sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. Did you give it time? 20 minutes in some cases. Also, as always- make sure you have your normals facing right ways or that will make for some confusements to the bot... How many subdivisions did you set in the obj export dialogue... I've been using 16 I think. As I said p at the top... you go back and forth many many times between A:M and Sculpteo, so you need to change something up and try again.
  2. Great boot details! Earrings yes, something simple, black. What are the rig options? TSM2... A:M Rig... simple rig... what else? For kicks... at this point you could export the model as an OBJ and use mixamo.com to slap a quick deformation-based rig into it to see how that works... but unfortunately that would not import back into A:M... it's FUN tho!
  3. 'Hollowing out' would be a great way to save material cost, but would also have some downsides to note: -The method I used as illustrated above uses models that were generated for animation purposes, so there are many-many overlapping groups and masses... it is not 1 airtight mesh- this would complicate and confuse a 'hollowing' attempt. Sculpteo does something in their 'repair' process to join the A:M meshes together- it would be great if they then offered some general hollowing options. If I had used a sculpting program like Zbrush to generate the model- I imagine it would be 1 fluid mass and using A:M to hollow an inner chamber would be an expedient process. -The print I have received is rigid, heavy and durable- should last a lifetime... whereas if it had been hollowed it would be lighter and more fragile, prone to chipping- more 'chintzy'.
  4. Hey Darrin--- was there supposed to be a link on that?
  5. https://p3d.in/YBBRR Just discovered p3d.com pretty cool! allows you to upload your model as an obj... I think RobCat was talking about p3d before but a forum search did not turn-up anything. I'm going to start a p3d library.
  6. Johhny Castaway... COOL! Loved the old 8 bit days working with Electronic Arts 'Deluxe Paint'... Adobe Flash CC 'can' export to html5 with limited features using the Adobe Flash Professional Toolkit app and a feature(plugin?) called createJS... it really looks WIP-ish but might pan out to be something and save the day for Flash-to-html5... info: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/createjs/articles/getting-started.html this page seems to be newer info: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash/how-to/creating-publishing-html5-canvas-document.html?set=flash--whats-new--2013-12
  7. Yeah- Flash rocked for all the cool stuff you could do with interactivity... a really great 2D ink-n-paint software too, to boot! I have the CC suite, have not tried Muse, Edge or Reflow yet(OR for that matter- FLASH which claims to be phone friendly nowadays!)... TOO MUCH TO LEARN and TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS! Animated gifs are so 'old school' but never go away. The parallax idea I had was more of using the scroll wheel to 'flip' thru an image sequence- in this case your storefronts which would be prerendered with a camera-crane 'drop' in Y space... so as the viewer scrolled down the page the POV would give a nice 3D effect. KINDA like this... but vertically: http://ertdfgcvb.ch/p2/sm/play/protog3 OOOH! COOL! http://discover.store.sony.com/be-moved/
  8. What about the old silohette skyline in the bkgd trick? I was thinking too (spitball-brainstorming) depending on how good your HTML skills are... what if the POV shot of the city-scape changed as the viewer scrolled down your webpage, to give a vertical multiplane effect of the camera lowering in Y space- might be cool-ola! I just googled it... it is called 'parallax scrolling html5'... was the 'big thing' in 2013... so at least now I know my big ideas are AT LEAST 1 year behind everyone else's...! anyway- can't wait to see what you do. This is 'kind of' the idea... an example of parallaxing website. http://avathemes.com/HTML5/Pulsar/
  9. EXACTLY! except that part about the zombie hunger asphalt... part. These are HASH models I use to ANIMATE with being digitally printed and now cluttering my desktop! How cool is THAT?
