sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by largento

  1. How far back were you before you upgraded, David? Sounds like your apps may have been PPC apps. The only real apps I use are the Adobe apps and A:M. I haven't checked in the last few days, but initially Adobe announced that there weren't any issues. 'Course, nowadays, Adobe is updating the apps every 2 seconds with this cloud thing. Robert, I wouldn't know the particulars, but my understanding is that software developers can download early versions of the Mac OS and work with Apple to make their apps work in advance of the OS being released to the public. Since Steffen only just installed Mavericks, I'm assuming that Hash isn't in that system. It may be that you have to be developing an actual Mac application. I believe that's why A:M can't be sold through the Mac App Store. It would have to be entirely written as a Mac app, using Cocoa.
  2. Agreed, Mark. One thing I just discovered is that using Parallels, I can install a virtual machine of OS X Mountain Lion. This would be aggravating that both versions of A:M would have to run through virtual machines, but it would let me to update to Mavericks and still run A:M in Mountain Lion. I think I might go ahead and try this (installing the VM, not updating to Mavericks). One question I was considering was attempting to install an older Mac OS, rather than Mountain Lion. I do have the disc for Snow Leopard (10.6). Since each new version seems to affect A:M, I wonder if it would run better on an older OS?
  3. I wonder if I updated, if those files would still be there for me, too? I think I started with Snow Leopard and updated to Mountain Lion (I skipped Lion.)
  4. I realize there are some things (okay many things) in English that don't make much sense, but in the case of the first example, the better way to say it would be: "Drive an unnecessarily big car when you don't even need a small one."
  5. Not being at all savvy about such things, but could there be a possibility of copying those libraries and making it so we can add them to our installs?
  6. Fun stuff, Rodney! I haven't been to this thread in quite awhile.
  7. I was meaning A:M. Appzapper tells me that there are some preference files that A:M places in the Library that could have been corrupted in the same way as Parallels' system files were corrupted.
  8. It's tricky, but yes, you can copy keyframes from one pose to another. I do it with things like eyeblinks. You copy the keyframe on one pose and then paste the inverted keyframe in another and voila, you have a pose for the other eye blinking. Just make sure that you have them both set to muscle mode ...and I vaguely remember problems can happen if you have more than one of them open at a time. Best to open one, copy the key frame, close it, and then open the other and paste the keyframe into it.
  9. I have done this very thing. I created default pose actions for many of my characters that I dropped on them after I placed them in the cho. If you want to start with a pose in a choreography, just export it as an action. Remember, also, that you can copy and paste keyframes. If I bring a character into a cho, pose him and then select choreography actions under the model in the pws, I can use the edit menu to copy keyframe. I can then drop in another model (with the same rig) and use the edit menu to paste keyframe and the second model will appear exactly in the same place and pose as the first model.
  10. Jesse, here's another thing to try. I'm reading that people are having trouble with Parallels not starting after upgrading to Mavericks. The solution they are going with is to uninstall the software, use Disk Utility to Repair Permissions to your boot drive, restart and reinstall the software. They say the problem is that the OS X upgrade is corrupting Parallels system files.
  11. That's great, David! Nice, cartoony look to everything.
  12. The significant problem is that now every single new Mac sold has Mavericks loaded on it and there isn't an option to take it back to a previous operating system. We don't know when v18 will be released and we're guessing that Steffen can solve the problem. Some kind of notice needs to be put up on the store/website advising potential customers that A:M will not run under the current Mac OS. Rodney & Robert may not be aware that Mavericks is a free release and is recommended for Macs going back as far 2007. It's required to run all of the new Apple software (iLife apps & iWork apps anyway). Mac users are not like Windows users. Mac users upgrade their machines. To not advise current and potential customers of this problem is only asking for more bad PR for A:M. People finding themselves in Jesse's situation aren't likely to just "stay calm" and wait for a "possible" fix. They need to be advised in advance.
  13. Nevertheless, some kind of advisory needs to be released to warn Mac Users that the software will stop working if they apply the Mavericks upgrade. It would be irresponsible not to.
  14. Unfortunately, the circumstance with A:M is now we only have one programmer working on A:M on a voluntary basis. I know that when I first started using A:M (back in 2004), the Mac version was a separate app. There was a definite disparity between them not only in performance, but in features. Features would roll out on the Windows app first and then later be integrated into the Mac version. I gather that was abandoned at some point and now the Mac version is a port of the Windows version. And the means of doing that apparently make use of code written for the PowerPC and slowly deleted from the Mac OS after the Intel switch. In fairness to Apple, they kept support for PowerPC for many years after the switch (in 2006.) I'm in the middle of making a movie, so I'm going to have to stick with Mountain Lion until I have it finished and then consider my options after that. Fingers crossed that Steffen can make v18 work with Mavericks, 'cause as you say, the Mac version will have to be dropped otherwise.
  15. Jesse, have you tried starting up in safe mode and then trying 17g? Hold the shift key during startup.
  16. Well, that's disappointing to hear. I've got Windows A:M running via Parallels, but I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to the Mac version. The Mac version was greatly improved in v16, so going back to v15 doesn't sound appealing. I wonder if v18 works? Maybe Steffen can say?
  17. I'm in the middle of something and don't want to risk it. I'm sorely tempted, though.
  18. Great retro look, Sebastian! Masterfully done!
  19. I did this VERY simple setup for a car awhile back.
  20. Loved a lot of the ol' Filmation stuff. The Flash Gordon telemovie they did was really cool. It was written by Samule Peeples (who wrote the 2nd pilot for Star Trek, Where No Man Has Gone Before.) It stayed pretty true to the original comic strip, but added the element that Ming the Merciless was providing Hitler with weaponry so that he could conquer the Earth from two fronts. This stuff (along with other non-Saturday Morning elements) were stripped out of the story when it was broken apart into the first few episodes of the TV series. As I understand the story, Filmation created the telemovie in 1979, prior to the 1980 DeLaurentis Flash Gordon. Then it gets fuzzy. I've heard that it was so well-received that they decided to shelve it and make the live action movie. It wasn't aired until 1982. I've read in some places where Peeples' script was intended to be used, but DeLaurentis rejected it, choosing instead to hire Batman TV show writer Lorenzo Simple to camp it up. I could also believe it was held back just so that the live action film wouldn't be compared to the telemovie, which was much, much better. Whatever the case, the telemovie has never been released on DVD in the US. I loved their old Tarzan show, too. Sentimentally, though, my favorite was their live action Shazam! show. :-)
  21. I'm sure it'll come back to you, Tommy. There are some new tools in A:M, too. I haven't tried this yet, but I was thinking one day that you could use the new retopology tool to draw your faces onto shapes, much like using shapes as the foundation of a cartoon drawing: For example, you could take a couple of spheres and create a cartoon head shape. As long as they had fairly dense splinage, you could then use the retopology tool to draw the eye holes and mouth hole and the shape of the head and use that as your starting point.
  22. Based on the character's design, I'd model the flaming head and use decals for the eyes and mouth. Making the head appear to be animating flame is going to be the tough part.
  23. That's good to know. Back in the old days of the Mac, that was starting with extensions off. The control panels and extensions used to conflict like crazy. Hadn't even thought of that. I wonder if you can still zap the PRAM? :-)
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