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Everything posted by dre4mer

  1. Ah thanks for the comments and info! Here is the same set except saved with looping. Though I don't know why they woudln't be playing smoothly on your I-book. Ken, your thinking maybe some springy back arch to give more punch to the run? -Ethan [attachmentid=16586] [attachmentid=16587] [attachmentid=16588] FasterRunCycle.mov WalkCycle3SlightTweak.mov TipToeCycle.mov
  2. Hey guys! Here is a character i've been working on the rigging for over the last week for a short film i'm involved in. So these are mainly to test out his skeletal rig (no facial poses yet) The rig I finally settled on uses the TSM2 and wieght mover, with Cog bones for the knees and elbows (Thank you Mike Fitzgerald!) and custom CP wieghting to fix a few other problems. The rig seems to be working pretty well so far, comments and crits welcome. -Ethan You may want to save these so you can play them looped in your player. Sorry I don't know how to automatically make the MOVs play looped. [attachmentid=16565] [attachmentid=16567] [attachmentid=16568] WalkCycle3SlightTweak.mov TipToeCycle.mov FasterRunCycle.mov
  3. "might be painful...but then it could hurt alot too..."
  4. Just a lil model I've been playing with today. -Ethan [attachmentid=16192]
  5. I don't suppose you could use fog to accomplish the same effect having to use a volumetric cone? Other wise, yeah like others have said perphaps you can adjust the cone fall-off and direction slightly? -Ethan
  6. Thanks for the comments, Yeah I guess the pecs are quite a bit different. I was trying to make him a bit more masquline then the drawing, somehow there are some feminine tendencies to it that I wanted to get rid of. Though I may have over done it I probably should tweak them a bit. I'm also still getting a few pitch black patches (which I photoshoped out) is this still a bug in the V13 AO?
  7. This is based on sketches my 15 year old couzin drew, she's an insane 2d artist at this age already, i'm thinking she'll be working in the industry in no time. I'm doing this model to try and show her she should get AM and turn her characters into 3D. He's still in progress of course but comments and crits are welcome. Eventually he'll get a nice big blade, and most likely a gun of some sort as well. I think i'm happiest with his gloves as it was rather complex to place the gaps into them. I'm not all that happy with his face just yet. -Ethan [attachmentid=16099] [attachmentid=16101]
  8. Nice work Zaryin! I'm not sure why I hadn't seen this WIP you were working on yet. She's looking good! Keep it up... can't wait to see her with some weapons! -Ethan
  9. Thanks for the comments Dhar! I'll see if I can tweak his height and width a bit. I do want a sort of Psuedo realism. A realistic look, but stylized somewhat. Next stop textures, bumpmaps and displacement...oh for V13 D-maps... -Ethan
  10. Update: Added hands, shoes, buttons all the way down the coat, and shortened his sleeves a bit. Also, simplfied the sleeves considerably. Still no textures yet, but the mesh is just about getting there. I'm not entirely sure his overall proportions are correct, but it could just be that his belt line is creating this illusion. The vest design is taken from photographs of period clothing so the belt line was actually above the waist slightly. It just seems like this makes this thighs look a little to long or something. Anyone out there with a good understanding of human anatomy have any comments regarding his overall proportions? Comments and Crits welcome, -Ethan [attachmentid=14359] [attachmentid=14360]
  11. I love the effect Bendytoons! I'm working on a project right now that calls for rain and I was going to resort to just post rain in After Effects... but this is very promising, gret work! Thanks for sharing the file! -Ethan
  12. I don't know if your still looking for constructive critisism on this or not, since I know you're just testing your rig But nice additions, the momentum of the jump looks alot better. The only thing that catches my eye is it looks like his feet leave the ground while the knees are still bent. Giving a little bit of a disconcerting held back feel to his leap. Did you do this intentionally to avoid popping in the legs?
