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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. Yes! Then maybe mine could be found and included!
  2. Jason- did you get mine? sent it on June 5th... not a problem.
  3. BTW--- I still stand by my 'delete the keyframes' approach. I've been conditioned by YEARS of A:M usage... there is no CNTRL-Z... there is only CNTRL-S, CNTRL-Z...!
  4. Wowww... our newbie nemyax is quite certifiable! WELCOME NEMYAX... just what sort of hyjinx are you up to? You don't appear to be a 'hobbyist'... I'm intrigued!
  5. Get well soon, Yoda. V17 is a MASTERPIECE! BTW- Thank-You, Fucher(Gerald) for your updates on our guy. Do you guys live close by?
  6. NemYax, out of curiosity- what program was that screen grab from? The 'P' Rob mentions is short for 'Peak'. A:M's keyframe-channel-timeline editor leaves little to be desired, everything seems to be there and easily worked and found... my problem is that it has 'spoiled me', I try animating in C4D and want to throw the computer thru a window!
  7. I see I had volunteered to edit. It didn't get passed to me and I forgot it, did it??? I do that kinda stuff! CRS syndrome...
  8. Moogly, by itself- is not so great... it's when it is mixed with Googly that it becomes extra-ordinary. But on a more 'serious' note, Rob's collection is quite an asset to A:M... something I would be 'pushing' if I was the guy wondering how to sell more subscriptions. However, I tried loading one at random (Beak Modeling) and the connection timed-out...
  9. Coolio... I was kidding about 'deleted', I was ONCE removed from the 'A:M List' once- but apologized to Martin slavishly and was allowed back with open arms. I thought I looked for that thread where Tore, myself and a handful of others were comparing V18 problems and thought it had been removed- that's all. I hope Steffen is on the road to recovery, that's bad news!
  10. Here will be an 'unpopular' answer- soon to be deleted, Nemyax. Find A:M version 17.0G(or whatever the last V17 was...) and just use that. INCREDIBLY stable. I have both 17 and 18 on my system tray, I have had to give up on V18 altogether for many the same reasons(video card Open GL crashing.)
  11. Hmm. what version of A:M? Mac or PC? If you are animating bones in the chor and you move them and want to undo, another way to undo would be to delete the generated keyframes... if you are at frame zero and have not started animating yet then you could delete the bones animation channel...
  12. John- Looking at your 'HairTest.avi' again with regards to the collision-detection, the setting(s) I would adjust would be to the 'Angle Limit' setting... this defaults to 180 which gives the hair too much 'free reign'. With the angle limited, the hair is pointed away from the emitting patch in the direction of the normal... to a degree. Try a setting of 45degrees, and if that makes the hair too 'stand-uppish' you can add more Control Points- which makes the hair more 'spaghetti-ish'- with the intended result of both settings to be to point the hair away from the mesh- but let it be bendy enough where it would fall back more along it's length. Kinda like a real hair-follacle, it is more brittle and rigid at it's base as it emits from the pore- and more curvable/bendy toward it's reach... ALSO- adding more Control Points aids the collision-detection ability. Don't go too high on a short hair like that... maybe 4 or 5. The new A:M 18 allows up to 30 of these Control Points along the hair's length- but at that amount the hair becomes very 'stretchy' and 'springy'... not good! CHECK THE HAIR SALON FORUM AGAIN TODAY... MORE GOODIES!
  13. I've culled-together a photo-tutorial on the BASICS of working with dynamic hair to get people up-and-running with this feature. I'd like to do another on the SETTINGS and one more on GROOMING. I'll put this in the HAIR SALON FORUM as well. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;#entry397289
  14. added a decal face, moving displacer, minimal modelling, and changed hair color to blonde. AM_Hair_with_CD2.mov
  15. Can't wait to see what people do with it, and feel free to improve upon my settings... I am not the sharpest tool in the shed... !
