fully constrained result:


    This is the BVH file I used in the video if you wish to practice with it: MAH01152Dance_Adult_Male_Alt.bvh

    What about the hands and fingers? We'll cover that later.


    5 Use your animation in a chor

    Dress up your mo-cap animation with scenery, props and lighting!

    Video... coming soon.


    6 Show your work!

    I bet you can think of more interesting things to do with mo-cap and your characters than I did!

    Maybe you can tie together a few different shots into a small story?

    Post your experiments and questions and comments in this thread!


    7 Enter!

    Entries due in by October 31 November 28  December 20

    Update: the Contest is concluded (see winners here)but you can still qualify for the $25 participant prize with an entry before end-of-Summer 2023!

    Pick out your most interesting work and submit it. Everyone who enters will get a $25 Hash Store credit!

    Basic guidelines:

    -Use your original A:M character, not a stock character.

    -Your entry will include both your animation and your mo-cap video. You can put the video before the animation or after.

    -Of course, all your characters and animation will be modeled and rendered in Animation:Master!

    -Everyone wins in this Challenge but we might have a vote among all the entrants for a favorite entry. So if you want to vote... you have to enter!

    -Subscribe to this thread to stay up on developments

    Entries due in by October 31 November 28 December 20

    If you are uncertain about any step... contact me!

    Have fun! Lets see some cool A:M stuff!


    • love 2
  2. I did not know about this guy...

    NYT Article...


    Ken Knowlton, a Father of Computer Art and Animation, Dies at 91His work at Bell Labs in the 1960s laid the groundwork for today’s computer-generated imagery in film and on TV.





    ...After experimenting with movies, he applied similar techniques to portraits and other still images. In the mid-1960s, he and a collaborator named Leon Harmon created a 12-foot-long computer-generated mosaic of a nude woman and, as a joke, hung it on the wall of their boss’s office.

    Their boss, Edward E. David, Jr., the Bell Labs executive director of communications research, who would later serve as science adviser to President Richard M. Nixon, was not amused. But the portrait later caught the attention of the pop artist Robert Rauschenberg, who put it on display in his New York City loft when he launched a project called Experiments in Art and Technology, or E.A.T., in the fall of 1967, aiming to develop new collaborations between artists and engineers.


    The New York Times published an article about the event the next day, including a picture of Dr. Knowlton’s image of the nude woman, titled “Computer Nude (Studies in Perception I).” It was believed to be the first full-frontal nude printed in the pages of The New York Times. A year later, the picture was part of a landmark exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art called “The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age.”




  3. 3 hours ago, Malo said:

    Hello,  perhaps to look also on the influences of the weights of its CPs?

    This sounds familiar... I seem to recall now that this can happen on CPs that are weighted to more than one bone.

    Of course, you often need to weight CPS to more than one bone so unweighting them is not an option.


  4. Try this. in the Chor, In the Camera view, in muscle mode,

    select the affected CPs

    Go to Frame 0

    Use the cursor keys to nudge the selection one pixel right and back one pixel left


    Save As the Chor or the PRJ the Chor is embedded in.



  5. @svetlik

    3 hours ago, svetlik said:

    Anyone else run into this???

    Cps wrinkle in objects when twisting/turning and whatever it is is truly happening to The CP and shows up when rendered. Only happens in action or Chor.

    As soon as you click on the Cp it straightens out but then goes right back to being twisted when you advance a frame.

    Yes, I have had that although not recently. It has something to do with there also being a smartskin or Pose with Muscle animation on those CPS.

    One of the forum members had a fix but I forget what we called it so I'm not sure how to find it.


    -Does this show up in final renders?

    -What happens if you press Space (Refresh)

    -Does it happen in both Chor mode and Skeletal Mode?

    -Is this model Embedded in the PRJ or external to the PRJ?

  6. Wonderful work, again, Roger!


    On 6/4/2022 at 8:42 PM, R Reynolds said:

     I have a low opinion of moving your virtual camera through a glass window

    That door couldn't be opened?



    Compression question...

    Your evening walk-around shot is 16 seconds long, 12 MB and is 29.97 fps

    This clip is 30 seconds long, 131 MB and QuickTime shows 240 frames per second. Indeed, when I step through it frame-by-frame I have to do eight clicks for every visible frame advance.

    Some compression parameter is set differently between these two clips and is creating an excessive file size in this one?


  7. The "tongue sandwich" is a classic cartoon gag but I had never seen a real tongue sandwich until I went to New York City and my New York City friend Dean took me to the world famous 2nd Ave Deli where I ordered... the tongue sandwich!

    For Dean's recent birthday I made this remembrance of the occasion...


    It was good but it was probably my first and last tongue sandwich.

    I looked up the current price of a tongue sandwich at the 2nd Ave Deli... $27.95!



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