  13. It looks pretty good Taco, yeah the jump does have a few quirks, It looks to me like he jumps straight up in the air but doesn't have real forward momentum to carry him toward the feather. He needs to lean back for the pre-jump and then push himself forward more? I realize since you don't have alot of space before he get's to the feather you may have to have a smaller hop. Just my thoughts. Nice work, he's definately got a bit of character starting to happen. Looks like your rig is working . His feet also stay nicely planted. -Ethan
  14. Very concise model, he looks good, though I crave to see a few harder edges of realism unless your going for a style.... I'd love to see some V13 Displacemaps to add a little bit more detail. Ethan
  15. Lookin good Eric, I like the improved details! -Ethan
  16. Ah nothing like a friday night for some good ol' late night AMing.... Latest update. 1. Added britches and socks (or whatever the technical names are for them if you're into period clothing, feel free to correct me) 2. Widened sleeves as they go down. Crits and comments welcome, shoes are next and numorous tweaking on the vest, as well as the wrinkles in his britches, clasps for his knees, hands at some point, been putting them off cuz they are not going to be easy.... ah so much to do and so little time. Nights all! -Ethan
  17. Looking good, nice mechanical modeling, keep us posted -Ethan
  18. Lol Zaryin ... what's the quote by Thomas Edison.... "genious is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration" with the amount of time it took to make i'd say this definately falls in the perspiration catagory Charlie it is the V12 Spline sim cloth, seems to work pretty well once you get a few settings right... though the mesh being so high res makes things more difficult to be sure. Okie next update... 1. Added a belt and buckle as well as extended the vest all the way down. 2. Toned down the chest a little, going for perphaps some more sophistication. 3. Adjusted the SimCloth Sleeves to fit him... should be interesting to see how they... Sim now that they are on him. Still renders with no MP in just 29 seconds, Hash you guys are amazing, if this was poly i'd be sitting here all day... though come to think of it I already am sitting here all day.... er... -Ethan
  19. Your helicopter looks terrific helimox! It looks so real I would LOVE to try my hand at compositing it into some live action footage in AE. Got any aspirations for filmmaking? Great work! -Ethan
  20. Next thing i've started tackling is SimCloth sleeves for this chap, I thought it could look pretty snazzy to have real weighted, hanging sleeves, dangling as he painted at an easel. Unfortunately, it's proved not as easy as I thought it'd be. This video clip is the result of probably 4 hours of setup and tweaking, this is the first time i've ever used any cloth feature in AM period so there was significant figuring out how in the world it worked. ANYWAY to get to the bottom of it, here is an exmaple and the corrusponding settings for the sleeve. The idea being a 16th-17th century loose hanging sleeve. SimCloth Settings: Stretch Stiffness 62 Shear Stiffness 50 Stretch/Shear Damping 4.1 Bend angle stiffness 5 Bend Angle Damping 3.05 The rest just left as default. [attachmentid=13699] It's getting there, probably feels a bit lumpyer then I would like, but if anyone has any tips or pointers to get it to look/work better please share! Thanks! -Ethan SleeveRender.mov
  21. Thanks for the comments guys! I'm not quite sure what to think of the hairy chest myself... perphaps one more layer of clothing like a rough fabric off white shirt or something under the vest might help to cover a bit more of the chest. I think they generally did wear alot of layers like this in times past. Plus visual detail would make him rich... don't know about animatable, but intriguing none the less....
  22. 1. Tweaked his nose a bit, as it was flatter and not as detailed as the rest of his face. 2. Added eyebrows, eyes and chest hair. 3. Worked on a collared vest for him. Drapey fabric sleeves are probably next and his facial hair still needs some more tweaking to perphaps thin it in a few places on his go-tee.
  23. This thread moved from http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19810 Here is the first version. I started out modeling what was meant to be an older aristocratic gentlemen but my attempts to make him look older resulted in more of an Asian look, or perhaps french. The end goal will be a scene where he is painting at an easel. Comments and critique welcome. -Ethan
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