  16. NEVERMIND- tried it(above idea) on my current A:M Hair CD project with disastrous results. I think in regards to you're initial question (motion blur on hair) that, like other particle generated effects (sprites, fluid, blobbies) A:M's hair feature lies outside of the motion blurs engine. On the attached image you can see my results, the motion blur should be the same on the hair as it is on the geometry- but there is no indication of it at all.
  17. Files are located in the 'Hair Salon' thread, located here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;#entry397248 A:M's hair material in a LONG HAIR scenario, useful for a 'Duck Dynasty' beard, 'weeping-willow' style tree leaves, 'hippie-hair' or glamorous female long hair. The feature being demonstrated here is not so much the hair material as the way it interacts and wraps around other objects, known as collision-detection. Many programs boast impressive hair and styling features, but have very little to show how the hair reacts dynamically in an animation scenario... AND- what happens when the dynamic hair comes into contact with other objects... usually being shoulders. Now you can grab this material, drop it onto your character's scalp geometry, adjust the thickness, length and color... activate A:M's hair feature(shift 8 toggles ON and OFF) and enjoy! AM_Hair_with_CD.mov
  18. John- thinking again about the 'subframe calculations' needed to ensure that moving objects do not infringe on the hair's space... I remember once being informed here on the forum by a Hash programmer (THOSE were the days!) that there was a method to get the app to do the between frame checking- I THOUGHT it was the 'rigid subsamples' setting, but you and I have experimented with that and concluded NO... maybe it can be done this other way: Setting your project's FPS to something HIGH, say 10X your goal frame-rate, and then rendering only every X frame- where 'X' is what you multiplied by... SO- if your goal frame rate is 24 frames per second, then you would set it to 240 fps, then render every 10th frame in the render settings. This might get A:M to calculate 9 extra steps in-between each frame, ensuring frame by frame that the hair does not get infringed upon by geometry that wants to be in the same space...
  19. Another great solution by Robcat... not automatic too much, but clever. I think the real issue here is... Largento, you need to get accustomed to using your bias handles, dude!
  20. Just refreshing my momory on the old CD version... is it still a dongled 'CD in the tray' method?
  21. I tend to do this operation a lot as well (adding a spline ring) my method is to one-by-one select a spline and use the 'Y' key to add an intermediary CP, then connect them myself.
  22. Does that hair have the dynamics option turned ON and set low enough to be reactive to the motion?
  23. Motion blur in 3D applications seems to be a problem that effects them all, not just A:M. That's why 3rd party post effects like Real Smart Motion Blur are popular solutions. http://www.revisionfx.com/products/rsmb/ $150 is a LOT for just a motion-blur solution... especially when AE offers a few solutions included- as you have experimented. I've been playing with A:M's hair feature for a good decade now... I've looked at other 3D packages but keep coming back to A:M and toying with Hair and in particular it's collision-detection ability- ever experimenting with the range of settings looking for the right combination. HERE is a tip I'd like to get some input on that may or may not help: SEE IMAGE: In the choreography's properties, set the gravity (Y force) to zero- instead, set this 'downward' value in the hair's own property... I am currently using a value of -200. Next, bump the 'Rigid Subsamples' and 'Rigid Drag' values way up from default settings. I'm not sure what these settings DO, but I am fishing for the inter-frame collision-detection ability. Since dynamic hair is RESPONSIVE to the action that drives it... it is also VULNERABLE to those same actions, meaning- the relationship of the hair to geometry can be FINE on frame 1, but on frame 2 the geom can MOVE to where the hair IS, and the hair would have no chance to REACT properly... so inter-frame 'checking', and the more-the-better- is needed. (An example of this occurs in your sample where you have the problems, the head moves UP in space to where the hair is, giving the hair no time to react so a 'pass-thru' happens until the hair can catch-up.)
  24. AE is backwards compatible, not forwards... meaning you can open a CS6 project in CC but not vice-versa. Once opened, CC will tell you that a 'Save-As' is necessary for the project, to get it into the CC realm. When you try to open a 'forward' AE project, like using CS4 to open a CS6 project- you will get an 'unknown file' prompt.
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