  10. I don't know. Thing with it is, enlarging the print from 3.5" tall to 4" tall almost doubles the price, because the mass expands exponentially. Ideally... I'd like a 5" tall print, but find that to be cost prohibitive. By imperfections, do you mean the styrations or digital bump grooves that can be seen at certain angles? Those will always be there, I guess. Until printers and services like Sculpteo and digital 3D printing in general evolve a little more- which is happening FAST. Everyone I've shown this print to and held it has been impressed and nobody said 'why does it have these microscopic grooves?' It's not going to be like a toy you get at McDonalds-all shiney and smooth. There ARE printers that can do that... but not in color- that I know of. Sculpteo offers other materials(at higher costs) that may have a better smoothness, but in a solid color. Here we are 2-3 decades into photographic color digital printing, and it STILL has not rivaled all the nuances of true darkroom chemical printing. GUNGIRL POSED DOF.mov
  11. Diggin it! A critique...(oh-oh) the 'advertising works' text is kinda not reading to my old eyes... needs bigger or more contrast or something.
  12. It LOOKS like all the unused powder resin gets vacuumed back into the supply to be used again... thrifty! I have my next model all set... a 3.8 inch tall figurine for $45... won't look as good as the A:M render of course.
  13. I think this is sort of the process, hard to see it any way but solid resin. There is a very cool 'hunting' decoration at the end of the video that shows a hinged model coming right out of the printer with no assembly... this stuff blows my mind with possibilities!
  14. I did make the base hollow... and this print IS solid resin. Very heavy, no need for a lead weight in the bottom.
  15. Which makes the cost a lttle more worthwhile. If I had been a little more stringent with my thicknesses I would have used much less resin and could have reduced the cost a bit. I am working on it... next one will be in the $40 range.
  16. Hey Tom- MatCap can be selected for the Diffuse and Ambiance Render Shaders, you will need to select an image- and turn ON Plugin Shaders in the Render Options.
  17. Those are very cool renders Nancy. Thanks for the explanation. I see that modo SELLS their NPR kit(similar to Nancy's approach) for $150.
  18. Looking great, I like the face improvements. What are your plans for a rig and for the dynamics of the cape?
  19. So, you set all the colors in A:M and didn't have to recreate them outside of A:M, right? That is correct... grab some CPs...make them a group... color the group... prints that color. Of course, specularity-reflectivity-transparency etc does not apply... but COLOR does!
  20. Like I said in post 1... BIG THUMBS UP, I highly recommend Sculpteo for those of us curious about 3D printing but do not want to buy a 3D printer(yet). Speculatively, in about 5 years we will all have 3D printers... supposed to be 'the next big thing'. Food, clothing, shoes, toys, will all be printed in home. Shopping Malls will be replaced by small clothing boutiques where you can design, get fitted and await while your custom garments are printed. There are already construction companies using large 3D printers to build custom homes.
  21. Yeah! What is the trick with the hair to get it to separate around the shoulder so well...? Is that A:M particle hair?
  22. I want to make more! I need deeper pockets... the wife just drove her car into a deep flood, xpensive repairs needed! Have you guys heard about the floods in Detroit??? CRAZY!
  23. Screen-grab from the webpage... showing a 5 inch tall print would cost $171.13... yowch! They were a couple of days late in their 'Ships On' date... could be because they are backlogged... could be that someone did some work on my model, altho- if it passes the online 'review' phase... it should be all set to go.
  24. The geometry: Note, the hat is not connected to the main body in any way... it just overlaps... same thing all over the place... the feet slightly overlap the base, etc. Sculpteo's repair bot does all the work to make a waterproof model- and it shows you where you can improve (generally 'thicken' the mass... on this model I had to thicken all the fingers-hands-arms so that the print would be strong enough.) The resin model print is incredibly strong and plastic-like, I was afraid it would be chalky and fragile.
  25. No- I would never be that perfect. Sculpteo offers many different materials- at different costs, and one of the lower cost resins is 'multicolor', which means it takes the colors you set in your model's groups which export with the OBJ file as a .mat file and prints them at that color. Yes, It seems that if one could be made, many could be mass-produced Chinese-like.
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