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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by DarkLimit

  1. I think this is a cool character love the simple approach...... 1) the eyes make it kinda hard to read more into his personality; but judging from his teeth etc he looks goofy or dazed..... 2) looks like a raindrop or candy of some sort..... 3) the white stuff looks like clouds, again I like the simple approach..... looking forward to more modernhorse.... thanks for sharing.....
  2. I have seen tuts done with this wink program and I find it very easy to follow and understand; it has a nice clean professional style... Def something I would use for a few tuts am working on.... thanks for the links and surggestions seven.....
  3. This is a very cool model, just add some bevels like david suggested and it will be enhanced even more.... ** good to see fellow canadians**
  4. This a great character...... I really like how u got the fins on the sides of the torso.. I would suggest adding some personality to tail fin... keep up the good work....
  5. Wegg - This fish is off the hook!! love it.......
  6. In the render panel / options / quality u can choose wireframe......
  7. Hi Newbert - An old trick is to create a SKYDOME sphere and apply the sky texture map to it.... Make sure the SKYDOME sits entirely over ur scene this way ur object will retain reflections on all sides....
  8. Hi guys I did some tweaking on Swazi and am happy with him now.... (Gerry) I took ur advice on making his pupils bigger and it worked out great thanks alot..... I attached a poster; I will have animatics soon....... Am new to animation so bare with me as I work out the acting and CAM shots.. thanks to the community for your tips / advice / and feedback......
  9. Jim - This is fantastic stuff, this model does look alot more real than the others u did.... I just think her nostrils are a little big.... Maybe this is the look u want but it's just something I noticed....... very inspiring thanks for sharing....
  10. Vic - Fantastic work!!! I love when he rocks the planet and when he falls on it his expression is classsic...... The lighting although temp is still very effective ; This I have to learn cuz I find it challenging keeping my main character lit well without having crazy shadows poping up.... your work continues to improve.... thanks for sharing.....
  11. Gerry - thanks alot for your feedback..... it was tricky getting my scenes to look the way I wanted them cuz the only ref I had was my sketches; also cuz of my approach... I will be doing more with Swazi's textures, actually am working on him as we speak..... I will try ur surggestion about his pupils I think ur unto something.... thanks for checking in and giving advice... ToCoBay.mov
  12. jamagica - Thanks for the feedback...... I have completed Scene 1; so ALL 4 scenes are completed now....... I wanted a very simple opening scene... Am very happy with the results I got, the mood and appearence....... I would like to hear ur views...... I will have texturing updates on Swazi ( main character ) later on today....... ToCoBay.mov
  13. This Def looks better.... good job on the render.....
  14. Andy very nice scene.... the roses are well done.... just something I notice....... I am not sure where the main source of light is coming from cuz I see no shadows being cast from the roses unto the grass below..... Now this might be a sunlight u used..... but for the depth of the grass shouldn't things get a bit darker as it gets more into the bottum of the bush..... thats just some things that caught my eyes... but if this is the look ur after then good job..
  15. Very nice Grasshopper model I like it... I just think the leafs could use some tweaking..... maybe give them a more organic appearence..... thanks for sharing.....
  16. This is fantastic..... the atmosphere FX is breathtaking...... thanks for sharing..... merry christmas.......
  17. Dearmad - Very inspiring work sir....I know what it's like to loose scenes, models etc during ur production... but can't let that stop you, and it clearly did not stop you..... Your renders look great they have a really nice style / setting to them which will really drive the story.. Am also working on puting together my final renders unto a site like you did so it can be better followed, god knows my thread got out of hand .... keep up the great work....
  18. John - thanks for always checking in on my project I have completed scene 2 of my series..... Tell me what u think..... ALL ur feedbacks are helpfull.... thanks to the community for always helping me.....
  19. paulmcg1 - thanks alot for your encouraging words I am working on the full tut on this scene.. ypoissant - Thanks so much for your feedback really means alot... it's interesting that you mention that about the desk, cuz I was hoping the viewer would notice them. I wanted them to seem to be normal furnitures but with a closer look that they would come alive..... Am glad they caught ur eyes...... thanks alot guys....
  20. Congrats on your project so far... it's coming along..... I just thought I would share this link with you, not sure if u saw it or use it........ But it really helped me when I was creating my martini glass....... http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical...nIndexList.html
  21. luckbat - thanks alot for pointing that out I tweaked it and it looks better...... thanks am greatful.....
  22. Here is a wifreframe.......
  23. Rod thanks alot.... I am very happy so far......... I did some tweaking on my fishy added eyelids..... fishes don't have eyelids so it was tricky getting it to look ok...... This fish fits this part perfectly he has the appearance I want... A fish who is tired and irritated..... There will be some animation with this guy as of next yr..... Still got scene 1 and 2 coming stay tuned....
  24. This is so cool.....I am currently designing coral backdrops for my underwater scenes and this concept works well, you have given me some ideas / options I can explore.... thanks alot for sharing john.......
  25. Thanks alot guys for the feedback..... I have tweaked scene 3 and 4 some more and have completed them..... I am still re-working scene 1 and 2...... tell me what you think.......
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